44 avsnitt • Längd: 30 min • Oregelbundet
A strange letter. An impossible sender. Secrets hidden in the ground. From STUDIO5705, a scripted fiction podcast set in present-day Washington State about a man’s journey to unlock a family mystery—and find things long ago buried. 1.5+ million downloads. Season 4 now underway. Part of the Fable & Folly Network.
The podcast Dirt – An Audio Drama is created by STUDIO5705. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
"There's something about me and that land."
This is the fifth of 11 episodes (released monthly) in Season 4 that will totally wrap up the series.
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Featuring Ken Kaiyala as Aimo, Jhonattan Fuentes as Salvador, Ana Noval as Maria, Jessi Brown as Mel, Genie Leslie as Kim, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Instagram and Blue Sky.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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© STUDIO5705 LLC. All rights reserved.
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Hello Dirt fans, Kris here. While we're busy working away on the next episode of Dirt, I want to introduce you to a show whose Season 2 just released titled I Am Echo.
I Am Echo is about a young woman who discovers her brilliant scientist father might have been killed by her narcissistic mother. And the way she finds this out is through memories that her father implanted in her mind. In Season 2, more memories emerge, and it could be that her father, played by TV actor Tony Shalhoub, is actually reaching out to her from beyond the grave.
I am Echo is produced by Voyage Media, the same company behind the shows Sanctuary and Someone is Killing the Wolfhounds. If you like the fast pace and messed up family dynamics of Succession but with a sci-fi twist, I Am Echo may be your next binge listen. You can find both seasons wherever you listen to podcasts or by clicking the link in the episode notes. And stay tuned right now to hear the full trailer.
Our sincere thanks for Voyage Media for its support.
From Voyage Media:
Today’s episode is sponsored by Voyage Media’s I Am Echo, Season 2.
When a sheltered young woman, Catherine, finally moves away from home for college, she begins to investigate her family to finally get at the answers behind her father’s mysterious death, possibly connected to her mother, Barbara, who controls one of the largest trusts in the country and is an extreme narcissist. In the process, she discovers repressed memories... that may be someone else’s memories. A new audio drama from Voyage Media, I Am Echo can be compared to a YA Succession with a sci-fi twist.
Follow and Listen to I Am Echo anywhere thrilling podcasts are found including Apple, Spotify or by clicking this link https://swap.fm/l/IAmEchoSeason2
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"She knows things and she's not telling you. That's not cool."
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Featuring Megan Morales as Antonia, Sara Kaiyala as the server, Jessi Brown as Mel, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
Also featuring the original song "Keys" by Mya Tozzi. You can find more of Mya's songs here on Spotify.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Instagram, Blue Sky, Threads, and/or X.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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© STUDIO5705 LLC. All rights reserved.
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"That sounds like something out of a weird movie."
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Featuring Megan Morales as Antonia, Jarrid Beasley as Tim, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Instagram, Blue Sky, Threads, and/or X.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a chance at a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
Thank you for listening. Please share with friends and family!
© STUDIO5705 LLC. All rights reserved.
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"Might as well add armed robbery to my list of offenses."
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Featuring Megan Morales as Antonia, Jarrid Beasley as Tim, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Instagram, Threads, and/or X.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a chance at a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
Thank you for listening. Please share with friends and family!
© STUDIO5705 LLC. All rights reserved.
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"So how does this work? Are you like a double agent?"
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Featuring Jessi Brown as Mel, Megan Morales as Antonia, Ken Kaiyala as Aimo, Yvonne Eiseman as Ingrid, Genie Leslie as Kim, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Instagram, Threads, and/or X.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a chance at a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
Thank you for listening. Please share with friends and family!
© STUDIO5705 LLC. All rights reserved.
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Updated Oct 2024. Dirt is an immersive audio mystery with many plot twists and turns. We don't want to give too much away, but we hope this short teaser gives you a taste of what's to come--and inspires you to binge the whole thing! Three full seasons are currently available, with Season 4 now underway.
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Dirt is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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Hello Dirt followers and fans. Kris here, creator of the show with another production update to share, and this one has some really exciting news in it. We're finally ready to launch Dirt's fourth and final season. And the first day you'll be able to hear the newest episode is October 3! So if you're hearing this on the day this update went live, that's a little less than two weeks from now.
