Holiness or sinfulness. As the people of God, we don’t get to choose one over the other. Of course, we can and do sin. But from God’s perspective, sin is not an option for the child of God. We have been called to be holy as He is holy. Our lives are to be distinctively different than those who do not belong to God. And in Leviticus 20-21, we will see God continuing His call that His people live holy lives. But He qualifies and clarifies that call with the statement, “I am the God who makes you holy.” In other words, our holiness is something He accomplishes in us. But it requires our obedience to His will. We must strive to keep His commands. The life He has called us to is one of radical distinctiveness. It is intended to set us apart from the rest of the world. But, like the people of Israel, we can find it so easy to compromise our convictions, downplay God’s calling, and blend in with the world. We would rather fit in than stand out.