In Deuteronomy 4:15-31, Moses goes out of his way to remind the people of Israel that they needed to avoid idolatry at all costs. If they chose to worship other gods, their time in the land of promise would prove to be marked by curses, rather than blessings. And if they attempted to make an idol to represent Yahweh, they would find Him infuriated, not flattered. One of the things they needed to understand was their unique status as the image-bearers of God. They were His chosen people and He had set them apart so that they might reflect His glory and goodness through their willing obedience to His law. And the very first commandment He had given them was to have no other gods before them. No idols were allowed. In other words, no man-made representations of God were going to be tolerated. And, if they made the mistake of worshiping a false god made in man’s image, they would live to regret it