I know some of you have discovered and binged Dirt from start to finish only recently, while some of you have been waiting for up to a year for the story to continue. If you're in the first category, we are super glad to count you as a new fan. If you're in that second category, I just want to say thank you for your awesome patience. I'd love to say producing an audio drama is easy, but it isn't, especially when it's mostly a nights and weekends project like Dirt is. And this upcoming season has almost twice as many episodes as Season 1 does, so yeah, there's a lot of recording and sound design to do. But we're finally at a place where I feel comfortable starting to get new episodes out there, to continue this story and see it to the end.
So, on that note, the episode release plan for Season 4 is something like this: One new episode will be available more or less monthly. And I say more or less because some episodes might come out sooner than a month, and some might take a little longer. But rest assured, the entire final season is fully written, the actors are commissioned, and you will definitely get to hear all 11 final episodes to finally wrap up the series.
So once again, look for the newest episode to drop in your podcast feed on Oct. 3, and then look for additional new episodes to drop more or less once per month after that.
I know it's easy to forget some of the tiny story details when you haven't listened in a while. And some of those tiny details might be really important. So if you need a plot refresher, you can find written summaries for all three previous seasons on the website. Just go to dirtaudiodrama.com/helpmeremember. The page is password protected, because spoilers, so if you want access to it, just type the word "coins" in the password window, all lowercase.
Finally, I'd like to thank all the actors--those who are returning and those who new--for their continued dedication and enthusiasm for this super fun project. And a huge thank you to my wife Sara for her support and contributions to the show as well.
The season 4 storyline will revisit many familiar locations and travel to some new ones. So, buckle up! Get ready for more twists and turns, big reveals, strange dreams, and, oh yes, more shenanigans from that vintage Coinmaster.
Thank you so much for being fans of Dirt, and see you back here on Oct. 3.
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Kris here, creator of Dirt an Audio Drama. While we’re busily working on new episodes for Season 4, Dirt’s final season, I want to tell you about an all-new sci-fi audio drama called Sanctuary.
Sanctuary is set on a future terraformed Mars, where the last woman who is awakened from nearly a thousand years of cryosleep discovers that her husband has become the dictator of Mars.
Sanctuary stars Lily Rabe from American Horror Story. The show is produced by Voyage Media, the same company behind the #1 hit fiction podcast Someone Is Killing the Wolfhounds. To listen to full episodes of Sanctuary, simply search for it on your favorite podcast player. And you can hear the trailer for Sanctuary right here right now.
Our sincere thanks for Sanctuary for its support.
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Kris here, with another recommendation for a terrific audio drama that I recently binged from start to finish titled Sorry About the Murder.
Sorry About the Murder bills itself as a very Canadian murder mystery fiction podcast, and it doesn’t take very long to find out why. Set in the nice little town of Beavermount, Ontario, the story revolves around a friendly Zamboni driver who’s falsely accused of committing a heinous homicide involving said Zamboni. (And real quick, in case you don’t know what a Zamboni is, you really need to watch more hockey. A Zamboni is the vehicle that’s used to smooth out the ice for a hockey match or for ice skating.)
Hockey is a major theme in the podcast, because Canada, but also because the local hockey rink—and its nightly matches between teams of townsfolk—is the epicenter of the nice little town of Beavermount, Ontario. Which is why it’s so important for the Zamboni driver, a very endearing character named Frenchie, to try to clear his name by nightfall, so he can ready the ice in time for that night’s big match.
Sorry About the Murder is a drama, yes, expertly narrated over eight very bingeable episodes, but it’s really a small-town comedy full of quirky characters and deadpan humor. Think of it as a cross between Prairie Home Companion, Murder She Wrote, and the TV show Northern Exposure. This is reportedly just the first of several seasons that Frenchie will have to get himself out of a bind, so now’s your chance to get in early and digest all of the goodness that is Sorry About the Murder.
Here, for your enjoyment, is episode 1, titled Bonjour Beavermount.
Sorry About the Murder and Dirt - An Audio Drama are both part of the Fable & Folly Network.
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Hi everyone, Kris here with another recommendation for a wonderful show that is also part of the Fable & Folly network, called Desert Skies.
