If you’ve ever lost your job, you know how demoralizing that can be. Whether you were fired or laid off, the outcome is the same. You feel a sense of loss coupled with humiliation. Regardless of the circumstances, you find yourself entertaining thoughts of failure. But the best response at a time like that is action, not lethargy. Mourning over your loss, while natural, cannot become your long-term strategy. Our response will play a huge part in our ability to rebound and restart our life. In Deuteronomy 10:1-11, we have Moses retelling the story of Israel’s failure to keep God’s commands. While he had been on the mountaintop receiving the Ten Commandments from God, the people had decided to replace God with an idol. And their actions would bring judgment from God. Not only that, they would lose their job as God’s royal priesthood. Their sin would result in the forfeiture of their priestly role and their failure to enter the land of promise.