If you stop and think about it, trying to run from God makes no sense at all. If He is indeed, all-knowing and all-powerful, any attempt to hide from Him will be unsuccessful. And if God intends to do something, any thought of escaping His judgment is wishful thinking. It was King David who wrote, based on his own personal experience, “I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence!” (Psalm 139:7 NLT). David went on to say, “even in darkness I cannot hide from you” (Psalm 139:12 NLT). If this is true, then why is it we spend so much time trying keep things from God or attempting get out from under the will of God? In Isaiah 21:11-17, Isaiah is going to deliver yet another oracle from God. This time to the nation of Arabia and lesser-known nation called Dumah. As we will, this is a somewhat veiled reference to the Edomites, who were close relatives of the people of Israel. One by one, God is eliminating every nation in Judah’s proximity as possible options to be their rescuer. God was bringing judgment on Judah and there was nowhere they could run and no place they could hide from His inevitable will.