Desert Skies takes place at cosmic pit stop between this world and the next, where people who have recently left the physical plane show up to gather fuel and supplies to prepare for their journey through the celestial spheres. The station is staffed by three workers—an attendant named Tendy, a mechanic named Mac, and a sentient cash register named CASH, whose jobs are ostensibly to supply those who stop in with what they need for the road ahead. But what their job really seems to be about is getting to the root of issues that are keeping their visitors from venturing onward, whether it’s unresolved anguish from the lives they just left, regrets, or being separated from a loved one.
Desert Skies hits that sweet spot between weighty emotions and comic relief, and its simple, funky, homespun feel is totally endearing. Yet what starts out as a slice of life story following new arrivals to the station quickly grows into an epic tale, where the stakes get higher and higher.
I’m personally a fan of the show—and of the array of frozen burritos that the station keeps on hand for its hungry guests. The sitcom-ish presentation and banter, the genuine goodness of the characters, and even the music, including a hilarious rock montage by sung Mac in episode 3—all add up to a show you’ll want to binge. Fortunately for you, there’s an entire first season to do just that, and second season is currently underway.
You can find to Desert Skies on your favorite podcast player or by clicking here. And best of all, you can hear the very first episode right here, right now, titled The Flavor of Life, Here it comes, and our sincerest thanks to Desert Skies for its support.
Desert Skies and Dirt are both part of the Fable & Folly Network.
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Kris here, creator of Dirt an Audio Drama. If you’re eagerly awaiting Season 4 of Dirt, which will be Dirt’s final season, here’s a great conversation that UK podcast critic Kevin Wann recently had with me, on his new podcast Tea in the Sahara.
The interview is a brisk 19 minutes long and we get into different things ranging from when Season 4 of Dirt might release to more general topics like casting, favorite recent audio dramas, what might come after Dirt, and more.
You can find Tea in the Sahara on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or of course wherever you listen to your shows. And you should subscribe or follow Kevin's show while you’re at it. You can also listen to our conversation right here after this brief intro, as Kevin has kindly allowed us to run the interview in our feed also.
Lastly, be sure to check out Kevin’s written work at teainthesahara.com. There you’ll find plenty of fiction podcast reviews, as well as insightful interviews with creators. It’s a great website with lots of personality and worth the visit.
So, without further ado, here is the latest episode of the podcast Tea in the Sahara. Take it away Kev.
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Hello Dirt listeners, Kris here with another recommendation for an audio drama that I have been a huge fan of since it launched in 2020.
Visionaries is a magnificent fantasy set in the year 2185, yet in many ways it feels like a Shakespeare play or Roman epic. Future humanity has definitely not lost its appetite for political drama, rebellion, steamy romance, family conflict, backstabbing, and more—all of which make Visionaries a juicy listen, but there’s a whole lot more to it than that.
In this futuristic world, humanity is distinguished by two races: The Visionaries and the Dead-Eyes. The Visionaries are the next step in human evolution, gifted with unique eyes that give them superhuman powers like the ability to see into the future. The Dead-Eyes have no such abilities, and their ordinary eyes lead them to suffer at the hands of the Visionaries, who enslave them to keep them powerless. But there is a revolution afoot, and at the heart of the conflict are two brothers whose rivalry could take down the entire system.
New York-based series showrunner Richard Seneque has created not only a thrilling, multilayered world, but an alluring soundscape. His background effects are beautifully subtle, and the acting is as good as it gets.
There are now two full seasons of Visionaries, so you can binge to your heart’s content. And you can learn more about the plot and the cast and crew, and see some wonderful show art, at visionariesaudiodrama.com.
But for now, sit back, relax, and put those headphones on for a wonderfully immersive experience, which I've personally binged from start to finish. Here now is the first episode of Visionaries, titled Eye for an Eye.
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Here's another recommendation for a great audio drama that is also in the Fable & Folly network called Strange Air.
Strange Air begins with a live broadcast of a Los Angeles radio show about the paranormal, hosted by a man named Malcom Smith. But the narrative soon transitions to Malcom’s daughter, Chase Smith, a USC film student who, it turns out, is working on a documentary about her dad that tries to piece together why and how Malcom mysteriously vanished without a trace one night, in the middle of his show.
Chase spends her days and nights tracking down every possible lead as she searches for the truth about her dad’s disappearance, meeting plenty of intriguing characters along the way. Understandably, her quest becomes highly personal to the point of taking over her life, and even pushing her closest relationships to the limit.
