(don’t) Waste Water! | Water Tech to Solve the World
For some months now, I've been asking some of the most brilliant water professionals for insight on the UN Water Conference. I've asked them what they would have put on the conference's agenda. I've asked them what topics needed to be discussed amongst world leaders to finally solve the water riddle.
Will their recommendations be applied? We'll discover that next week. And, even if I have watered-down hopes from the conference, I'll be following every word that's spoken in New York, and I'll prepare you a daily digest of what's noteworthy.
If that's of interest, you may want to subscribe so that you don't miss it - and if you do, that might help to cheer me up and to sustain the workload over the three nights I'll spend on it, with the time zone difference, so I'd appreciate the support.
For today, I've compiled the best inputs from the experts I spoke with so that we get a sense of the Agenda the Water Sector would have built.
Will the UN follow track? I'll make sure to check. Would you have put something else on the schedule? Well, that one's fully up for discussion, so I'd be curious to read your input in the comments!
➡️ Check out my entire collection of SDG 6 topics on the (don't) Waste Water website!
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