123 avsnitt • Längd: 115 min • Månadsvis
We’re taking it allll the way back to the very first Discovery special. A rewatch for me (Whitney) and a side-eyed first watch for me (Tim). In light of some…uh…legal happenings, we look back from the beginnings of this saga to catch the cringe, the red flags, and the tater tot casserole.
The podcast Digging Up the Duggars is created by Digging Up the Duggars. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
I'm really not sure how Anna came up with the most creative idea...she invited the stateside Duggars over for dinner. We watch the crew at the Pest Nest and we see the Lost Boys menacing a kitty. It was too real for Mildred. We see the mission part of the Brood make their way back to the States in time to celebrate Josie's first birthday.
In our Dig, we explore how Billy G takes the idea of self acceptance and completely soils all of it. Be confident, but not too much. Just enough to praise God but still self conscious enough for you to need to buy his literature. He even gives you a worksheet so you can fill out all the defects you see in your whole family.
Enjoy what you hear? Feel like you have a Servant's Heart? Would you like to help support a snarking couple in Arizona? Get on the Gus Bus and head on over towww.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug . Join other Pickle People with access to Ad-free Episodes of the Main Pod, Bonus episodes, Recipes, Mildred Mondays and more.
Join us on instagram at@digginguptheduggarspod . Enjoy episode visuals, clips, and Mildred content.
If you would like to send us anything snail mail :
P.O. Box 5973
Glendale, AZ 85312
We get another chance to watch Buffoon and Company in Latin America. Watch him butcher a foreign language, again. We see the fam saying some tearful goodbyes to their new friends while Jana gets some serious rubik's cube time in.
Back home, Famy gets to Fame while taking the little ones to a reptile "museum". Our unenthusiastic host has some really cool animals, in a questionable space. See our favorite duo talk about the morality of snakes eating mice.
In our Dig we look at Billy G's hubris manifesting in a "law school". We are using that term loosely. He assumes that when he has thrown an army of teens at a challenge, nothing catastrophic has happened, so why not open a non-accredited law school with a basis in bible principles? Nothing can go wrong there. Objection!
Enjoy what you hear? Feel like you have a Servant's Heart? Would you like to help support a snarking couple in Arizona? Get on the Gus Bus and head on over to www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug . Join other Pickle People with access to Ad-free Episodes of the Main Pod, Bonus episodes, Recipes, Mildred Mondays and more.
Join us on instagram at @digginguptheduggarspod . Enjoy episode visuals, clips, and Mildred content.
If you would like to send us anything snail mail :
P.O. Box 5973
Glendale, AZ 85312
It's that time of year again, we get to see Lego Hair completely butcher a foreign language and expect everyone to find it hilarious like Baby Cannon does. Watch as the Dug-girls are completely unprepared for this hike between countries and get a little snippy when asked about it.
In our Dig, we take a look at Short-term Mission Work and what, if any, is the benefit to local populations. Hey, if Billy G can throw a bunch of unqualified teenagers at problems to solve them, sending them to a foreign country can't be that bad, right?
If you enjoy what you hear, join us at buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug . If you would like to grab a jar and become one of the Pickle People, you get ad-free episodes, and even get them early. We post bonus episodes with Duggar content, personal topics, Mildred Mondays (gotta give the people what they want), recipes and other goodies.
Enjoy our episode visuals and Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod
and we do have a P.O. Box 5973, Glendale Arizona, 85312
Thanks for Digging with us
It's your girl, Joy's birthday. Watch the clan as they shoehorn in the plan they had and totally say it’s what she wanted to do for her birthday. At least there's ice cream at the end. Jordyn also makes one of the best subtle roasts of Lego Hair that we've seen in this podcast.
We Dig into a court case about a company, just casually, voluntelling their employees to go to an IBLP seminar. Of course ole Billy G ate that up as some free press. This one was mildly frustrating but not as soul crushing as the last one.
If you enjoy what you hear, join us at buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug . If you would like to grab a jar and become one of the Pickle People, you get ad-free episodes, and even get them early. We post bonus episodes with Duggar content, personal topics, Mildred Mondays (gotta give the people what they want), recipes and other goodies.
Enjoy our episode visuals and Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod
and we do have a P.O. Box 5973, Glendale Arizona, 85312
Thanks for Digging with us
Aaaaannnnddddd We Are Back! Welcome to our first episode of 2025. We watch the whole fam travel to Eureka Springs to the "largest outdoor drama in the U.S": The Great Passion Play. You may also notice the large, sassy statue of Jesus! You can't miss it.
If you thought we were just talking about a statue with resting, fed-up face, we're not. The story of the absolute windbag that constructed it and his sordid travels through different aspects of America is fascinating and horrifying. Welcome back to the Dig.
If you enjoy watch you hear, join us at buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug . If you would like to grab a jar and become one of the Pickle People, you get ad-free episodes, and even get them early. We post bonus episodes with Duggar content, personal topics, Mildred Mondays (gotta give the people what they want), recipes and other goodies.
Enjoy our episode visuals and Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod
and we do have a P.O. Box 5973, Glendale Arizona, 85312
Michelle gives us a whole bunch of "What Do You Mean, We?" energy in this episode, as she gets to ditch the fam and spend the day recording an audio version of their book. And we see a whole segment of Duggars at a fish fry, yet don't get any "Duggars Dine Out" square. It's a shame.
***Trigger Warning : This Dig contains segments where we talk about torture, sexual abuse and mention of suicide. ***
In our Dig we explore the genesis of Voice of the Martyrs, the charity and parachute building club that the Duggars volunteered at. We look at how it became what it is now and the scandal at the center of it.
