We're toasting our DLUTIhon champions today! Join Jason, Mike, and Doug as they unravel the mystery of celebrity number six that's stumped the internet. As we take a turn through the perplexing and the humorous, we unearth online enigmas that have brought together a subreddit of amateur detectives, and we ponder the peculiar phenomenon of a town that's on the tip of everyone's tongue but off the map.
We wrap up with a peek into r/SubredditSimulator, where AI bots parody human interactions in a way that's as mesmerizing as it is bizarre. And as we send out a massive thank you to everyone who joined in on our recent events, we can't help but wonder.... does spider have... no wait... Is anything real?
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Unplanned Podnancy
Undefined Graphics (Photography & Graphic Design)
Ghoulish Mortals
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Don't Look Under The Internet
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