On Dec. 31st, 2022, the Rev. Dr. James Nestingen went to be with our Lord. Nestingen was a leading scholar and authority on Martin Luther in North America. However, he was much more a pastor before anything else. Many have been blessed to know him, to study under him, and to drink scotch with him- including our (returning) guest today: the Rev. Kyle Tomlin. Kyle was with us before for our episode on theology and comic books. Kyle was a student of Dr. Nestingen and shares some great memories about him on this episode.
In this episode we referenced the books:
Free to Be (which Nestingen co-authored with Gerhard Forde), https://www.augsburgfortress.org/store/product/5230/Free-to-Be-Student-Book
Martin Luther: A Life, https://www.amazon.com/Martin-Luther-Life-James-Nestingen/dp/0800697146
Martin Luther: His Life and Teachings, https://www.amazon.com/Martin-Luther-His-Life-Teachings/dp/1592446728
Also, to access the discussions and interviews of Nestingen from both Thinking Fellows podcast and Around the Table, as well as articles that Jim wrote, go to https://www.1517.org/contributors/jim-nestingen
The sermon on 'Faith vs. Piety': https://mbird.com/theology/jim-nestingen-on-faith-vs-piety/
The episode picture is taken from https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/james-nestingen-obituary?id=38527675