Docs2Dads – A Pediatrician’s Field Guide for Fathers
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays (*NSYNC style)!! This episode is part 2 of our Holiday Spectacular with Producer Phil. This week, we focus on steps we are taking to build memories and stay in the moment with our wives and kids, because our time with them is precious and limited. In the busy holiday season, it can be easy to get distracted with end-of-year reports at work or making sure we've bought, and wrapped, and hid all the presents for the family. We need to set aside intentional time with our family during the holidays and we share our tips for doing just that and not letting the craziness of the season overwhelm you.
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Thanks as always to Phil Rabon, the Producer of the Docs2Dads Podcast.
Have a question about this or other topics? Connect with Dr. Scott at the Social links below:
Email: [email protected]