In this intriguing episode, we seek to uncover the origins of Grey aliens and their creation as a modern myth. We will also explore Hopi society, Peruvian pyramids, and elongated skulls. At last, we will also disprove Brien Foerster's claimed alien DNA results.
Segment 1: The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction (2:38)
Segment 2: Hopi and Kachina (30:38)
Segment 3: Mysteries of Peru (42:54)
Join us on this enthralling journey as we peel back the layers of myths to reveal the truths about Grey aliens.
In Digging up Ancient Aliens, our host Fredrik uses his background in archaeology to discover what is genuine, fake, and somewhere in between in popular media, such as Ancient Aliens, Ancient Apocalypse, and many other places.
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The intro music is Lily of the woods by Sandra Marteleur, and the outro is named “Folie hatt” by Trallskruv. Visit Trallskruvs website here
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