Strange Air is a terrific sci-fi mystery that weaves elements of the hyper-real, the supernatural, religion, technology, family issues, and artificial intelligence. But at its heart, it’s a father-daughter story about grief and longing.
And if the voice of Malcom Smith sounds familiar, it’s because the character is played by Patrick Fabian, who played lawyer Harry Hamlin on the awesome TV show "Better Call Saul."
You can binge all 20 episodes of Strange Air from start to finish wherever you get your podcasts, of course, or at strangeairpodcast.com. Here, now, is the first episode for your listening enjoyment, titled "The Impossible."
Dirt - An Audio Drama and Strange Air are part of the Fable & Folly Network.
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Here's another terrific show we've binged from start to finish and highly recommend: Derelict.
Derelict is a highly immersive sci-fi podcast whose first season, Fathom, will literally leave you breathless. It follows a crew of underwater scientists and engineers who are exploring a mysterious, ancient artifact resembling a giant door, at the bottom of Earth’s ocean. To study it and find out what secrets it holds, the galaxy’s most powerful corporation has built a massive research base surrounding it, which happens to be operated by an equally powerful and vulnerable AI program.
The acting in Derelict is very convincing, especially in the direst of moments. The character interactions are tense and tender, often all at once. And the sound effects…well, you really will feel like you’ve been transported to the bottom of the ocean, and feel what the characters feel, as they venture into the unknown and struggle against unknown forces.
If you love Alien, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and The Martian, you’ll hang on every moment in Derelict. The entire first season is available to binge right now, and Season 2 is underway. Our heartfelt thanks for Derelict for its support.
Learn more about Derelict here: https://www.derelictpodcast.com
And listen to all Derelict episodes here: https://pod.link/1473460202
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Here's another recommendation for a great show to binge that is also in the Fable & Folly network: Mockery Manor.
Mockery Manor is a feast for the ears in every sense of the word. It’s a murder mystery set in a British theme park in the 1980s that has a deliriously dark comedic edge. Everything about Mockery Manor is superb, from its realistic sound design to its fantastic musical score to its wonderfully cheesy carnival antics and sound effects. But especially, its brilliant acting. The performances are all top notch, but Hayley Evenett is particularly fantastic. She plays not one but TWO main characters who are twins, and who happen to have very different personalities.
Mockery Manor was nominated for Best Fiction at the British Podcast Awards in 2020. There are two full seasons to binge, and the third season is underway. You’ll love every episode.
You can find Mockery Manor wherever you get your podcasts, of course. But you can hear the very first episode right here, right now. Presenting Season 1 Episode 1: “Where Childhood Never Dies.”
To learn more about Mockery Manor, visit https://www.longcatmedia.com/mockery-manor.
Dirt - An Audio Drama and Mockery Manor are part of the Fable & Folly Network.
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Here's another recommendation for a great show to binge that is also in the Fable & Folly network called The Road of Shadows.
The Road of Shadows is a mystery and suspense drama set in a small mountain town way back in 1984. It follows Daniel Knox, a loner on a motorcycle who has spent his entire life on the run as he tries to evade mysterious, human-devouring creatures that he calls shadows. The shadows disguise themselves as people, but for reasons tied to Daniel's past, only he is able to see and sense their true nature. But even though Daniel wants to stay on the move, he gets caught up in the quest of another traveler who happens to be in the same town, investigating the mysterious disappearance of her sister.
The '80s are all over this fantastic production, from the pulsing synth music to the edgy eighties-noir narration, even to the small-town bully. The show feels a bit like a cross between a grown-up version of The Karate Kid, minus the karate, and The Lost Boys.
The Road of Shadows is produced in Australia by the same team that makes The Strata. Both shows regularly appear in the top 10 charts for science fiction on Apple Podcasts. Here is episode 1, titled Misty Pines, for your enjoyment.
Content warning: A bit more language than you might be used to with Dirt. But hey, it's the '80s!
To learn more about The Road of Shadows, visit https://www.theroadofshadows.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama and The Road of Shadows are part of the Fable & Folly Network.
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This bonus episode reveals behind-the-scenes details about the making of Chapter 16, "I Think It's Cursed," as told by show creator Kris Kaiyala.
