We look at the rest of Season 1 of the German TV show from Germany - BABYLON BERLIN. While the season is over, we're only 8 episodes into the story: there's still trouble for Rath, Charlotte, Wolter, The Armenian, Svetlana, Kardakov, Graf, Janicke, Nyssen, Seegers, Benda, Dr. Schmidt, Greta & all the rest!
We ask 'Who's the Wurst?' + we talk Operation Prangertag, crooked cops, the Black Reichswehr, Bloody May, Lotte's life and where in the world this story is headed! Hop a train car filled with gold (or poison gas) & join us in 1920s Deutschland by way of Volker Kutscher!
#BabylonBerlin Twitter/Instagram: @DoublePHQ facebook.com/doublephq
Composer Johnny Klimek on the music in Babylon Berlin and his collaboration with Tom Tykwer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jzdG6yyphY&feature=youtu.be