When you think about the most costly threat by personal losses, most people will assume ransomware.
The real threat, however, is business email compromise (BEC). But why aren’t more companies talking about it, then?
In this episode, Tim Kromphardt and Jake G. explain BEC and why organizations need to start paying more attention.
Join us as we discuss:
The definition of BEC & why companies are paying so little attention
Using Supernova to defend against email attacks
Reporting on employment fraud
Check out these resources we mentioned:
BEC Taxonomy:
https://www.proofpoint.com/us/newsroom/press-releases/proofpoint-launches-industrys-first-cloud-native-information-protection-andIC3 Report:
https://www.ic3.gov/TOAD blog post:
https://www.proofpoint.com/us/blog/threat-insight/caught-beneath-landline-411-telephone-oriented-attack-deliveryRailroad theft:
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