Doppelgängers: A Vampire Diaries Podcast
Damon is back and Elena has to face her past, but man she does not want to! At the Whitmore Hospital fundraiser, Alaric and Jo enjoy a date, which ends in a clue about her past, and Elena and Liam go on a date, which ends in Liam wandering Scull Bar with a chardonnay. Damon and Elena attempt to bring her memories back, and we get to see a long awaited iconic kiss. Meanwhile, Stefan, Enzo, and Matt deal with Tripp, and Caroline is pulled in when Sheriff Forbes becomes collateral damage. Enzo takes the opportunity to slay of course, but not before completely blowing up Caroline's spot with Stefan, leading to a conversation Caroline hoped to avoid. Finally, Bonnie has her own slay in the prison world, and sends a sign of hope to present day Mystic Falls.
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