A podcast about developer tools and the people who make them. Join us as we embark on a journey to explore modern developer tooling and interview the people who make it possible.
We love talking to the creators front-end frameworks (React, Solid, Svelte, Vue, Angular, etc), JavaScript and TypeScript runtimes (Node, Deno, Bun), Languages (Unison, Elixor, Rust, Zig), web tech (WASM, Web Containers, WebGPU, WebGL), database providers (Turso, Planetscale, Supabase, EdgeDB), and platforms (SST, AWS, Vercel, Netlify, Fly.io).
The podcast devtools.fm: Developer Tools, Open Source, Software Development is created by Andrew Lisowski, Justin Bennett. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
This week we talk to Aaron Boodman, a founder of Rocicorp, the company behind Replicache and Zero. They have been innovating in the sync engine space for years and have been working on Zero for a while now. Zero is a sync engine that is designed to be a general purpose sync engine for the web with a focus on DX and UX.
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This week we talk to Ryan Carniato, the creator of SolidJS. SolidJS is a modern frontend framework that is designed to be simple, fast, and reactive. It work in almost the exact opposite way of React, but with very familiar patterns. Learn how it's been behind the scenes influencing things for years.
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This week we talk to Jeff Dickey, the creator of Mise, Usage, and Pitchfork. You might know him from his work on Oclif, a CLI framework for Node.js. With his latest tools he is focused on making development easier and faster.
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This week we talk to Artem Zakharchenko, the creator of Mock Service Worker (MSW). MSW is a library that allows you to mock network requests in your tests and demos. We talk about the evolution of MSW, the technical details of how it works, and the future prospects of the library.
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This week we talk to Darcy Clarke, formerly at npm and now at the helm of VSR, a new package manager. VLT aims to be the package manager we all want in the JS ecosystem, while at the same time disrupting the npm registry. See what they're cooking up for the future of JavaScript package management.
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This week we're talking to Joel Hooks, a founder of Egghead. For years Joel has been building courses and helping developers learn to code. He's been the invisible hand behind many of the high quality courses that have been created over the years. On this episode we talk to him about his journey through developer education and where he thinks the future lies.
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This week we're talking to Rudy Fraser, the developer behind BlackSky, a community he carved out of BlueSky. Using custom feeds, labelers and everything the platform has to offer, BlackSky offers a safe space for Black communities to share their stories and connect. In the process he's dealt with funding, scaling, and building out his own tools on top of ATProto, the tech behind BlueSky.
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This week we're talking to Matt Perry, a creator of Framer Motion. Matt is a software engineer at Framer, and he's been working on the animation libraries for a while and has a long history of innovation. He recently left Framer to focus on the now rebranded Motion. He aims to make more of the library usable form frameworks outside of React.
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This week we talk to Anselm Eickhoff, a creator of Jazz Tools. Jazz is a reimagining of what the client server boundary is and how it can be used to build local first apps. Join us as we explore the next generation of local first tooling.
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This week we talk to Dan Stepanov, a maintainer of NativeWind, the author of NativeWind UI. NativeWind is tailwind CSS for React Native, a seemingly simple way to build UI that has lots of challenges to build. On top of that he's building NativeWind UI, a component library that leverages NativeWind to build native like experiences. We also talk about the challenges of making money on top of open source.
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This week Evan You joins us again to talk about his new company, VoidZero, and the future of JavaScript tooling. Evan build Vite and ushered in a new era of JavaScript tooling, but thinks he can do better now by building up new rust based tooling. Rolldown is the first step in this as they aim to make build times a thing of the past.
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This week Nate Wienert stop by for a second appearance. Nate is the creator of Tamagui, a framework for building universal apps with React Native. That work led him to create One Stack, a framework for building local first universal apps with React Native.
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Do you use cloud development environments? Do you use dev containers? This week we talk to Ivan Burazin, a co-founder of Daytona, a dev environment manager and AI developer. Ivan has been working on this problem for almost two decades now, originally for PHPAnywhere/CodeAnywhere, but now for Daytona. Daytona is a self-hosted and secure open source development environment manager. Come with us as we learn about the history and the future of dev environments in the cloud.
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This week we have the unique opportunity to talk to Erez Zukerman, the founder and CEO of ZSA, a company that makes open source keyboards. ErgoDox is a split keyboard that is based on open source work. Come with use as we discuss the history of ErgoDox, the challenges of making a keyboard, and all the cool products they ship.
