God is angry with mankind because of their sins against Him. But there are some, who, because they see themselves as religious and therefore righteous, believe they are exempt from God’s wrath. They assume that their good works somehow make them deserving of God’s good favor. But Paul has some powerful words of warning to the religious and smugly self-righteous. Don’t confuse God’s kindness and patience with your sin as a sign that He is happy with you. All men have sinned and fallen short of God’s holy standard. And all men, even the religious and self-righteous are deserving of death. Unless of course, they have placed their faith in Christ. Just because some people seem to get away with sin shouldn’t lead us to believe that God somehow approves of their sin. He is just patiently waiting for them to wake up to the reality of their need for a Savior and the forgiveness made possible through His Son.