This will be our last main pod episode for 2024! Thank you so much for being with us and snarking for a cause with us. If you join us on buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug we will still be posting some content over there, and of course, you will have access to all of the previous pickle episodes, Mildred Mondays, and other bonus content. Happy Honda-days to you and yours!
Enjoy our episode visuals and Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod
and we do have a P.O. Box 5973, Glendale Arizona, 85312
Its understandable that Cannon doesn't get super excited about the men in her life. Lego Hair leaves much to be desired. Watch as she might shake out of her hose when they get a visit from Doctor Charles Stanley, rock star preacher! Watch as he really doesn't care while he's in their house but he definitely takes time to sign some bibles, Legend that he is.
In our Dig, we look into Old Chuck Stanley and how, even though there's so much drama in SBC, he proves that you can be a rock star preacher and a giant, narcissistic loser.
Like What You Hear? Would you like to help support a Snarking Couple from Glendale, Arizona? Join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Enjoy our episode visuals and Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod
and we do have a P.O. Box 5973, Glendale Arizona, 85312
Its time to get out the vote! Think that John David Duggar sounds like a little kid play-acting as an adult? Feel free to throw your vote towards the much more adult sounding John Duggar for City Council! We watch as John follows in his father's uh....successful footsteps.
In our Dig, we look at IBLP creeping its tentacles into political positions within The Cabinet. Whitney was digging with two shovels this time.
Like What You Hear? Would you like to help support a Snarking Couple from Glendale, Arizona? Join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Enjoy our episode visuals and Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod
and we do have a P.O. Box 5973, Glendale Arizona, 85312
We are back for Season 5! The Recap is cappier! The Dig is deeper! Tim's bingo is...uhhhh bingo-er. We talk Halloween costumes, new bingo boards and watch as Cannon gets to actually do something because she's actually not pregnant. In our Dig, we explore how Franklin Graham continues to be awful and the subject is not the year's newest Hallmark Movie.
Like What You Hear? Would you like to help support a Snarking Couple from Glendale, Arizona? Join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Enjoy our episode visuals and Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod
and we do have a P.O. Box 5973, Glendale Arizona, 85312
Well Diggers, we've made it to the end of season 4. It has been a long and wild season, but join us as we explore the growth we've had. We talk bingos, Halloween Parties and answer your hard-hitting questions. Its been a blast and, once again, thank you so much for being with us on this journey. We appreciate you, and we will return in Season 5!
Like What You Hear? Would you like to help support a Snarking Couple from Glendale, Arizona? Join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Enjoy our episode visuals and Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod
and we do have a P.O. Box 5973, Glendale Arizona, 85312
We have arrived at the end of Season 4! Its been a ride with this brood. The last episode of the season is a "special" that has us watching some Duggar Child birthdays (except for one), a ridiculous amount of Pest content, and listen to Whitney and I stress out, big time due to them still planning a birthday party less than 8 hours before its supposed to start. Ugh. We are continuing our tradition of doing a "State of the Pod" episode to close out the season. Whitney will be dropping a post where you can drop us a question for our Q&A segment of the episode next week. Keep your eyes peeled for that.
Like What You Hear? Would you like to help support a Snarking Couple from Glendale, Arizona? Help us a buy some soup paraphernalia. Join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Enjoy our episode visuals and Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod and we do have a P.O. Box 5973, Glendale Arizona, 85312
The Brood picks up where they left off, in Louisville for a speaking engagement at basketball arena-sized mega church. The kids play some rough violin and sing a barbershop-style hymn. Out of all of those Duggars, the hot ticket for autographs, was Soundman Jim! The Stache, himself.
In our Spooky Season Dig, we went Ween. JesusWeen that is...nope, that still doesn't make it any less funny. Check out the way to rip October 31st out of Satan's hands! Be prepared, there's some pretty low hanging jokes to be shared throughout. Merp. There's no shame in my game.
Like What You Hear? Would you like to help support a Snarking Couple from Glendale, Arizona? Join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Enjoy our episode visuals and Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod and we do have a P.O. Box 5973, Glendale Arizona, 85312
We watch as the brood hits the road to head to Lousiville, Kentucky for a speaking engagement. Cannon is staying back with Josie and then flying out there. By the way, were you aware that Josie spits up a lot? And that B.C. is right where she needs to be? Of Course you are, those are the only pre-determined comments that Lego Hair left her to say so we are on repeat of those items whenever she's left with her own thoughts. Don't worry Dug-girls, the dirty dishes will be waiting for you when you get back.
In our Dig, we examine churches tax status, and how they manipulate it to push into the political sphere. The tax code is confusing but the strongest recourse they have is to send strongly written letters suggesting that a 501c3 organization should, maybe, try to, you know, if you want to, but you don't have to if you don't like the idea, to not try to influence others in a political sense.
Like What You Hear? Would you like to help support a Snarking Couple from Glendale, Arizona? Join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Enjoy our episode visuals and Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod and we do have a P.O. Box 5973, Glendale Arizona, 85312
Double length episodes are usually chock full o' content. This one has the Duggars taking the reins on recording video and audio for this one. Someone give Soundman Jim a weekend off. We watch the family take on D.C. and we get Amy's birthday and her phobia. Wanna see Pest get as smug as possible...cause we got it!
