ITER, fusion energy supply chains and a case for fusion
Søren Bang Korsholm and I sit down to talk about theITER project, fusion energy supply chains and a case for Fusion.
He is a senior scientist at DTUs Department of Physics, Project manager for the development of the Collective Thomson Scattering (CTS) diagnostic system for ITER under contract with Fusion for Energy. He is also the co-founder and partner in the initiative.
3:20 Meet Søren Bang Korsholm
4:15 Søren’s research within Plasma diagnostics
9:00 What is the ITER project
15:10 Søren’s role within the ITER project
17:35 A case for Fusion
22:33 Fusion energy supply chains
23:34 Søren’s role within and DANFusion
25:43 Outlook for the future with respect to Fusion energy
This episode was,
Edited byPreneil Pillay
Hosted byPrichelle Rugdeo
Original music and sound mastering by Jakob Ranum, Studio25
Produced by Prichelle Rugdeo and Preneil Pillay