God is the god of the impossible. There is no challenge too great, no problem too large, and no enemy too powerful, that God is not greater, larger, and more powerful. He is incomparable. He is unconquerable. He is all-powerful. And in Isaiah 37:21-38, King Hezekiah is given an up-close-and-personal glimpse of just how great God really is. After he took the problem of the Assyrian siege to God, Isaiah gave King Hezekiah a message from God. He was going to deal with the Assyrians quickly and effectively. Despite all their arrogant boasts, they would never breach the walls or get beyond the gates of Jerusalem. God would deal with Sennacherib and his mighty army. In fact, He would delegate the job to one of His angels, revealing just how sovereign He really is. And, for all this to happen, Hezekiah simply needed to turn to and trust in God. In response to Hezekiah’s simple, yet passionate prayer, God answered and brought about a salvation that had to have left the people of Judah slack-jawed and awe-struck. Practicing humble faith when faced with trouble unleashes the God of the impossible.