In our Dig, Whitney takes the information filled tube shaped balloon and twists it into the charming shape of an animal in our exploration of Christian Clown Ministry. Wanna be a clown but are kind of embarassed to just admit it? Include religion and you can call it ministry and live out your big shoe, makeup and red-nosed dreams! *Honk Honk
Like What You Hear? Would you like to help support a Snarking Couple from Glendale, Arizona? Join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Enjoy our episode visuals and Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod and we do have a P.O. Box 5973, Glendale Arizona, 85312
The only thing you need to know about the recap this week, is that Tim got Bingo! and the game is all tied up!! Okay, I'm kidding, you should also know that the official Turkey Bacon Dealer in the TTM is learning how to drive. We learn Lego Hair's deep seeded, shame that he has to point out in his children.
In our Dig, we look into what actually happened in one of the IBLP Training Centers. I thought it was just a goofy place, where some culty wierdo's got together and did culty things together ( and didn't eat on Sundays). It’s so much more...strap in.
*****Listener Warning***** In this Dig we cover various forms of abuse.
Like What You Hear? Would you like to help support a Snarking Couple from Glendale, Arizona? Join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Enjoy our episode visuals and Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod and we do have a P.O. Box 5973, Glendale Arizona, 85312
When you think of strong, Olympic-type swimmers, you're not thinking of them wearing jeans or a WholesomWear Swim Frock. Watch the brood enjoy some quality pool time. We see Turkey Bacon as the respect currency in the TTM.
In our Dig, we sit through orientation for working for free in an IBLP culthouse. We don't have regular rules, they're like, fun rules.
Like What You Hear? Would you like to help support a Snarking Couple from Glendale, Arizona? Join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Enjoy our episode visuals and Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod and we do have a P.O. Box 5973, Glendale Arizona, 85312
As with a handful of the recent episodes, this episode has way too much Pest. We watch the Dug-girls do a decent job of sewing...but showing some folks that really do not care about that. Pest serves up some word salad.
In our Dig, we look at Secular Humanism and why IBLP calls everything that makes them uncomfortable that.
Whitney puts a whole full-time-jobs worth of time into these Episodes, if you like what you hear and would like to support us, consider joining us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug We have bonus episodes, Mildred Mondays, Recipes, and whatever else your Servant's Heart could want. Cruise on over to instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod and we do have a P.O. Box 5873
Glendale, AZ 85312.
For a change of pace, Michelle is taking it easy and letting the Dug-girls take care of the housework...which is what she does every other time, all the time. It’s a pretty innocuous episode but had too much Pest.
In the Dig, we explore Tia Levings and her book, "A Well Trained Wife". It’s a terrifying look at what women in high control religions have to deal with, existing in a system built to perpetuate abuse. She is an eloquent, expressive writer. In this book, she bares her soul and is very transparent about what she went through, and how she overcame it all.
*****Listener Warning***** In this Dig we explore a first-hand account of various forms of abuse throughout.
Want to support the pod? Join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug We have so much content across a lot of topics, and even more Mildred content! Enjoy our content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod and if you'd like to send some traditional mail we do have a P.O. Box 5973 Glendale,AZ 85312
It is time for a good ole family reunion. The Duggars have answered the call from around the country to come visit the brood and eat some hotel Fried Chicken. Did you ever think that 'Chelle is harboring bitterness? Well she has a gallbladder thing so you would be correct.
If you'd like to support Whitney's ice slipper fondness please join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug We have so much content across a lot of topics, and even more Mildred content! Enjoy our Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod and if you'd like to send some traditional mail we do have a P.O. Box 5973 Glendale,AZ 85312
Hey! Check it out! We have made it to 100 episodes. Thank you so much for joining us on this Dig. In an effort to capture some candid moments before we record, I've been saving all of the Mic Check audio when we are calibrating levels to start recording. I though you'd enjoy this montage of some of the fun randomness when I...I mean, Mildred gets us ready. Thank you for digging with us and Cheers, to 100 more episodes!
Would you like to see a group of Sister Mom's invade Chicago? We have all of your favorites Bates, Keller, and Duggars. The floor length denim skirt store never stood a chance.
In this week's dig, we finish the second half of ____abee. We explore his affair with Rock Music, his use of taxpayer funds for, all sorts of things, and a weird amount of gifted canoes.
***Listener warning at around the 2:00:00 mark we talk about a felon who committed rape. If you would like to avoid that topic scan forward 30 seconds ***
If you'd like to help gift US a canoe, join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug We have so much content across a lot of topics, and even more Mildred content! Enjoy our Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod and if you'd like to send some traditional mail we do have a P.O. Box 5973 Glendale,AZ 85312
The gang actually sees the sunrise, which only happens when they're on the Today Show. We watch them all, sleepily try to get ready to be on national television. They join, old pal Mike Yuckabee for his show right after.
In a heavily anticipated Dig, we explore Mike Huckabee. He has so many connections to IBLP, Billy G, and the Duggars.
If you'd like to support week 2 of the French Food Celebration here in the household, join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug We have so much content across a lot of topics, and even more Mildred content! Enjoy our Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod and if you'd like to send some traditional mail we do have a P.O. Box 5973 Glendale,AZ 85312
Join us as we watch another Duggar example of a bunch of random B Roll thrown together as an episode. Lego invites people over with the intention of hitching a ride with them. Our Little Jilly Croissant intrudes on his time away from the fam. We get jealous of the continuing fedora game, and we wax poetic about the 'lympics and how it takes over our household.
