(don’t) Waste Water! | Water Tech to Solve the World
with 🎙️ Antoine Walter, Podcaster in Chief and Senior Business Development Manager @ GF Piping Systems
💧 GF Piping Systems is the leading flow solutions provider, specializing in process automation solutions to ensure sustainable water management for life.
It's been an amazing year on the (don't) Waste Water podcast!
52 awesome guests shared a wealth of knowledge on the microphone, and we covered a vast array of topics. Too much to digest in 10 minutes? No worries, I cooked you a series of syntheses to give you a sound understanding of some key topics.
The deal? If you like it, please share it with your friends!
What if we looked at water infrastructure with a fresh eye? In the past, we had centralized systems that made a lot of sense, for scale reasons.
But now that we have process automation and digitization to support our efforts, wouldn't we have better options than laying pipes in the ground and pumping water around?
That's the idea with distributed treatments: bring water treatment closer to the point of use (and the point of "pollution"). Shorter loops, higher efficiencies, and a bright potential for water reuse (➡️ check out this deep dive to that extent )
This short deep dive takes you through the basics of distributed treatment. I'll make sure to go deeper next year!
➡️ Wanna dive more into the topic of Distributed Treatments? Listen to my full interviews with today's speakers:
🎙️ Alexander Loucopoulos - S3E14
➡️ Get the Full Story
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