Why do China and US have different government regulations? Why can’t we do business above the fray?
These are just some of the struggles biopharma executives report impacting their business. Our guests are of the same view – the industry needs fixing.
Yingke He, CEO and Co-Founder of Forecyte Bio, explains how China's industrialized experience is limited and in its early stages compared to the US.
Listen to this episode to understand the industry tensions and areas showing promise.
Show notes
The Biopharma Resilience Index - Biopharma Resilience | Cytiva (cytivalifesciences.com)
Pessimists Archive - Pessimists Archive
Caesarean babies and their mother’s microbiome - 'Vaginal seeding' boosts the development of babies born by C-section | New Scientist
Keywords: talent, industry, manufacturing, collaboration, pandemic, therapies, challenges, government, regulators, biopharma resilience index, policies, solutions, companies, China, genomic medicine, cell and gene therapy.