In our Digg we explore why (apparently) working outside of the home as a women is one of the worst things you can do! To yourself and your family!!! Shame, Shame, Shame, ladies. If you like what you hear and would like to help us get our Birthin' Hairdo appointment, join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug we have so much content across a lot of topics, and even more Mildred content! Enjoy our Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod and if you'd like to send some traditional mail we do have a P.O. Box 5973 Glendale,AZ 85312
It is family picture day for the brood. Let's give a shoutout to cameraman Scott for having patience of monk. He was able to wrangle Duggar Time, Stains and squinting into a pretty good family picture collage.
In our Dig, we explore how serious and dangerous the Rock Music Addiction can be. It affects millions of lives every single day. I am battling an addiction to yacht rock right now. I keep forgetting. I've been freebasing the Doobie Brothers and Christopher Cross for the last couple of months.
If you're battling a Rock Music addiction of your own, join our support group at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug we have so much content across a lot of topics, and even more Mildred content! Enjoy our Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod and if you'd like to send some traditional mail we do have a P.O. Box 5973 Glendale,AZ 85312
Watch as the Duggars meet up with their...uhhhhh, really good friends.....whatever their name is.
In the Digg we explore a Colorado tragedy that is intertwined with ole Billy G and our recurring buddy, Ted Haggard. The Ted Train keeps a rolling.
If you join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug we have so much content across a lot of topics, and even more Mildred content! We will be posting some supplemental posts and content on there during our life break. Enjoy our Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod and if you'd like to send some traditional mail we do have a P.O. Box 5973 Glendale,AZ 85312
Little Josie gets to come home now that its only normal levels of ick and not Chicken Pox ick. Cannon and the crew try to talk down to us about how most internet and media is so bad for you, but they make a living by it. We watch as they get their voice actor chops in. Cracker Justin and Soundman Jim are definitely the stars, while Jilly Croissant has to carry the bulk of the load. Go figure.
We Digg into the Rise and Fall of Ted Haggard in our next 2 part Digg. Join us for the cringe.
We don't suggest listening to Life at the Pond, but if you enjoy what you're listening to, head on over to www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Enjoy our Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod and if you'd like to send some traditional mail we do have a P.O. Box 5973 Glendale,AZ 85312
The Duggars get up in all sorts of Bingo-worthy stuff this episode (listen up to see who gets the winning square). We get too much Pest, learn why Josie might be struggling to get home, and celebrate some Jilly-muffin birthday.
We Dig into why having a business partner is a terrifying thing! Be afraid of being able to consistently pay your bills! Recoil in terror at communicating your needs and boundaries! Run Away from your shrinking job opportunities with ATI curriculum!
Enjoying the Pod? Want to get ad-free episodes? Enjoy some tex-mex food! Get a margarita and head on over to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content (taken as needed) on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Would you like to send Mildred some soft treats? Send em on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
Watch as we celebrate a Lost Boy Birthday, and the fam heads to Cult-Con in Texas. Watch as Cannon roams the Halls alone, and Johannah drops the Sideways Power Slam!
Help! We Woke Up! but after we woke up, we dug into Micro-Graham, Franklin. You know its a bad sign when your siblings are roasting you over an open fire.
Digging the Vibes? Want to get ad-free episodes? Like Bonus Content? Dig on over to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Would you like to send Mildred some soft treats? Send em on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
We get to see a gaggle of Joshes, we meet more extended family, and we learn that "Duggar Time" is between 60 and 180 minutes!!
In this week's Dig, we examine the Columbine shooting and how Evangelical groups used it to their advantage.
Digging the Vibes? Want to get ad-free episodes? Like Bonus Content? Dig on over to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod
Would you like to send Mildred some soft treats? Send em on over to
P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
We Get To Recap Little Josie's Journey And See The Family Make Arrangements To Get Her Oxygen And Keep Monitoring Her Vitals. Well, The Older Girls Making Arrangements. It Was A Double Length Episode With A Lot Of Recapping.
In Our Digg, We Explore IBLP Literature On How To Make Sound Medical Decisions, According To Old Billy G. We're Just Chill Man, We Don't Need To Objectively Think About Anything, We're Just Vibing With The Bible!
(I Capitalized All Words In This Description Because We Know Capitalization Is A Thing With These Groups, LOL)
R.I.P. Granny Antonia, she always loved our Kee-tees. Digging the Vibes? Want to get ad-free episodes? Like Bonus Content? Dig on over to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod
Would you like to send Mildred some soft treats? Send em on over to
P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
I've said before that in comedy its funny when you set up a premise and then destroy that premise. Not so much in reality tv shows about controlling religious groups and a lot of kids. Famy and Anna say they are going to knit or crochet booties for Josie, and then proceed to spend a whole episode doing...not that at all. We Dig into Hobby Lobby's connection to Museum of the Bible and how they gathered historical pieces with the aptitude of a Supermarket Sweeper that sticks to the produce section. Like what you hear? Want to hear some ad-free episodes? Dig on over to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
Join us as we get a return of the Bates clan to the show! Lots of denim skirts, but unfortunately, no Kass-uh-dee-uz. We digg into the IBLP Levels of Friendship. I hope Whitney lets me up to level 2 or 3!
Like what you hear? Want to hear some ad-free episodes? Dig on over to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
We're here with a bonus episode! Over on buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug , we drop bonus episode and posts that we call Pickles. Here's a sneak preview of this content for everyone. It's our recap, post-holiday to get us back into the groove. Enjoy!
Let's get it out of the way. There is way too much Pest in this one, folks. We had a good half season where we didn't have to watch him try to lead a show like dear ole, Lego Hair. No Fank You. In the Dig, we examine the "War On Christmas" and its origins. How it, oddly, involves early days of Amazon, and join us as we push out the good vibes in What We're Digging On. Happy Holidays...everybody.