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"Maybe things aren't what they seem to you."
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Featuring Megan Morales as Antonia, Jessi Brown as Mel, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph. End credits song "Jerk" by Mya Tozzi.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Instagram, Threads, and/or Twitter.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"A lot of people are counting on you to make the right call."
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Featuring Parker Brooking as the Child in the Dream, Yvonne Eiseman as Ingrid, Megan Morales as Antonia, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"Once again, the suspense is killing me."
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Featuring Tony Ferreira as Detective Hawkins, Genie Leslie as Kim, Jessi Brown as Mel, Ila Das as Ila, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"Just like that... Suddenly you trust me again?"
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Featuring Shawn Noyes as the Cafe Owner, Jessi Brown as Mel, Sara Kaiyala as Lauren, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
Thank you for listening. Please share Dirt with friends and family!
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"The longer you take, the bigger the story gets."
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Featuring Genie Leslie as Kim, Sheryl Tamayose as Megan Kimura, Ali Sooudi as the RV Driver, Shawn Noyes as the Cafe Owner, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
Thank you for listening. Please share Dirt with friends and family!
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"It's different here. You're not the CEO."
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Featuring Ana Noval as Maria, Jhonattan Fuentes as Salvador, Megan Morales as Antonia, Hernan Ramirez Diaz as Hernan, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
The original song "Jerk" was written and performed by Mya Tozzi. You can find more of Mya's music on Spotify.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"Oh Joey, there are a lot of stories about that land."
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Featuring Megan Morales as Antonia, Jhonattan Fuentes as Salvador, Ana Noval as Maria, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
Thank you for listening. Please share Dirt with friends and family!
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"Mr. Elo... Looks like I finally caught you."
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Featuring Ken Kaiyala as the Voice in the Dream, Kent Atwood as the Stereo Repair Shop Guy, Brittany Carroll as Detective Peterson, Megan Morales as Antonia, Giancarlo Lenzi as the King County Sheriff, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
Thank you for listening. Please share Dirt with friends and family!
© STUDIO5705 LLC. All rights reserved.
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While we're busy working away on the next chapter of Dirt, there are a few shows we'd like to feature in our feed that we think you'll be interested. The next of these shows is Red Valley.
Red Valley is an awesome sci-fi mystery drama set in the UK that follows the unlikely duo of Warren Godby, an accounts man at a huge tech corporation in the UK, and Gordon Porlock, a disgruntled archivist also at said corporation. Gordon shares chilling recordings with Warren about devious activities taking place at their firm—whether Warren wants to hear them or not. And as the mystery unfolds, the story gets very personal for Warren in tragically unexpected ways.
Red Valley currently has two complete seasons plus a mini-series between seasons, and season 3 is in production. We suggest you binge every episode now, so you're ready when season 3 starts!
To learn more about Red Valley, visit https://www.redvalleypod.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama and Red Valley are part of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"Wherever you are, I hope you don't take this personally."
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Featuring Megan Morales and Antonia, Genie Leslie as Kim, Aaron Patterson as Carl, Sheryl Tamayose as Megan Kimura, Jessi Brown as Mel, Brittany Carroll as Detective Peterson, Kent Atwood as The Stereo Repair Shop Guy, Jeff Hostetter as Dave, Katrina Hostetter as Mindy, Tiarra La as Kathy, Rick Hutter as The Guy Dressed Up as Abraham Lincoln, Terry Bender as Lois, Colton Dunn as Gary, Kristen Bridge as Brenda, Cameron Kennerly as Desmond, Ken Kaiyala as Aimo, Sara Kaiyala and Shawn Noyes as Voices in the Crowd, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
Thank you for listening. Please share Dirt with friends and family!
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While we're busy working away on seven new chapters for Season 3 of Dirt - An Audio Drama, there are a few shows we'd like to feature in our feed that we think you'll be interested in. The first of these shows is The First Episode Of.
The First Episode Of is a podcast solely devoted to audio drama producers and their creative process. Recently, for the 50th episode of The First Episode Of, host W. Keith Tims turned the tables and asked Dirt creator Kris Kaiyala to interview Keith about his own audio drama, The Book of Constellations. Keith and Kris talked about all kinds of topics related to audio drama production, and Keith also answered questions that were submitted by many of the producers that he interviewed throughout the past year.
