God made the world. The book of Genesis makes that perfectly clear. But sometimes it is easy to forget that fact and to view God as some distant deity who is out of touch with a world that seems to be increasingly out of His control. But Isaiah would have us realize that God still rules over all that exists and His sovereignty extends to the ends of the earth. And in Isaiah 18:1-7, we will see God deliver another oracle, this time against the nation of Cush. While we know little about this kingdom, we do know that, to the average Hebrew in Isaiah’s day, it represented the ends of the earth. It was a relatively unknown land that remained a mystery to the people of Judah. Yet, God has plans for Cush. In fact, He has plans for all the nations of the earth – past, present, and future. As the people of Judah faced the prospect of God’s pending judgment, they were looking for someone to step in and rescue them. And they weren’t that picky when it came to potential rescuers. So, God makes it clear that the nations to whom they might turn would prove less-than-satisfactory saviors, because God has judgment in store for them as well.