”Doctor Mom” Podcast | Practical Tips to Be a Proactive Parent
Steph and Dr. Elana recap the interviews with Robin Kaplan and Jill Castle about going back to work while breastfeeding and raising healthy eaters. They share how they implement boundaries and structure around meals, how they approach mealtime food battles and their take on snacking. They also share tips for talking to your employer about your rights as a nursing mama and provide strategies for reducing anxiety with this transition.
Enjoy the listen! You can find us on iTunes, Stitcher or Spotify. We’d love to hear your thoughts on Instagram or Facebook.
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Please remember that the views and ideas presented on this podcast are for informational purposes only. All information, content, and material presented on this podcast is for informational purposes and not intended to serve as a substitute for the consultation, diagnosis, and/or medical treatment of a qualified physician or healthcare provider. Consult with your qualified physician or healthcare provider before starting any diet, supplement regimen, or to determine the appropriateness of the information shared on this podcast, or if you have any questions regarding pregnancy or your prenatal treatment plan.