Like what you hear? Would you like to support us? Dig on over to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
Join us as Season 3 comes to a close. We give our State of the Pod, talk about Tim's utter dominance when it comes to the Bingo 3-peat, and we answer some of your hottest submitted questions. It's been an amazing season for growth and we thank you all for grabbing your shovels and hard hats to join us on this Dig.
Like what you hear? Would you like to support us? Dig on over to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
We get right down to the Bates and a cast of (seemingly) thousands, trying to finish their house. Watch as the Bates kids get their Volunteer Firefighter on. Yearn for some delicious, Southern cooking (boiled hot dogs). See Erin Bates slamming those ivories as volunteer labor tries to build her new house around her! Sorry Folks, no Kass-uh-dee-yuz this time.
Grab your shovels as we Digg in to ole Billy G's thoughts on finances and how they reflect your dedication to the Lord. Be warned, its equal parts entertaining and infuriating.
Like what you hear? Would you like to support us? Dig on over to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
****Disclaimer**** We have a new laptop that we are trying to iron out the recording details with. We know that the sound will be a little different but we are still working.
Join us for a long episode of us watching people meander and look at stuff, lol. In the Night Dig (Tim and Whitney in the morning....Nights) Community Reference. We explore some fallout and details from Jill's Book "Counting the Cost" and we recount, Ubby Dubby and a woman who, clearly, needed another piece of pie.
Like what you hear? Would you like to support us? Dig on over to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
Join us as the our girl, Jill goes to babysit and the family attends an ostrich...uh...meeting at best. Other than that its pretty quiet in Duggar-world...NO! WAIT! Jill's book is out!!! This is not a drill, Diggers! Whit and I revisit the first half of "Counting the Cost". Revel in Simpsons references, the game: Dream Phone, and feel the excitement as we share more of "What We're Digging On."
Like what you hear? Would you like to support us? Dig on over to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
Come along with us to beautiful Branson, Missouri! (Not Bronson, Missouri) We watch the Duggar clan get to "perform" in the Noah's Ark Musical. They won't even let CinderJana perform without a baby in her arms!
In our Dig we discover how Character Worst! I mean First! wormed its way into the education systems of certain IBLP friendly states in the USA. We get to talk about Jeb! and why lobbying can play a pivotal role in furthering the agendas of some controlling belief systems.
Like what you hear? Would you like to support us? Dig on over to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
Running in Jeans. That's the through line of this whole episode. Running in Jeans. Running is a struggle enough, but now they're trying to do it in jeans??? Yeesh! Watch the Duggars surrounded by tons of defrauding attire. The family gets a couple good roasts off of Lego Hair. Gasp in horror as Lego high fives a woman in a sports bra!!!
In our Dig we explore "The Woman They Wanted" by Shannon Harris (ex-wife of Joshua Harris) It is her recounting of her experience in a very crowded marriage, upholding the optics of a marriage with a high profile pastor, and the complete exodus of that part of their lives.
Like what you hear? Would you like to support us? Dig on over to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
Join us for the first Duggar Q and A episode! See the immense new intro/jingle budget! See someone finally ask about their TV hypocrisy. Enjoy Duggarsplaining : the episode!
In the Dig we look at a development for IBLP that goes in so many different random directions. Russia. Sanitizing for Secularism. A New Approach to Business. This will set the stage for Bill to really stretch this thing into a new level. Feel free to buy us a pickle, (maybe even monthly) at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Send us a message at [email protected] Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
We have the 1st Duggar Grandchild folks!!! Enjoy the nostalgia-hued baby shower, Witness Lego Hair having to parent...again. Watch as Pajama totally outbirths her own mother-in-law (at least for 1 episode). This was another double length special, so no Dig this week, but you will get to hear how a 1990's Crockpot keeps Whitney up at night.
Feel free to buy us a pickle, (maybe even monthly) at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Send us a message at [email protected] Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
GASP!!! We've run out of Grandchildren to name the episodes after! In this episode we relive the Duggars getting to hang out with children from outside their home! We watch in horror, as the Duggars think its a great idea to take a teenaged Jana to Weight Watchers, that's developing a healthy young lady. S/ At least our girl, Johannah gets a little of the limelight today.
In the Dig, we explore the IBLP propaganda that's released about Weight Loss and the bigger message it sends to others. Remember! Its mostly about not making Bill Gothard look bad! You're gonna enjoy the discussion on all these topics...oh just you weight.
Feel free to buy us a pickle, (maybe even monthly) at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Send us a message at [email protected] Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
Have you ever wanted to watch an awkward, oversized family play a game for the first time? Well you're in luck! See James-y Bug get his birthday activity. Watch Cannon's era-appropriate puka shell necklace! Watch Lego Hair, not buy something used and save the difference! In the Dig, we explore the very, complicated and drawn out relationship of Famy's parents. Don't let him watch you eat.
Feel free to buy us a pickle, (maybe even monthly) at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Send us a message at [email protected] Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
The Duggars are finishing up their David Barton fueled trip to DC. We watch as the Duggars are starting to get noticed out in the wild. They get put into a "fish out of water" situation and the older Dug-gals cannot help themselves to even try to be tolerant of other cultures. In the Dig, we explore Bill Gothard and their beliefs on Politics and Governance.
Feel free to buy us a pickle, (maybe even monthly) at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Send us a message at [email protected] Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
Watch as TLC tries to make content out of a third straight episode of people watching other people work. That's really all that happened in the Duggarsphere this week....No It's Not!!! What the What?! Whit Digs in to the "Shiny Happy People" docuseries and we explore our thoughts and welcome any new Snarkers to the dig.
