Mike continues his live draw sessions on Instagram and talks about how to become a guest. Mike is then joined by Glen Southern who has been working in 3D modeling for over 20 years. He shares his journey and then they dive deep into the hardware and software that allows for the magic to happen. They cover desktop apps but spend much more time on the iPad as a creative tool. They also touch on 3D printing. Glen’s homework may leave your favourite character exposed.
Eastern Bluebird - Mike
Raccoon - Mike
===== How to reach Glen Southern =====
SouthernGFX on the web
SouthernGFX on Twitter
SouthernGFX on Instagram
SouthernGFX on YouTube
SouthernGFX courses web site
===== How to reach Mike Hendley =====
Instagram @Mike_Hendley
Twitter @MikeHendley
Show notes at DrawingInspiration.fm
===== Support the Podcast =====
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Podcast theme music is “Acid Jazz”
By Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0