This is a replay of our very first episode. Join Rev. Andrew and Dr. Jack Kilcrease for a discussion on Thomas Aquinas' influence on Protestantism, in particular the era of theology known as "Protestant scholasticism" or "Protestant orthodoxy". Dr. Kilcrease clarifies some misconceptions about Protestant scholasticism and also offers a way that we can appreciate the theologians of that era.
Dr. Kilcrease is a Lutheran lay theologian and currently a member of Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod’s Commission on Theology and Church Relations. He earned his PhD in Systematic Theology and Ethics from Marquette University in 2009. He is the author of several books and many articles. He is an Associate Professor of Historical and Systematic Theology at the Institute of Lutheran Theology- an independent seminary and graduate school where yours truly studies at. If you are interested in reading further work from Dr. Kilcrease, I encourage you to check out his website where you can find links to past articles, radio shows and podcasts he has appeared on there as well as read from his blog.