To learn more about The Book of Constellations and other shows Keith is involved in, visit https://alienghostrobot.com/the-book-of-constellations.html.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is part of the Fable & Folly Network.
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This bonus episode reveals behind-the-scenes details about the making of Chapter 4, "There's Something I Want to Show You," as told by show creator Kris Kaiyala.
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
Thank you for listening. Please share Dirt with friends and family!
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This bonus episode reveals behind-the-scenes details about the making of Chapter 8, "I Saw the Look on Your Face," as told by show creator Kris Kaiyala.
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"Let this place be an example."
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Featuring Tony Ferreira as Detective Hawkins, Brittany Carroll as Detective Peterson, Kassi McCluskie as the Restaurant Server, AJ Riley as the Caller from the Tire Shop, Megan Morales as Antonia, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"All in a day’s work around here."
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Featuring Jessi Brown as Mel, Aaron Patterson as Carl, Kassi McCluskie as the Uber Driver, Tony Ferreira as Detective Hawkins, Brittany Carroll as Detective Peterson, Nicole Michels McDonagh as Angela, Yvonne Eiseman as Ingrid, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"I need to know you're not hiding things."
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Featuring Ken Kaiyala as the Voice in the Basement, Megan Morales as Antonia, Genie Leslie as Kim, Jessi Brown as Mel, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph. It also features the violin playing of Arvo Kaiyala.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"There have been some developments."
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Featuring Megan Morales as Antonia, Ana Enriquez and Jasmine, Sara Kaiyala as Ruby, Maddy Huber as Becky, Jessi Brown as Mel, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
The original song “Me and My Other” was written and performed by Mya Tozzi. You can find more of Mya's music on Spotify.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"What makes you think you're being spied on?"
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Featuring Megan Morales as Antonia, Chris Garces as the Park Ranger, Amy Lee as the Greeter at the Diner, Hannah Montgomery as the Server at the Diner, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"So tell me, what kind of stuff are you into?"
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Featuring Genie Leslie as Kim, Aaron Patterson as Carl, Megan Morales as Antonia, Jessi Brown as Mel, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph. It also features the woodworking sounds of Ken Kaiyala and the violin playing of Arvo Kaiyala.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"Looks to me like you’re trying to hide."
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Featuring Jessi Brown as Mel, Katherine Meers Hurteau as Carla, Megan Morales as Antonia, Aaron Patterson as Carl, J. Louis Reid as Bernie, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"Why couldn’t he have just drawn a map with a bunch of Xs on it?"
For the very best audio experience, please listen with headphones.
Featuring Genie Leslie as Kim, Ken Kaiyala as Aimo, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
The original song “Skin Touching Sinew” was written and performed by Mya Tozzi. You can hear more of Mya's music on Spotify.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"My mom always said, don't trust anybody."
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Featuring Jhonattan Fuentes as Salvador, Ana Noval as Maria, Megan Morales as Antonia, Jessi Brown as Mel, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"Where was this hiding years ago, when I was here?"
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Featuring Genie Leslie as Kim, Ana Noval as Maria, Jhonattan Fuentes as Salvador, Megan Morales as Antonia, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"Search there for knowledge in the ground."
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Featuring Jessi Brown as Mel, Hernan Ramirez as the security guard on the phone, Ana Noval as Maria, Jhonattan Fuentes as Salvador, Megan Morales as Antonia, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"An early Halloween gift... You must be joking."
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Featuring Ila Das as Ila, Cindy Siler as Helen, Nicole Michels McDonagh as Angela, Mark Field as Robert, Sara Kaiyala as the project manager, Jessi Brown as Mel, Stephen Matera as the car driver, Mike Grigg as the person who helped out in the crosswalk, Jon Dietrich as the dude who really needed to use the bathroom, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
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"This lunch has taken a weird turn."
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Featuring Genie Leslie as Kim, Sho Ito as Kenji, Price and Parker Brooking as Kim and Kenji's kids, and Kristopher Kaiyala as Joseph.
For the latest updates, follow @dirtaudiodrama on Twitter or Threads.
For episode transcripts, press kit, background information, and a free sticker: https://www.dirtaudiodrama.com.
Dirt - An Audio Drama is a proud member of the Fable & Folly Network.
Thank you for listening. Please share Dirt with friends and family!
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