A wall is broken down during a renovation, revealing what could be another world.
Is a priest in Ecuador in possession of metal plates that could hold the answer to if aliens visited us.
A flying ace is breaking a world record reaching the north pole, but did he maybe go even further than that?
Our host Fredrik continues the mission to discover what is genuine, fake, and somewhere in between on the TV-show Ancient Aliens. In this episode we will explore the underground and look for aliens in places rarely touched by the sun. We are going to break down episode 4 from season 2 titled “Underground Aliens” (S02E04).
To help us out we have a very special guest, Dr. Bill Farley assistant professor by day and host of Video Game Archaeology at night.
Dr. Farley are specialized in Native New England in the colonial period but have many other interests such as archaeobotany, archaeological method and theory and colonialism and its interactions with indiginous people.
He is also using his knowledge to analyze and use the archeological toolkit on games giving a new and fresh look on the medium.
You can find Dr. Farleys twitter right here, his Video Game Archeology youtube channel and his research at researchgate here.
In this episode we will cover these ancient and not so ancient sites and topics:
Native American creation stories,
Dulce, the new Area 51,
Cueva de los Tayos,
The Metal library,
Tahtzibichen Underground labyrinth temple,
Hollow Earth.
De Anda, Guillermo. (2007). Sacrifice and Ritual Body Mutilation in Postclassical Maya Society: Taphonomy of the Human Remains from Chichén Itzá's Cenote Sagrado. 10.1007/978-0-387-48871-4_8.
Portal to mythical Mayan underworld found in Mexico. (2008). Reuters. [online] 15 Aug. Available at: https://www.reuters.com/article/scienceNews/idUSN1442474520080815
JASON COLAVITO. (2012). Playboy’s 1974 von Däniken Interview (Part 4): Admitting Fraud. [online] Available at: https://www.jasoncolavito.com/blog/playboys-1974-von-dniken-interview-part-5-admitting-fraud
JASON COLAVITO. (2012). Remembering Neil Armstrong’s Brush with Ancient Astronauts. [online] Available at: https://www.jasoncolavito.com/blog/remembering-neil-armstrongs-brush-with-ancient-astronauts
Dunning, Brian. (2018). Cueva de los Tayos and the Lost Metal Library: Part 2. [online] Available at: https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4638
Dunning, Brian. (2018). Cueva de los Tayos and the Lost Metal Library: Part 1. [online] Available at: https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4637
“Now we ride” by Alexander Nakarada (serpentsoundstudios.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License
All sounds and music used with permission, support your creators!