Feel free to buy us a pickle, (maybe even monthly) at
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Send us a message at [email protected] Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
Whoa! Such strong language in the title this week! Join us as we watch the episode, BC watches the kids, we watch the kids play in dirt, the middle kids watch the adults do stuff. There's a whole lot of watching in this episode. In the Deep Dive, Whitney tells the tale of the Wilson family (or the Clark's according to her) We see how their Mother's life intertwined with Pest and the fallout from her kids. So much happening in Duggarland this week. We gear up for Friday's drop of the documentary "Shiny Happy People".
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Send us a message at [email protected] Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
This episode sees the return of the Bates! We watch as the Duggars take their circus on the road to good ole Tennessee. Watch the add-on to the house and they almost disregard what the mother wants! Watch Satan, potentially sitting on a tack! Ouch! Watch the absurd amount of hey-heys! In the Deep Dive, we explore Gil Bates and how he loves to spin a story.
Feel free to buy us a pickle, (maybe even monthly) at
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Send us a message at [email protected] Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
See the Duggars in Dixie! Enjoy the impressive Duggar Time! Listen how Lego Hair has no respect for other folk's time! Enjoy seeing the Duggar's rolling down a hill. In the Deep Dive, we get to know more about a moral, antagonist to Bill Gothard, Tony. Or as he has been epically nicknamed, The Agent. Its so cool.
Feel Free to buy us a pickle (even monthly)...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and maybe some Mildred content on insta @digginguptheduggarspod
Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
For those...out at, Fort Rock! We Salute You! (AC DC Reference)! Join us as the Duggar Daughters take a highly anticipated(debatable) campout trip with their father! See the first BINGO of our new season! See Bugs on the Ceiling! See Lego Hair ride a...Good...Horse!
In our deep dive we do a rewatch of an episode of "World's Strictest Parents" with the Forsythes! A glimpse into future Duggar Matrimony.
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Send us a message at [email protected] Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
We had enough questions from our users that we are back for a part 2! We dig into having children, the end of the Kosher Event "Labelgate" and feelings on creating content in the weird internet landscape of today. This was a fun way to end Season 2. We are going to take the next 2 weeks off as our normal interseason break, but we are going to drop some fun little bits on the insta, to tide ya over. We're exploring some pod subscription ideas and some merch is coming down the pipe as well. Thank you so much for the support!
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Send us a message at [email protected] Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
Welcome to our Season 2 "State of the Pod" Episode. We explore Tim's work drama, Mildred's Toy Preferences and when Whitney coerced her Father into Ironing while pissed off. We talk future developments for the pod and allusions to some special new listener opportunities.
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Send us a message at [email protected] Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
Do you like Roller Skatin'!? You better, in this family that is one of a very few ways to interact with other people in the wild. Strap on whatever size "skapes" you wear and enjoy a dose of heavy nostalgia. What was your local roller rink, called? Enjoy a hot wheels store birthday cake and balloons. It harkens back to more innocent times.
Enjoy our deep dive as we get the bottom of how Hobby Lobby is not just about a huge ornament section, picture frames, and signs that tell you to live, laugh, and love. We explore some of their more controversial stances and how they all connect to IBLP. You can rest assured that, he gets US.
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug Send us a message at [email protected] Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
Episode 37 - WISH Version of the Crunchy Hair Gang!
See Duggars interacting with people not in their family! See Lego Hair be the reason, they're always late...everytime! See a 6hour drive turn into 11.5!
In our deep dive, we explore ATI (not the automotive technical institute), and what is actually getting taught. Hey! If you're a speed reader, they think you could be pre-med or pre-law by the end of the week!
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod
Want to send us regular mail? Send it on over to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale. Az 85312
Join us for a fillings...er filler episode. Duggars travel to the dentist, JB pretends to parent and they get blinds. In our fascinating deep dive we get Josh 2: Electric Boogaloo. We explore the aftermath of dropping the hottest courtship book of a decade. Ina Garten, the Beard Bros, and Roseanne all get shout outs in this one.
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod.
And, if you’d like to send Mildred (and us) anything in classic mail form, send it to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale, AZ 85312
We are excited to be back! We are dishing some updates on our totally human 17 year old child, Mildred; and where we've been this week. The episode has a lot of Smug Pest, which is, arguably, one of my least favorite Pests. We see Famey's very era-appropriate wardrobe and we get to know her processing man slice.
In the deep dive we get a Duggar-adjacent look at why "dating" is the basis of all the world's ills. We get a new Josh added to the pantheon and discuss through our own lenses. Join us, we've missed you.
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod.
And, if you’d like to send Mildred (and us) anything in classic mail form, send it to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale, AZ 85312
We take a trip back in time to Pest/Anna's honeymoon. Don't let the beautiful scenery fool you, it gets creepy. We take a trip to a chophouse, explore a 4-bedroom beach house, and watch a very awkward "sleep with the sharks". Sleeping on a walkway was not enough action to keep Josh interested.
In a mildly awkward deep dive, we explore headlamps, the color of wine, and Whitney's consuming of a weird 3-hour mp3. Please understand that part of this podcast explores the marital sex book/reading. We do explore the description by Dr. Wheat. It gets very specific about anatomy, so, if you feel uncomfortable about terms and words that describe the act and the parts involved, it starts at around the 39 minute mark. We hope this has been an informative/illuminating look into the sexual "education" that IBLP folks get before their wedding. Thank you so much for joining us in this journey. This is our digital "love pat".
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod.
And, if you’d like to send Mildred (and us) anything in classic mail form, send it to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale, AZ 85312
Welcome Back! First episode of the New Year! We watch the family dealing with Grandpa Duggars passing. We uncover some personal feelings on childhood anxiety and awkward funerals.
In the Deep Dive, we explore Lego Hair when he was freshly molded. Fascinating views on Daddy issues, Sins of the Father, and potential Bingo Cards!!!
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod.
And, if you’d like to send Mildred (and us) anything in classic mail form, send it to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale, AZ 85312
Surprise Episode!!! We called this a Little One, but it was pretty normal length. Due to the 'Rona, we decided to record while I had more time off than I've ever had. We started by going through the old Discovery Episode of Christmas Duggars that's only 8 minutes long. It was a blast from the past, no Tater Tot Mansion, baby Jackson, less kids! In, a holiday Deep Dive Jubilee, we explore the rest of the Duggar's (and ours, really) Christmas Traditions. Hope you enjoyed the Xmas version of the theme.
We have had a rough Fall/Winter so far in the Salgado household, so this was our way to gush about Christmas and get a little into the season. Thank you so much all for your support so far. We hope you have a warm, fantastic, COVID-free Holiday. We look forward to sharing more with you, in the new year.
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod.
And, if you’d like to send Mildred (and us) anything in classic mail form, send it to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale, AZ 85312
Mildred (and us) love a good Christmas card.
Christmas Bell Sound Effect from Pixabay
Papa Noel Sound Effect by yvanjmd from Pixabay
It's Bates vs. Duggar! Who can be less off putting? Who might, under certain circumstances, let their children think about dancing? Who will call out the (not really) Banana Cake? We explore the aftermath of that crazy ice storm. The Bates come to save the day. Michelle says she loves it because they do everything for her...whats the difference? Your kids vs. theirs? Lol.
In the Deep Dive, we explore a little bit more about the Bates and their maybe dancing ways. I would've signed up for the Up Network, if they hadn't cancelled the Bates' show.
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod.
And, if you’d like to send Mildred (and us) anything in classic mail form, send it to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale, AZ 85312
Mildred (and us) love a good Christmas card.
See! Duggars on Ice! (Mel Brooks reference) Arkansas experienced an awful ice storm that was very destructive. The Duggars dealt with 6+ days of no electricity. Sheds destroyed. Generators working overtime. We're glad they made it through and were able to sled on old LH campaign signs.
The Deep Dive tackles Lego Hair and his participation in governance. We examine local politics and the size of the male Hippocampus. Its not super turgid, I'll tell you that.
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod.
And, if you’d like to send Mildred (and us) anything in classic mail form, send it to P.O. Box 5973 Glendale, AZ 85312
Mildred (and us) love a good Christmas card.
Deja Vu in this week's episode. We've seen this kid be born already. Episode is a little of a repeat, but join us in the Deep Dive for the different tiers of Umbrellas of Protection. Be prepared to be scared into submission by some bone chilling statements. Tim seems to be a reference machine this episode, and our streak of episodes without Whitney crying is back down to zero.
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod
Join us as we experience part 2 of The Circus Family gawks at Latin America! See 3901 get roasted over not even trying to learn the language! See Pest try to get that sweet spinoff! I give some of the Duggars credit for a tiny bit of ingenuity.
Oh you thought Pest and Anna's "engagement/courtship" was fast. Just you wait. Whit dives deep into another of Pa Keller's trafficking off of his kin. It just gets worse the more we dig.
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod
Join us for a Xmas parade! See the cute animals! See Lego Hair(#3901) with a complete disregard for his daughter's safety! See the Camel with feelings about Lego Hair that I trust.
Our deep dive is a dark look at Ana and Pests' timeline of courtship and engagement. The term timeline is a stretch when you hear the total time that passed. Yeesh!
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod
Join us for a diamond mine of content! See Lego Hair dig for diamonds! See Baby Cannon trudge a dirt pile with poor choice of shoes! See Famey's era-appropriate fit!
The Duggar's explore a state park and use it as an excuse to push their beliefs. But don't ask questions! Don't be worldly, LOL. A bit of a filler episode, but it led to a very interesting deep dive, exploring evolution. You wouldn't have evolved, right? You're not an ape, are you? We dish about Tim defrauding some spinach. Enjoy!
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod
Episode analytics
Join us for an Animal-tastic trip to a Duggar Safari! See the malnourished animals that are only fed stale bread! See Lego Hair have to face the fact that he never thinks about his kids or their safety! And see what IBLP shirts that parody popular brands look like!
We have a little bit of a filler episode this week, but Whitney dives into old forum snark with a Kellar twist. We talk about SNL, light co-worker drama, and more script reading from the Dug-girls.
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod
Episode 20 - I didn't disappoint my husband, and neither will you!!!
Join us in our first, post-wedding episode see how the Duggars fare when traveling to the most liberal city in the world. See Legohair awkwardly compliment dogs! See him deal with his preggers wife ruin his bay cruise in San Fran! Behold the rule book to how husbands can act to make sure the wives don't dishonor them so hard! Women! am I right?!
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod
Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnndddd we're back!! New Season, Same Casserole. We watch Anna, SP and the older Dug-girls prepare for the wedding. In the heavy deep dive, we look at what it takes to be a good wife in the fundy life. Be prepared to learn that (in their eyes) there are so many rules to protect the husband's pride and ego. It is brittle like it has osteoporosis. Enjoy our new, final segment called "Whitney's Wind Down".
Feel Free to buy us a pickle...or a coffee. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Send us a message at [email protected]
Enjoy our episode visuals and other shenanigans on insta @digginguptheduggarspod
Whelp, folks, we've made it. We have finished the first season of DUTD. Its been a crazy ride. We reveal a lot about us personally and what this podcast means to us. We also answer some of your questions and you get a clear glimpse into how Whitney talks down to me every episode. LOL. Enjoy this dopamine-producing conversation with you all and us. We love to hear from you. We are going to take a week or so off after this but a la Marvel movies...
*cue really epic music*
Whitney and Tim will return in 2022 in Digging Up the Duggars Season 2!!!!
Welcome to the Season Finale! We have a double length episode where Baby Cannon goes blasting off again! We were this close to getting another Duggar named Juicy Fruit. It's such a missed opportunity. Think of the brand deal!! One of the lost boys dabbles in dancing at the baby boutique and gets all Duggars up in a tizzy.
Join Us in the Deep Dive as we get into all the ways that music can cook you're meals for you, kill the weeds in your yard, and ruin your life. Not even Christian Rock is safe for human consumption.
It is also our last regular episode of the season. Next week we will do a "State of the Pod" episode, feel free to submit questions to [email protected] or @digginguptheduggarspod on the IG. Make sure you don't dance to our theme song.
Join us, this week, where Tim found the title he has always aspired to - Selfish Piñata. We watch the boys beat up Wall-e with a stick, while Jinger learns to drive. LH could barely get the sentence out that its Michelle's birthday and it feels like her birthday is so ancillary that they don't really do or say much. Definitely a filler episode, but, in the deep dive Whitney gets into Free Jinger message boards and the "Harrowing Tale of the Missing Diary!"
Join us as the Duggars gift us with the tips on how they save money. See the awkward shopping at Aldi! See the very gentle thrifting! Home Perms Galore!
In our deep dive, we tackle Fundy Financial Freedom, and how they apply biblical principles to all of their money decisions. Join us as we dip into our own personal, money-related baggage, but it leads to a good convo.
Get Ready for Duggar activities! See Lego Hair be the little spoon to a bald skydiving instructor! See Kelly and Michelle get super defensive when they have to defend their beliefs! See JimBob admit he has too many kids, LOL.
In our deep dive we start to dig down into what the Duggars and their ilk actually believe. How did their "religion" begin? Why are they the only ones revealing the fact that Cabbage Patch Dolls are evil!?
In this week's episode, "Big Families Collide", the Bates Family joins the Duggars for a large fundy family duel! See Kelly's Cheekbones! See the bib dresses from before women could vote! See the most squeaky clean amusement park, ever.
In our deep dive, we get into the rules and bylaws of the prison that SP is in for (hopefully) the next 12 years.
In this week's episode we look at the aftermath of last week's "special" engagement. There's still a grip of oddly intense handholding; Good Lord, man! Let that woman eat! Josh makes an awful joke about dating your own sister, which made our fantastic intro montage!
In the deep dive, we explore the actual verbage dictating the Duggar's dating habits and rules. We also expand on some current news with S.P. and his time in jail, so far.
We examine episode 2 - "Duggars Do New York". Michelle is pregnant again (color me surprised), Josh is still creepy, and Michelle is a honorary master of ducks. In our deep dive, we get to the bottom of Bobye and her family and we answer the question, who is Alias? I mean Alice?
We were not kidding, if anyone knows that chicken feel free to reach out.
Thus begins the episodic era of the pod. We explore the Duggars' trip to NYC to be on the Today Show and the inherent awkwardness. The deep dive explores the facade of action that the Duggars' put forth in response to SP's actions.
The final Duggar special is M.I.A. We scoured many sources to find/buy the last special to no avail. It is okay, because there might have been a little bit of news out of Duggarland. We break down SP's sentencing from this past week. We, also, lightly talk about what comes next for us as we get into the actual episodic show.
Listener's note : There are 2 moments where we had a little bit of audio dropout. Its a situation we know about and have rectified. You will hear a 5-ish second long part in the second segment and then a little blip after that. Those should be the only dropouts.
The Duggar's take off on an overpacked, socially awkward trip to the West Coast. Join us/them while they hit a dude ranch, pistachio processing facility, and get a BTS look at the Disneyland 50th Anniversary. Good thing they've never seen a Disney movie before! LOL. Then, in the Deep Dive, join us as Whitney looks at the rebuttals by the prosecution side before Josh's Sentencing starts on Wednesday.
Episode 3's main episode was a little bit of a retread, but never fear! Whitney has dove very deep into legal documents ahead of the sentencing of Josh Duggar. Sit tight as she breaks down the cases both sides will try to make and the character letters submitted by the defense.
*Trigger Warning*
10:24-12:26 - We go into minor descriptive detail about the evidence against Josh. All things considered, it is not subject matter that everyone wants to hear. Listener discretion is advised.
In this episode, we explore the 2nd Discovery special entitled "Raising 16 Children" that aired March 2006. Whitney takes a deep dive into Duggar related birth control...or lack thereof.
Join us as we explore the first special and start to lay the groundwork of the Dig!
Like What You Hear? Would you like to help support a Snarking Couple from Glendale, Arizona? Join us at www.buymeacoffee.com/diggingupthedug
Enjoy our episode visuals and Mildred content at instagram.com/digginguptheduggarspod
and we do have a P.O. Box 5973, Glendale Arizona, 85312
What to expect when you join us for a little digging. Join us for Digging up the Duggars, coming soon to wherever you get your podcast fix.
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