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This week we got the opportunity to talk to Kris Rasmussen, the CTO of Figma. We talked about Figma's history, the evolution of Figma, and what they see as the future of designer/developer tools. We dig deep on what they're doing with Dev Mode and ponder how AI might change the way we work.
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This week we have Nathan Manceaux-Panot, the creator of Retcon, a git client. Retcon is a git client that helps you rewrite git history with remarkable ease. You can drag and drop commits to create new commits, undo, redo, and more.
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Join us as we talk to Guido Rosso, a co-founder of Rive a new graphics format made for interactive mediums. Guido has a storied career in animation and is building the next generation of graphics formats for the web with his twin brother, Luigi. Rive is the culmination of that experience that lets you create interactive graphics in a way that is familiar to designers and developers.
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This week we have David Mytton, a co-founder of console.dev, and a co-founder of ArcJet. At console.dev, David is always looking for ways to improve the developer experience. With ArcJet, David is try to make it easier for developers to build secure applications.
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This week we have Predrag Gruevski to discuss TrustFall, a new query-based tool for querying anything. Trustfall makes it simple to turn anything into queryable data. Predrag used that to create cargo-semver-checks, a tool that checks your Rust packages for semantic versioning compliance.
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This week we talk to Travis Arnold, a developer who is working on a new tool to make managing typescript documentation easier. Omnidoc is a tool that allows you to build a fully customized documentation solution, and the examples are event type checked. We also talk about his other projects, Restyle, JSX UI, and the future of React.
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This week we're joined by Jordan Harband, a pillar of the npm ecosystem. Jordan maintains a staggering amount of open source projects that are used by millions of developers. Jordan has some opinions that go against the mainstream when it comes to legacy support. Join us as we try to understand his perspective.
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On this week's episode, we're excited to have Brandon Roberts on the show. Brandon is a software engineer at Open Sauced, a company that helps other companies build better open source software. He's also a creator of Analog, an full stack framework for building Angular apps.
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This week we're joined by Richard Feldman, the author of Roc lang, a futuristic functional programming language. Richard is a software engineer at Zed, a company that making a new code editor that's built on the Rust programming language and integrates AI. We talk about all the crazy feature that Roc lang has, and how it might change the way you write code.
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This week we're delighted to have Nicholas Zakas on the show to talk about ESLint. ESLint is a tool that helps you find and fix problems in your JavaScript code by writing plugins that check for patterns in your code's AST. We talk about the history of ESLint, the challenges of building a linter, and the future of of ESLint.
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This week we're joined by Nathan Walker and Eduardo Speroni, two members of the NativeScript team. NativeScript is a framework that enables you to use native platform APIs in JavaScript. We talk about the history of NativeScript, the current state of the project, and the future of cross-platform mobile development.
Nathan Walker
Eduardo Speroni
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This week we have Robby Russell, the creator of Oh My ZSH, and CEO of Planet Argon. We talk about the history of Oh My ZSH, the history of Planet Argon, and the future of terminal environments.
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This week we talk to James Arthur, co-founder ElectricSQL, a local first sync engine for Postgres. ElectricSQL wants to make it easy to build local first apps with Postgres. Instead of worring about how to sync data between devices, ElectricSQL lets you reason about your database as local and running on your device.
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This week we have Lu Wilson (also known as TodePond) on the podcast to talk about their adventure in creating coding. Lu works at TLDraw making fantastic demo of what can build built on TLDraw by using AI in creative ways. They are also a resident at Ink and Switch and they do explorations in the future of computing.
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This week we have Naman Goel, the technical lead of StyleX. Stylex is a CSS-in-JS used by Facebook to build the styling of Facebook's products. We talk about the history of StyleX, how it works, and how it's better than other CSS-in-JS solutions. We also talk about how flow is better than TypeScript and why you should be using Swift over Rust.
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This week we sit down with Jason Liu, a machine learning expert and the author of the Instructor. We talk about what working with LLMs is like, how to ship them to production, and how to make them more accessible to everyone. We also talk about the future of prompt engineering and how to make it easier to build better prompts.
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This week we have the co-founders of Inngest, Dan Farrelly and Tony Holdstock-Brown. Inngest is a event driven workflow platform that makes it incredibly easy to build asynchronous workflows in your application. We talk about the history of Inngest, how it works, and how you can use it to build your own workflows.
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This week we have Solomon Hykes, the creator of Docker and co founder of Dagger. We talk about the history of Docker and how it has impacted the development community. Then we dive into Dagger and how it's simplifying CI pipelines with code. We also talk about the future of DevOps and AI integration.
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This week we're delighted to have José Valim on the podcast. José is the author of Elixir, the programming language build on the Erlang VM. Elixer provides a functional programming language with metaprogramming and built-in support for concurrency and distributed computing. Livebook is a web-based interactive programming environment for Elixir and it flexes what the Phoenix framework can do.
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This week we have Ryan Dahl, the creator of Node and Node. We talk about the road that led from Node to Deno and what he wants to do differently. We also talk about the new javascript registry, JSR, and how they hope to make a runtime agnostic town square.
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This week we have Scott Chacon, a co founder of GitHub, about his new product GitButler. We talk about the history of GitHub and how GitButler is changing what user centric version control is. We also talk about the future of version control and how AI is changing the way we work.
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This is our first live recording (with other people) ever!
Kent C Dodds welcomes us to his Epic Web Conf to interview some of the speakers.
We go into the dynamic landscape of developer tools and community engagement, reflecting on the evolution of DevRel roles with insights from industry experts. We also explore the profound influence of AI on creativity, discussing the ethical implications and the fusion of technology with artistic expression.
This week we have Maggie Appleton, a designer and developer who is working on a new research tool called Elicit. Maggie is a masterful visual storyteller and has been creating images that are both beautiful and informative for years. She is also a proponent of Digital Gardening, a new way of building a personal website that is both beautiful and informative. We talk about how we should be building AI into our apps, and how we can use the power of local first development to make our apps more accessible to everyone.
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This week we have Johannes Schickling, the founder and former CEO of Prisma. We talk about what he's been up to in the last few years and what he envisions for the future of software development. He is a contributor to the Effect library which is a new way to write asynchronous code in TypeScript. We also talk about the rise of local first development, how it's changing the way we build software, and how he's using it to build his new app Overtone.
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This week we have Mitchell Hashimoto, the founder of HashiCorp. We talk about where it all started and how the company and it's tools have impacted the industry. We also talk about the challenges of being a founder and the importance of thinking about open source monetization early on. We also talk about his experience as a pilot and his technical philanthropy in the terminal emulator space.
Selected writing
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This week we talk to Adam Wathan, the creator of Tailwind CSS. We go into all the changes for Tailwind CSS v4, discussing how they use Rust and Lightning CSS. Adam also shares about how they've been monetizing the tool and building out Tailwind Labs. We also address some of the heated feedback from the Twitter.
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This week we have Dan Abramov, a core team member of React. We talk about his latest work on Bluesky, a decentralized social network. We also go into many react topics, including the history of server components, the new React compiler, and the future of React.
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This week we have Guillermo Rauch, the founder and CEO of Vercel, and the creator of Next.js. We talk about the road to Vercel, how web development is changing, and how Vercel is helping developers build better products. We also talk about AI and generative UI, and how it might change the future of software development.
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This week we're joined by DHH, the co founder of 37signals, and the creator of Ruby on Rails. We talk about the future of web development, the history of Rails, and the evolution of the web. David also talks about his views on the longevity of software and ecosystems.
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This week we're joined by Dani Grant, founder of Jam.dev, a tool to report bugs in a ways that developers can immediately act on them. We talk about Dani's journey to building Jam.dev and the challenges that they faced along the way trying to find product market fit. Dani also talks her experience fund raising for Jam.dev.
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This week we're joined by Herrington Darkholme, the creator of AST Grep. AST Grep is a code search tool that uses the abstract syntax tree (AST) of your code to find patterns. We talk about the genesis of AST Grep, the efficiency of AST Grep in code searching, the challenge of expressing complex patterns, the versatility of YAML for rule expression, testing and evolving rules with AST Grep, and expanding AST Grep with SDKs and VS Code integration. You should definitely check out AST Grep if you're looking for a powerful code search tool!
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Episode sponsored By RunMe (https://runme.dev)
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This week, we have Robert Balicki on the show to talk about Isograph, a new data fetching framework for React. Robert has worked on the Relay team at Meta (formerly Facebook) and is currently at Pinterest helping them adopt Relay. We talk about the differences between Isograph and Relay, the future of data fetching and web development, and the journey to make Isograph production ready. Could Isograph be the future of data fetching in React? Listen to find out!
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This week we have Glauber Costa, CEO and founder of Turso, a service for distributing and using multiple SQLite instances in different regions. Glauber has a long history in the software industry, including working on the Linux kernel for many years. He shares his experience working on the Linux kernel and how it led him to found Turso. e also discuss the limitations of SQLite and how Turso is solving those problems with their fork libSQL.
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This week we have Zeno Rocha on the show. He is "developer famous" for creating the Dracula Theme, a popular theme for developers. He is also the co-founder of Resend, a modern email platform for developers. We talk about the journey they took to create Resend, starting with the creation of React Email, and the complexities of email delivery at scale.
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Today's episode features Evan Bacon, the head of devtools at Expo. Expo is a framework for building React Native apps it takes care of a lot of the details so all you have to worry about is writing code. Evan is also the author of Expo Router which makes seamlessly manage your app's navigation with file based routing and so much more. We also delve in to the topic of React Server Components on React Native and the exciting possibilities of developing for Vision OS.
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This week we talk to a legend in the dev tools space, Christopher Chedeau. Christopher is a software engineer at Meta (formerly Facebook) and has worked on some of the most popular open source projects in the world. He is the creator of Prettier, a code formatter that has saved millions of developer hours. He is also the co-creator of React Native, a framework for building native apps with React. Christopher has also worked on many other projects such as Excalidraw, Yoga, and and many others.
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This week we're joined by Daniel Thompson-Yvetot and Lucas Nogueira to talk about Tauri, a framework for building smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications. We talk about the advantages of Tauri over Electron, the importance of security in open source software, and the future of cross-platform apps with Tauri. After that we talk about the importance of governance in open source projects and how Tauri is approaching it with their new company Crab Nebula.
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This week we talk to the open source legend Feross Aboukhadijeh about his journey into open source, the challenges of open source funding, and his new company Socket.Socket is a tool that aims to make OSS security level up by providing a way to audit your dependencies for security vulnerabilities.They are able to detect much more complex vulnerabilities than the current tools on the market by using a combination of static analysis, dynamic analysis, and even some LLMs!Come get scared with us as we delve into the world of open source security.
- https://feross.org/
- https://github.com/feross
- https://twitter.com/feross
- https://twitter.com/SocketSecurity
- https://socket.dev/
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This week we're joined by Eric Simons, CEO of StackBlitz. StackBlitz is an online IDE for web applications, powered by a new web standard called WebContainers. Web container allow you to run code much closer to the OS, and StackBlitz uses this to run NodeJS and NPM in the browser. We also talk about Eric's time living in AOL's headquarters, and how that led eventually to the creation of StackBlitz.
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This week we're joined by Brian Douglas, founder of Open Sauced and former Head of DevRel at GitHub. We talk about his time at GitHub, where he worked on GitHub Actions, GitHub Discussions, and GitHub Copilot. We also talk about his new company, Open Sauced, which is a tool for developers and businesses to get insights into their open source projects. Will Open Sauced save social coding? Find out on this week's episode of DevTools FM!
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This week we have Jess Martin, a developer at DXOS. We talk about his journey to DXOS and what realizations he had along the way. DXOS is a framework for building local first, multiplayer, interoperable apps where users own their own data. Apps are built on top of a shared data substrate, and users can bring their identity with them across apps. DXOS is a wild reimagining of what computers could be, and we're excited to see where it goes.
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This week we talk to Yagiz Nizipli about his work on Node.js performance. We discuss his journey into Node.js contribution, the challenges of URL parser implementation, the impact of competing runtimes, and more. We also discuss the current state of backend javascript's competing runtimes, and his views of VC Money and Open Source Funding.
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This week we talk with Matteo Collina about his background, contributions to the Node.js community, and his work on Fastify and Platformatic. Matteo is a prolific open source contributor and maintainer of many popular projects including Fastify, Pino, Mercurius, Avvio, and fast-json-stringify. He is also a Node.js TSC member and on the board of the OpenJS Foundation. Join us as we discuss the current state of Node.js, the future of JavaScript runtimes, and the importance of open source sustainability.
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This week we talk to Braden Sidoti, CTO and Co-founder of Clerk. Clerk is a developer tool that makes it easy to add authentication to your app. We talk about the complexity of authentication, the role of session management, and the evolution of Clerk.
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This week we talk with Isaac Schlueter, a founder at npm and Tier. We talk about the creation of npm, the early days of node, and the transition from CJS to ESM in node. We delve into the challenges of running a package registry (and a company) and his new company Tier. Tier is building a new way to define pricing for your products.
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In this week's insightful conversation, we feature James Perkins, the co-founder of Unkey. James discusses his experiences at Clerk, his career transition to co-founding Unkey, and his thoughts on the future direction of backend services. He shares the challenging reality of balancing two programming jobs at once and underscores the necessity for strong security practices in every tech startup.
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This week we talk with Dax Raad about SST, a framework for building serverless applications on AWS. SST is a typescript framework that makes it easy to build serverless applications on AWS. It's built on top of the AWS CDK, but provides a much nicer developer experience. ax also presents a critique of cloud service providers and a call for more open source knowledge.
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This week we talk to Vlad A Ionescu about Earthly, a build automation framework that helps you with containerizing your builds such that they behave the same way no matter where you run them. By using Earthly, you can run your entire CI scripts locally on your laptop with the same consistency as you would get in the CI, and be able to debug things faster, iterate faster, and get faster feedback. Join us as we talk about the challenges of building a CI service, the importance of understanding the business side of things, and how to price your product.
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This week we talk to Emanuele Stoppa about Biome, a continuation of the Rome project. We talk about the history of Rome, the fall of the company, and the rise of Biome from the ashes. Biome aims to be a one stop shop for all your JavaScript/TypeScript dev tool needs by building unified syntax tree for all your tools. It's a linter, formatter, and aims to be much more in the future. What will be the future of Biome? Listen to find out!
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This week we're joined by Aiden Bai, the creator of Million.js. Million.js is a virtual DOM library that makes React render faster. We talk about how Aiden got into programming, his journey with open source, and how he's handling the transition from high school to college. Will million.js take over the world and make all our apps faster? Find out on this week's episode of DevTools FM.
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This week we talk with Eric Elliot about his new project SudoLang. SudoLang is a pseudo code programming language that runs on top of AI language models like GPT-4. By leveraging the power of AI, SudoLang enables you to just write what you want your program to do in plain english and it will write the code for you. We also discuss the future of coding with AI and how it can help you be more productive.
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This week we're joined by James Pearce, creator of TinyBase. James has a long history of working on developer tools and open source software. He was the engineering director at Meta (formerly Facebook) for over 10 years, where he worked on a variety of projects including React, React Native, and PyTorch. He also worked on Portal, Meta's smart speaker, for a couple of years. James is currently living on a boat and working on TinyBase full-time. Local first software is a big part of TinyBase, and James has been working with the Local First community to help build out the ecosystem.
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In this episode, we talk with Josh Goldberg about TypeScript ESLint, a tool that enables you to run standard JavaScript tools like eslint and prettier on your TypeScript code. We discuss the recent v6 release, the differences between formatting and styling, and the future of TypeScript ESLint. Josh also shares his thoughts on the future of TypeScript and the JavaScript ecosystem.
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In this episode, we have a conversation with Corbin Crutchley, a principal front-end developer, GitHub Star, and teacher. Corbin shares his journey in the tech industry, his passion for teaching, and his various open-source projects. He talks about his experience teaching at a bootcamp and his motivation to create Unicorn Utterances, an open-source publishing platform aimed at providing free resources for learning programming. Corbin also discusses his work on various open-source projects, including HouseForm, a React form library, and CLI Testing Library.
Corbin also gives us a sneak peek into his upcoming set of books. The first book aims to provide a comprehensive guide for learning the three big frameworks all at the same time, with a focus on practical application and real-world examples. The future books will teach the ecosystems for the tools and third will round it out by taking a deeper look into how each framework actually works.
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This week we talk to Nate Wienert about Tamagui, a UI kit for building cross platform (web + mobile) react native apps. Tamagui is a full stack, component kit style system, and optimizing compiler that bridges native and web. With a host of features like cross platform animations, themes, and a studio, Tamagui is a great way to build cross platform apps. Join us as we talk about the challenges of building a cross platform UI kit, and how Tamagui solves them.
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This week we talk with Daniel Roe about his journey from law to design to development and how he ended up leading the Nuxt core team. We dive deep into all the cool things Nuxt can do and how it compares to other frameworks like Next and React. Community is a big part of Nuxt/unjs and we talk about how that has shaped the project and the community around it.
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This week we talk with Erik Bernhardsson about Modal, a serverless platform for data teams. Erik talks about his background in data science and machine learning, and how he saw a need for a better tool for data teams. We talk about the challenges of building a serverless platform, and how Modal is building a new vision for serverless cloud. We also talk about the challenges of building a platform that is both easy to use and flexible enough to handle a wide variety of use cases.
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This week we have Tuomas Artman on from Linear. We talk about his background, building Linear, and the Linear Sync Engine. Linear is a modern issue tracking tool for software teams that want to build software better. It's characterized by its beautiful design, fast performance, and powerful features, including issues, projects, and sprints. Join us as we dive deep on how the Linear Sync Engine works and has evolved over time.
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This week we are joined by Andrey Sitnik, the creator of PostCSS, Browserslist, Autoprefixer, and many other tools. We talk about the origins of PostCSS, the future of CSS, and the power of open source and distributed applications. We also go into OKLCH, a new color format that Andrey has been working on tooling for.
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This week we talk with Steven Fabre, CEO and co-founder of Liveblocks. We talk about his background, how journey into developer tools, and how Liveblocks is trying to make collaboration easier for developers.
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This week we talk with Steve Manuel and Ben Eckel from Dylibso about their project Extism, an extension framework built on WebAssembly. We talk about the inspiration for the project, the challenges of building a apps with WebAssembly, and the future of WebAssembly.
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This week we talk to Christoph Nakazawa, former engineering manager of yarn, jest, and metro, We talk about OSS culture, sheparding OSS, front end archetypes, and his new company Athena Crisis.
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This week we're joined by Irina Nazarova, CEO of Evil Martians. Evil Martians is a consultancy that has created and amazing open source catalog with projects like PostCSS, AnyCable, and ImgProxy. We talk about her background, stepping into leadership, and commercial open source.
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This week we talk to developer advocate Sabin Adams about Prisma, an ORM with a focus on type safety and developer experience. We delve into the benefits of Prisma, how it works, and all the cool features it has to offer.
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This week we talk to Charlie Marsh, the creator of Ruff, a fast python linter written in Rust. We talk about his journey from working on the Khan Academy mobile apps to building developer tools for the Python ecosystem. We also talk about the challenges of building a linter, fostering a community, and the future of Ruff and his new company Astral.
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This week we talk to Steve Krouse, the creator of Val.Town, a platform for writing TypeScript code in a browser and deployed instantly. Starting with Steve's with his first venture into teaching children to code we trace that line directly to the vision of Val.Town. Val.Town is a social network, app store, and collaborative place all in one.
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This week we talk to Tanner Linsley, creator of beloved tools like TanStack Query, TanStack Table, and many more. We talk about how he got started in open source, how he approaches building libraries, and what new things he has cooking up. Get a taste of what's to come in TanStack Router and bling.
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In the episode, we're joined by Matt Butcher, we discuss the potential of Web Assembly and how it can revolutionize serverless computing. He highlights the advantages of using Web Assembly for serverless applications, such as faster startup times, improved performance, and support for a wide variety of languages. Matt left his role at Microsoft on the Deis Labs Kubernates team to co-found Fermyon, a platform that uses Web Assembly to run serverless functions.
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This week we're joined by Steve Klabnik, an engineer at Oxide Computer Company. He was formally on the Rust Core team, co-author of the Rust book, and a lot of other things. We talk about how he got into Rust, why you might choose rust and how he uses Rust in his day to day.
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This week we're joined by Sunil Pai. Sunil use to work on the React team at Facebook, created the CSS and JS library glamor, built CloudFlare's CLI tool Wrangler, and many, many other things. He's now working on a project called PartyKit, which is a platform for collaborative realtime multiplayer apps. PartyKit aims to make creating multiplayer app experiences as easy as deploying a static site.
Tweets on partykit
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This week we're joined by Tobias Koppers, the creator of Webpack, and now TurboPack. We talk about the origin of Webpack, maintaining Webpack, and what's next for JavaScript bundling. TurboPack is a new bundler from Vercel, and it's built on a completely new architecture with a familiar API. Join as as we dive deep into the future of bundling.
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This week we're joined by Alex Arena, the founder of Interval. Interval is a batteries included approach to building rich internal tools directly in your apps backend. We talk about the inspiration for Interval, how it works, and how it's evolved over time.
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Juan Campa is the creator of membrane.io, a still in development platform for simplifying API automation and internal tooling. We talk about Membrane's inspiration, persistent state, graph powers, and it's unique combination of UX and DX.
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This week's guest is Rúnar Bjarnason, co-founder of Unison Computing. Unison is a programming language and developer platform for making distributed systems. It's purely functional and code is content addressed. We discuss the motivation behind Unison, how it works, and how it might change the way we write software.
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The co-founder of Linear, Jori Lallo, discusses his journey as a software engineer and entrepreneur He shares his experiences working with startups, including his previous company and his current company, Linear, which is a project management software. He also talks about how Linear is different from his previous experiences, and how the company accommodates its customers' workflows by developing new features and lenses for their product.
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This week we're joined by Henry Zhu, the current maintainer of Babel. We talk about the his history in OOS, the challenges of maintaining an open source project, and the future of OSS.
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This week we're joined by Paul Biggar, founder of Dark a new programming language that looks to simplify building app without the hassle of managing infrastructure. Dark is a new way of building serverless backends. Just code your backend, with no infra, framework or deployment nightmares. Previously Paul was the founder CircleCI, a continuous integration platform.
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This week we talk to David Khourshid, the founder of stately.ai, a company that is building a state machine visualizer and debugger. David is also the creator of x-state, a JavaScript library for state machines. We talk about the history of x-state, how it works, and how it change your code. We also talk about the future of state machines and how they can be used in the real world.
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This week we're joined by Faris Masad, a founding engineer at repl.it. We explore how repl.it is breaking down the barriers to coding by provide in browser coding environments. We also discuss the importance of building a community around your product and how creative repl.it's own users have been.
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This week we're joined by Paul Butler, the founder of Drifting in Space. At his company they're exploring new ways to build web apps through Session Lived Application. They're building an open source tool to enabled this architecture called Spawner. On top of that they're building JamSocket, a tool that makes it easy to build these types of apps.
This week we're joined by Paul Butler, the founder of Drifting in Space. At his company they're exploring new ways to build web apps through Session Lived Application. They're building an open source tool to enabled this architecture called Spawner. On top of that they're building JamSocket, a tool that makes it easy to build these types of apps.
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Join us this week with Thomas Paul Mann, one of the founders of Raycast, a new command palette for Mac. We talk about the history of Raycast, how it came to be, and what the future holds for the app. The app is powered by a powerful plugin system that use a custom react renderer. If you haven't checked it out yet, you should definitely give it a try!
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My tooltips: I recently re-discovered newsletters for me. Here are three that I read every week:
For tools, I rely heavily on Raycast. Few of my most used extensions:
This week our guest is Jarred Sumner, creator of bun a new JavaScript runtime focused on speed. Bun has already had an influence on the Javscript development, and is now released to the public. Join us as we dive deep on one of the most interesting new things happening in JavaScript.
This week we chat with Nick Beattie, lead engineer of RainbowKit. We talk about web3, the changing face of the internet, and the Rainbow company.
This week we're joined by another great contributor to the TypeScript community.
Josh Goldberg is the author of O'Reilly's Learning TypeScript and a core contributor to the typescript-eslint.
This week we go down the stack all the way to the infrastructure! We're joined by Jake Cooper, CEO of Railway, a company innovating in automatic infrastructure deployment. Just push your code and railway figures out how to create an environment!
This week we're joined by Tyler Krupicka, an engineer on Stripe's devleper productivity team. He talks to use about their experience migrating millions of lines of Flow to TypeScript.
This week we're joined by Daniel Stockman the former maintainer of Lerna.
In this episode we talk about he became the sole maintainer of the project, how he dealt with burnout, and thet future of Lerna.
This week we're joined by Colin McDonnel, the head of devrel at EdgeDB a relational database with an object-oriented data model and a powerful queru language.
Colin is also the creator of useful TypeScript libraries such as Zod and tRPC.
This week we dive into a fascinating new concept in web development: Module Federation.
Join us with Zack Jackson, the creator of module federation, to discuss where it started, how it works, and all the cool uses cases it unlocks.
Join us this week with Juri Strumpflohner, the head of DX and Europe Engineering at Nrwl.
Nrwl maintains NX a next generation build system with first class monorepo support and powerful integrations.
Join us as we dive deep into the feature set and learn all about how the make builds lightning fast.
This week we have an exciting episode that peers into the future of the web.
Steve Sewell is the CEO of Builder.io, a company that aims to be the Photoshop of building websites. They've built some clever tools come together to render pages insanely fast. join use for this fascinating conversation.
Join us this week on a special episode where we're the guests! We look back on where it all started, what we've learned since, and where we're going.
Join us this week as we talk to our guest Brian LeRoux about functional web apps. Brian is the creator of Architect (https://arc.codes), a framework for building serverless apps on aws. He's also the founder of Begin.com, a service build on top of Architect to easily ship serverless apps.
Join us this week with our guest Anthony Fu.
Anthony is a voracious open source develop who maintains dozens of packages and works at Nuxt Labs.
He is a core member of Vue and Vite and is the creator of Vitest and UnoCSS.
This episode we're joined by Zach Lloyd and Michelle Lim of Warp.dev. Warp is a modern, rust-based terminal that aims to make developers more efficient by reemerging and enhancing the terminal's UI.
If you'd like to try Warp you can download it here: https://app.warp.dev/download/r/1DVTFM
This episode we're joined by Steve Ruiz, creator of tldraw.
Steve is known for his facinating threads on Twitter about his work making open source canvas graphics libaries.
In this episode we talk about tldraw, a drawing app with a open source re-usable UI.
This weeks guest is Yang Zhang, co-founder of Plasmic. Plasmic aims to bridge the gap between designers and developers in all sort of interesting ways. Import you code directly into their approachable drag and drag editor or even run pages built in plasmic in your app!
This week's episode features Alex Johansson creator of tRPC. tRPC enables you to create end to end typesafe APIs with ease with no code generation!
This weeks guest is Simon Hoffman an engineer with passion to Automate All the Things™.
Simon is pioneering the way in a new desktop automation library called Nut.js, which works on all OSes and has intuitive thoughtful API.
Joining us this week is Michael Jackson, creator of unpkg, a CDN for all things NPM, as well as co-creator of react router, and co-founder of react training.
He has now created, alongside his long time cohort Ryan Florence, Remix a a full stack react framework built on modern web standards.
This week's guest is Dr. Chris Weichel, CTO of GitPod. GitPod is an all-in-one online development environment with a complete version of VSCode in the browser.
We also spend some time talking about Chris' Human-Computer interaction research.
This week's guest is Pedro Duarte, a developer experience engineer working at Modulz helping maintain the open source libraries (Radix and Stitches) that power the product.
Join as as we chat with Kilian Valkhof, an indie developer with a passion for building developer focused tooling. On this episode we discuss his product Polypane, a browser built for web developers.
Join as we talk with Rich Harris, creator of Rollup, Svelte, degit and more. Rich works at the New York Time developing engaging data visualizations and building the tools of tomorrow.
Blast off into the future of webdev with Fred K. Schott, creator of snowpack, skypack, and Astro.
Join us as we chat with Shawn Wang who's Head of Developer Experience at Temporal and a staunch advocate of learning in public.
Join us as we talk to Evan You, creator of Vue.js, Vite, VitePress, and a host of other tools.
Join us for a lighthearted chat with Kendall Gassner a seasoned design systems engineer with an expertise in accessibility.
Join as a we talk with Robert Long (AltSpace, Mozilla) to talk about all things open metaverse!
Join us as we talk with the CEO of replay.io a radical new time travel debugger that poised to change how we debug our programs.
Join as on a chat with the founder's of fig.io. They're trying to bring fresh air to the terminal experience in new and interesting ways.
Tune in while we chat with Paul Shen the creator of natto.dev.
Listen to us chat with Orta Therox, creator and maintainer of a decades worth of open source tooling!
Storybook is an open source tool for building UI components in isolation. Tune in as we talk t Dominic Nguyen and Norbert de Langen about the story behind storybook, what it's like to run an open-source based company, the importance of developing UI in isolation, and more
What's a design token? Why would you even want one? Listen to our conversations with Amazon's Danny Banks where he talks about style-dictionary's origin. Hear stories about real world usage with Kelly Harrop from Intuit.
In this episode of devtools.fm we talk to two of the people behind how Intuit products deliver their products to multiple platforms. Explore the interesting world of the Player and all the tools it's spawned.
In this episode we interview David Sheldrick, the creator of patch-package.
Welcome! This is the very first episode of the devtools.fm podcast 🎉 On this podcast we plan to have in-depth conversations about developer tools with the people who make them. In this first episode we explore a category of tooling that is near and dear to both out hearts and our workflow: monorepos. There are many tools to get your monorepo off the ground and choosing between them can be intimidating. Whether it's installing dependencies or publishing you packages, there's many options to choose from.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.