Sometimes, when going through a time of difficulty, we seem to forget that God has been good to us in the past. The present pain seems to induce long-term memory loss, causing us to doubt God and His goodness. We call out, demanding that God rescue us, but we fail to remember all the times He has done so in the past. But present pain should be a good reminder of God’s past mercies. He has always been there and, if we look closely, He has always come through for us. Maybe not according to our liking or our preferred timing, but He did come through. In Isaiah 63:7-19, the prophet is going to call out to God, pleading for Him to rescue His people. But Isaiah will show no signs of memory loss. Instead, he will recount to God the many examples of His grace and mercy and beg Him to rescue His wayward people yet again. Isaiah wasn’t attempting to jog God’s memory, but he was trying to remind his own people of the faithfulness of their heavenly Father. They were His children and He would care for them. Yes, they had been rebellious, but their God was gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness.