263 avsnitt • Längd: 45 min • Veckovis: Måndag
A spiritual road trip with your two coolest, most insightful friends. Larry and Inelia dive into deep, no-nonsense conversations about leveling up your life, understanding the mysteries of the universe, and navigating those WTF moments we all face. They tackle metaphysics, consciousness, and practical wisdom with a side of humor and personal stories. It’s the perfect mix of mind-blowing insights and laughs to keep you entertained and enlightened on your commute or workout. Buckle up, bro – it’s a ride you won’t want to miss!
The podcast Driving to the Rez – With Inelia Benz and Larry Buzzell is created by Inelia Benz. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
This year of 2025 I promised to speak more about “lineages”. The lineages that I can speak about are my own three lineages which are Alchemist, Magic and Shamanic, but I will also talk about other lineages we can tap into.
Of course, I have spoken about this extensively with the Wisdom Keepers and Seekers at WalkWithMeNow.com on many monthly and weekly meetups.
In this article I will do a summary of what “lineages” mean. I will follow up with articles on the three lineages I carry, personally, during 2025.
If you want to join the conversation, but are financially strapped and can’t join Walk With Me Now yet, for $8 a month you can join the podcast afterparty every Friday at 9am Pacific by subscribing to the Wisdom Keeper Hour at DrivingToTheRez.com.
With all that info out of the way, let’s explore this first topic.
What do I mean by Lineages?
A lineage, to me, is a bundle of wisdom and practical applications of that wisdom that a person inherits or creates to be inherited in the future.
These lineages can be passed genetically and I call these Ancestral Lineages. Others can be passed from master to student, these I call School Lineages, and some can be passed in one sitting, telepathically and energetically, through the agreement of both the lineage and the recipient. Let’s call these Field of Wisdom Lineages.
There very well could be many more types of lineages, but the above are the ones I have personal experience with. For example, I am pretty sure there are lineages a person can carry at a soul level from lifetime to lifetime. I’ve seen evidence of those lineages in children who can do extraordinary things as toddlers. For example, paint like an adult, or play music like a maestro.
The lineages themselves contain thousands of years of wisdom keeping and the application of those wisdoms. They are not static, they evolve with each generation of wisdom keepers. In this way, all these lineages are also wisdom seeker lineages.
I have found that individuals can carry a genetic lineage, for example, or receive a field of energy lineage, and they don’t tap into it, or use it. This lineage either becomes dormant inside of them, atrophy, or dissipates.
This is because lineages are both sentient and alive. If the person doesn't feed or use them, they cease to exist.
I will give you a summary of how I received my three lineages.
* The alchemist lineage.This lineage is a hereditary one, from my father’s family. It was passed to me directly from my grandfather, bypassing my father and his sister. This is a combination of genetic and field of wisdom lineage. It cannot be passed to people outside of the family gene pool. This lineage has the capacity to “speak” to me directly. It would have been better if my grandfather had lived long enough to train me, but without his training I found that my exploration of the lineage is free of dogma and I am able to study the data and wisdoms in a more expansive and direct way. It is a very powerful and active lineage and insistent on my daily practices, applications and study.
Some of the areas that this lineage covers are art, music, power objects and artifacts, and what we might also call magic.
* Magical lineage.This is also a hereditary lineage, but it is passed down from teacher to student in a schooling sense. The child, or adult apprentice, needs to have the capacity to receive it, but they are not restricted to family or genes. It is also very linked to training at a physical level, and is not passed down at an energetic or telepathic level. I received this one from my mother’s side of the family. She, herself, passed down a lot of skills and information to me, and one of her sisters did also. Think gypsies.
* Shamanic lineage.
I am calling this one a shamanic lineage for lack of a better word. The one I carry is the lineage of the Machi. It is indigenous to the Americas, Mapuche tribes, and passed directly from adult to child, or apprentice, in a big bundle of data.
The data is formed of not just the information that all previous Machi’s carried, but also their personalities and life stories. In an ideal situation, once the child or apprentice receives the lineage, they will study under the Machi who passed it to them for many decades. I received two Machi lineages, but was not lucky enough to study under them. Decoding and exploring the data in the lineage is very telepathic in nature, but harder than if I had been instructed by one of the Machi who passed me their lineage. Due to the lack of instruction a huge percentage of the lineage data is not available to me. I could make it available with tons of hours of study and dedicated decoding.
I am looking forward to hearing what our Wisdom Keeper panelists will be sharing about their own lineages. Join us on the Wisdom Keeper hour at drivingtotherez.com
The discussion doesn’t stop here—listen to the full podcast episode for unfiltered insights from Inelia and our panelists.
Our Wisdom Keepers Driving To The Rez panelist, Fred, asked a fabulous question the other day. He said, and I quote:
“Why do some people have experience, or internal knowing, that provides unshakable belief in woo, while others hear, read and discuss the same topics but remain forever skeptical needing to gather more evidence but forever believe woo isn't really real. Woo is any subject that we discuss that is outside of mainstream belief.”
As per usual, I see a very simple reason for this. But, knowing co-host Larry and our wisdom keeper panelists, I am going to do my best to explore this topic in a more comprehensive way.
This exploration falls within the confines of Understanding how the Universe works, which is a topic I promised to explore during 2025 in my last article which you can find here:
Let me begin with the simple exploration 🙂
The reason is that each person is guided by their own internal compass that dictates their chosen experience for their lifetimes. This guiding system will allow them to expand their senses or to shrink them to facilitate that chosen experience.
If certain parameters of reality, what we might call woo, do not fit into their chosen experience, then they are forever skeptical no matter how much evidence or experience they find or is given to them to show them the other side of the matrix. If, however, their chosen reality includes woo parameters, they will see the larger matrix as clear as day, knowing it exists and needing as much evidence as one needs to prove breathing in and out is necessary in order to stay alive. In other words, not needing any “evidence” at all as one does not need evidence to breathe in and out, one just does it and stays alive.
I will now explore the more comprehensive reason for this phenomenon.
To start, I will remind us that the phenomenon I am exploring is “why some people don’t need evidence for woo, while others don’t believe in it no matter how much evidence they have.”
My first reaction to this question is always, “what does it matter what others want to believe and what they don’t want to believe?” And I want to explain why I have that reaction.
Basically, I do not judge what other people choose as their experience. As I walk the surface of Earth, I see millions of people who are themselves the center of their personal universe. Literally. They are not part of another person’s universe, or of a “larger” universe. They are literally the center of their own universe.
Within that universe, there are millions of decisions they have taken throughout their existence as a singular point of view. All of them coming to a point that marks the “present moment”. How can I possibly judge all that? I can’t.
Outside that infinite path of decisions, other universes move in and out of their awareness as a larger orchestration unfolds to fulfill all of their choices, both the person’s own multiple choices and the multiple choices of the people around them.
From this perspective, what I find interesting is not so much that a person might choose to disbelieve evidence of woo, but that they have woo to disbelieve in their awareness at all. What this indicates to me is that they are on the edge of a personal split in awareness. Some of them might be fighting tooth and nail with themselves to stay in the solely materialistic reality they chose to integrate through this lifetime. Others are pushing open the door to a larger personal universe that will include a broader understanding of matrices of co-created reality.
Whether one of these individuals is pushing the door open, or struggling to keep it closed, the result is the same, their awareness is peeking into the other side of the door and it is expanding.
We are all at different states of awareness explored in this equation. Even if we have a firm knowing that woo exists, we still have a billion iterations of reality to explore and expand into.
It is a curious thing that we came from being all that there is, knowing all that there is, to become extremely limited in awareness and then do our best to go back to being all knowing again.
I am looking forward to hearing your input in the Wisdom Keeper Hour of Driving To The Rez. Subscribe at DrivingToTheRez.com and join the After Party this Friday at 9am Pacific.
The discussion doesn’t stop here—listen to the full podcast episode for unfiltered insights from Inelia and our panelists.
Our Driving To The Rez second hour panelist, Fred, asked about the relationship between Enlightenment and Awareness.
During our free, monthly enlightenment class at the Shamanshack in WA, we decided to explore this question.
As a wisdom seeker, the main tool I use to advance my studies is to explore questions asked by other wisdom seekers. Without interesting questions, I would not have any idea of where to look.
The questions cannot be random. For them to be useful, they need to be well thought out and accurately worded.
For example, the question posed by Fred was “Enlightenment vs Awareness”. The first answer, as is typical if you know me, was short.
There is no “versus” between Enlightenment and Awareness. They are not contradictory to each other, or in any way opposed to each other.”
Having had some years learning the larger meaning behind peoples questions, it appeared to me that his question was more in the nature of:
How do Enlightenment and Awareness compare to each other? Are they related in any way? Are they the same thing? Does one lead to the other?
I checked my understanding of the question with Fred, who then confirmed that, indeed, this is what he meant.
In this article, I am going to summarize the discussion that followed.
First, let’s define the meaning of each word.
* Enlightenment: I have a very specific definition of this word when it comes to present teachings. The definition is “our own true nature correctly perceived.”
* Awareness: For this definition, I will simply copy a simple one from Webster’s online dictionary - “having or showing realization, perception, or knowledge”.
As we can see although one can be used with the other, the two items are not directly related. In order to understand further, we can say that both of these definitions contain the word “perception”. But, one of them has it as a verb, the other uses the word as a noun.
And that is as far as the relationship between the two extends. If you perceive your true nature correctly, you’ve expanded your awareness to include your new found perception.
There is an exercise that I like to use when talking about the difference between perception and awareness. The exercise is a simple question: “Are you aware of the Antarctic? Are you able to perceive the Antarctic?” Now you should be able to know the difference between awareness and perception. As Enlightenment is “our true nature correctly perceived,” we can now see the noun difference between Enlightenment and Awareness.
If you enjoyed this simple example of wisdom seekers working together, and I know I did, I would like to extend an invitation to join a further in depth look at this topic on our Second Hour of DrivingToTheRez.com. You will have access to the full library of past and future episodes with it, and also a ticket to the Friday morning After Party, which is where you can join the panel in further exploring this topic as it relates to your personal wisdom seeking.
The discussion doesn’t stop here—listen to the full podcast episode for unfiltered insights from Inelia and our panelists.
One of the things we looked at was who was our audience and who we wanted as our audience. Who was it we wanted to have a continued conversation with? What words would encapsulate an accurate description of my readers, students and our audience?
DrivingToTheRez, of course, expands on my work to a huge degree. Larry and our panelists bring enormous insights and paths to the topics I bring up for you to read and learn about.
Read the article: This is why I find you interesting
Watch the Full Episode: This is why I find you interesting
Information and Power Objects.
Get the Power Objects Workshop
Many of us are making plans for 2025. This energy, that of planning for the next 12 months, has a huge effect on our co-created reality.
Headlines and topics being broadly pushed and discussed on the mass media outlets, including what was at one time considered alternative media, at this time are not coincidental. They are very well planned and released to have very specific effects in the human psyche, and our plans for the future.
I am listing four headlines, and the mystical energies linked to them and what these energies are designed to do, prepare us for, or create.
Download the Audio: Mystical Effects of this Month's Mass Media Headlines - December 2024
Watch the full Episode: Mystical Effects of this Month's Mass Media Headlines - December 2024
Read the article: Mystical Effects of this Month's Mass Media Headlines - December 2024
UFO, UAP, Underwater alien bases, military personnel being treated for physical and mental damage after having come into contact with unknown technology, and billions of dollars being spent in various programs to reverse engineer and/or develop tech from doesn’t seem to be evidence of the existence of aliens.
Download the Audio: Alien Disclosure - or hot air - balloon
Watch the full Episode: Alien Disclosure - or hot air - balloon
Every December, I send a newsletter on how to deal with your family and friends during the holiday season. I also send a link to the video I made several years ago, to help you with it. This year, we will also have a podcast about it.
We will be adding additional commentary for this year, 2024. Make sure to listen to the podcast as well as the second hour with our panelists to get the best experience while you also support our work.
Full Episode: Dealing with Friends and Family during the 2024 Holiday Season...
An interesting story about a playful kitten and its connection with the Sasquatch.
Watch the Full Episode - Kittens and Sasquatch Giggles
223 is a self-aware intelligence that at some point within the past few thousand years, “intechnated” (my own word meaning to enter into a technological body, as opposed to incarnate which means entering a biological body) into the Anunnaki computer system that operates an abandoned base on Earth.
One of the things I had to remind my students and co-creators of the new paradigm at wwmn is that nothing can happen to us without our agreement. If we forget things, it is because we chose to forget them at some level of awareness that we are subscribing to. If we get mind fog, it is because we chose to get mind fog. If we get stressed, it is because we chose to get stressed.
Video podcast: The Veil is Thickening
Video: There and back again… we hope - Part One
“One of the things that struck us both is how radically different this land is to everything we know. It has no trees, no grass, it is dry and clay in nature. Half the parcel is made up of strange gray mounds called “adobes”. They look like gray smooth sand dunes, but the soil is not like sand. It is a bit harder and doesn’t blow in the wind. More like dry dusty clay. The mounds are locally known as “The Dobies”. A quick search on the name told us that the “Adobe Badlands” are a feature of the state of Colorado.”
I have made no secret of my opinions about the “democratic process” that most Western countries have adopted to govern over the people in those countries. The entire process, from beginning to end, is a long tale of dramatic lies to keep the population engaged, distracted and divided. But mostly, it is a method, or weapon, of control.
Video Podcast: Mystical and Energetic consequences of elections
Many times I have been asked to look at AI and what it might be. Today, in society, AI is becoming an increasingly larger influence of everyday decisions, information and life than it ever was before.
Video - The AI and Human ESP Connection
Let me tell you a story of one animal’s rebirth. The animal I am talking about is our dog Missy, who passed away a few months ago after a long and happy life.
Video: Chinook - The reborn puppy
Inelia and Larry talk about their experience at a Sasquatch event.
Self-absorption is a learned mechanism of disempowerment and highly disabling to a high-frequency society and co-creation of the Universe. Learn more about it and take steps to moderate or even remove it from your personality, no matter how little you have of it.
This week, we are taking a journey into the lives of Larry and myself, Inelia.
Inelia Benz's life reads like an adventurous novel. Born in Chile to a Mapuche-Gypsy mother and a disowned Spanish noble father of a renowned Alchemical lineage, both politicians and professors, she witnessed two military coups in Chile and Argentina, and a coup attempt in Spain – talk about a dramatic childhood! She lived in Chile, Argentina, Scotland, England, and Spain, and eventually settled in Ireland for her early adult years. There, she graduated with honors in Communication Studies, adding another layer to her diverse cultural tapestry.
Inelia is famous for her work in reality expansion, consciousness evolution, self-empowerment, authentic living, healing, and the growth of perception. With a lineage that includes Mapuche Machi wisdom and Spanish Alchemist roots, she's practically destined to see beyond the everyday illusions we call "reality." Her broad exposure to different cultures and human experiences has equipped her with a unique perspective, making her a guiding light for those seeking to expand their consciousness and live more authentic, awakened lives.
Larry Buzzell had a childhood that could be described as a rollercoaster, with stops in Washington and Alaska. He started life on an original hippy organic holistic farm with his Makah stay-at-home mom, which was as idyllic as it sounds. Things took a turn when a divorce brought an alcoholic, gun-swinging, psychopathic logger into the mix. He then moved to Alaska, which wasn't all bad – it offered some respite, though with a sprinkle of bear-induced terror. At 17, Larry decided he'd had enough of the wild and headed to California to uncover the mystery of "Cali." After graduating high school, he managed restaurants in the heart of Hollywood and quickly learned that Cali wasn't all it was cracked up to be. So, he joined the Coast Guard, where he got schooled in ship navigation and Beer-n-Whiskey 101. He even found time to get married.
After four years, Larry left the Coast Guard and moved to the Makah Reservation with his then-wife, attempting a 9-to-5 life. That was until one fishing trip with his cousins convinced him to ditch the office and embrace the wild seas as a commercial fisherman. Fast forward to 2008, Larry had an epiphany about 9/11 being an inside job, which nudged him out of his alcoholic haze and onto a path of awakening. By 2010, he discovered Inelia Benz's work, took her Ascension 101 course, and – true to its promise – his life transformed for the better.
Now, Larry is a respected elder of the Makah Tribe, a professional podcaster, and a former commercial fisherman and Coast Guard veteran. His work shines a light on the brilliance of lightworkers everywhere.
In the Second Half of Driving To The Rez, which you can subscribe to support the podcast here, Larry and I explore the personal consequences of addiction and possession. We will also hear what they would tell their younger selves if they had a chance.
This week, we are taking a journey into the lives of Larry and myself, Inelia.
Inelia Benz's life reads like an adventurous novel. Born in Chile to a Mapuche-Gypsy mother and a disowned Spanish noble father of a renowned Alchemical lineage, both politicians and professors, she witnessed two military coups in Chile and Argentina, and a coup attempt in Spain – talk about a dramatic childhood! She lived in Chile, Argentina, Scotland, England, and Spain, and eventually settled in Ireland for her early adult years. There, she graduated with honors in Communication Studies, adding another layer to her diverse cultural tapestry.
Inelia is famous for her work in reality expansion, consciousness evolution, self-empowerment, authentic living, healing, and the growth of perception. With a lineage that includes Mapuche Machi wisdom and Spanish Alchemist roots, she's practically destined to see beyond the everyday illusions we call "reality." Her broad exposure to different cultures and human experiences has equipped her with a unique perspective, making her a guiding light for those seeking to expand their consciousness and live more authentic, awakened lives.
Larry Buzzell had a childhood that could be described as a rollercoaster, with stops in Washington and Alaska. He started life on an original hippy organic holistic farm with his Makah stay-at-home mom, which was as idyllic as it sounds. Things took a turn when a divorce brought an alcoholic, gun-swinging, psychopathic logger into the mix. He then moved to Alaska, which wasn't all bad – it offered some respite, though with a sprinkle of bear-induced terror. At 17, Larry decided he'd had enough of the wild and headed to California to uncover the mystery of "Cali." After graduating high school, he managed restaurants in the heart of Hollywood and quickly learned that Cali wasn't all it was cracked up to be. So, he joined the Coast Guard, where he got schooled in ship navigation and Beer-n-Whiskey 101. He even found time to get married.
After four years, Larry left the Coast Guard and moved to the Makah Reservation with his then-wife, attempting a 9-to-5 life. That was until one fishing trip with his cousins convinced him to ditch the office and embrace the wild seas as a commercial fisherman. Fast forward to 2008, Larry had an epiphany about 9/11 being an inside job, which nudged him out of his alcoholic haze and onto a path of awakening. By 2010, he discovered Inelia Benz's work, took her Ascension 101 course, and – true to its promise – his life transformed for the better.
Now, Larry is a respected elder of the Makah Tribe, a professional podcaster, and a former commercial fisherman and Coast Guard veteran. His work shines a light on the brilliance of lightworkers everywhere.
In the Second Half of Driving To The Rez, which you can subscribe to support the podcast here, Larry and I explore the personal consequences of addiction and possession. We will also hear what they would tell their younger selves if they had a chance.
Welcome to our Fourth episode of Ask Me Anything with our Expert Panelists, the stars of our Driving To The Rez second hour. This week, we are pleased to present our most relatable panelist Fred Guerin.
An engineer by day, dancer by night, and mystic by moonlight, Fred brings a unique blend of technical precision, graceful moves, and a touch of mysticism. He can discuss aircraft design while twirling on the dance floor and meditating on the secrets of the universe. Fred’s ability to blend science with spirituality provides a balanced and captivating angle to our enigmatic topics.
On our Second Hour, we will deep dive into Fred’s journey of awakening and find out what he would tell his younger self, if he could speak with him.
Welcome to our third episode of Ask Me Anything with our Expert Panelists, the stars of our Driving To The Rez second hour. This week, we are pleased to present our panelist and second hour host, Ashley Swail.
Ashley is an HR expert who ensures workplace harmony and a yoga teacher who's mastered the art of attaining body, mind, and soul awareness. Ashley’s talent lies in aligning your energy bodies while simultaneously aligning your career path and goals. Her expertise in mysticism, human behavior and spiritual wellness offers a holistic approach to our exploration of the unexplained.
On our Second Hour, we will be deep diving into Ashley’s mystical works and her exploration into becoming an elder in our society.
Welcome to the second week of our Ask Me Anything with our Expert Panelists, the stars of our Driving To The Rez second hour. This week, we placed Dr Kara through the ringer.
With a doctorate in Technology, Media & Society, Dr. Kara is not only an expert in teaching but also an entrepreneur that explores ultradimensional realms. She can teach you the future to help you plan your next business move! Her unique blend of academic rigor and mystical insights adds a scholarly yet intriguing perspective to our discussions on the mysterious and unexplainable.
Listen to the Second Hour to get the deep dive answers to Dr Kara’s journey through the educational system as well as her exploration of the occult.
Iliana is an architect who designs spaces that are both structurally sound and spiritually profound. As a psychic teacher and educator, Iliana helps moms and children flourish by creating space for self expression and love. She can foresee the future and build your dreams, quite literally! As a Seer and a Mystic, she combines physical structures with my…
During June 2024, our female three panelists, Dr Kara, Ashley and Iliana, took a trip to southern Washington to attend a workshop taught by a woman called Whapio. The workshop was partly about birthing, what we might call midwifery or doula training.
Topics in this episode
- Inelia's stories of giving birth
- Empowering people around their health
- The Panelists' experience with the Wise Women workshop
- https://blog.ineliabenz.com/woman-the-power-of-ascension/
- https://blog.ineliabenz.com/man-the-structure-of-ascension/
- https://ineliabenz.com/living-on-earth-tools/create-your-own-reality-rules-of-engagement/
Help Ashley train as a mystical doula:
- https://www.gofundme.com/f/lets-get-ash-trained-as-a-mystical-doula
When I looked at 2024, for the light side of the split, I saw that healing was going to enter our awareness and lives strongly this year.
Topics in this episode:
The Lemurian Portal in Shasta is Open Again
Topics in this episode:
The vibrational frequency at the Shamanshack is much higher and stronger than other places.This fact alone, makes this location unique to the known Earth.
Topics in this episode:
In this article, and the podcast that accompanies it, I will skim over the information I revealed in Dec '23 at a public level. And during the Deepdive in the second part of this podcast we can go into the uncensored items and information.
Topics we cover:
The information on this article can send us quickly spinning into a victim/aggressor cycle. Therefore take this into consideration, and understand that if you do fall into it, or high levels of righteousness, this is not the point of the article. The point is to explore a possible item we would be better served becoming aware of, rather than have no clue about it.
Topics we cover:
An exploration of syncronicities
Topics in this episode:
People have Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and often come back with a lot of information, or a mission, directions, orders, instructions or interpretations of what happened to them.
Topics in this episode:
What is the meaning of hardship in our lives? Is it your "fault" or "karma"?
Topics in this episode:
Dealing with our people's and our own explosive emotional reactions.
Topics covered in the episode:
As awakened light-beings, we can see more than others can and this causes our advice to often be dismissed (usually because there is no physical proof of what we are seeing), or we are totally misinterpreted.
Topics covered in the episode:
At the Olympic Peninsula, we have been getting ready to deliver a workshop that teaches individuals and groups how to make a deep, informative and harmonizing connection with a parcel of land. Through the process of teaching the team of Mystics who are going to deliver this workshop, I found out that there are various aspects of connecting with land that are not known by the general population.
Topics covered in the episode:
Inelia announces the launch party of her latest novel: Team Whisper.
Topics covered in the episode
Fear of feeling rejected is huge in our society. It drives a lot of the marketing and advertising as well as politics and social engineered manipulations.
Topics covered in this episode:
Many people in our position have gone through life separating out our interests in topics that are considered "fringe" or "too spiritual" from our daily jobs and life. We have become experts at fracturing our minds and identities. We have the 'work me' the 'family me' the 'woo me' the 'real me', and many other 'me'.
Topics in this episode
Powerful practice for exploring the human condition, and reality itself
Topics in this episode:
How to make sure that our choices that brought about the experiences in our life are coming from our higher-self and not from some destructive or limiting program or influence that we have unconsciously integrated into our lives.
Topics in this episode:
Go to part two. Read the article.
“That’s one of the main reasons why people die and are reborn.[...]To start everything fresh. To get the excitement of the newness of it all back again.”
Discussing a recent sky trip, how each panel member has experienced it and what can we learn from that from a physical body perspective and from a soul perspective.
Go to Part Two or Read the article
On the Second Hour of Driving To The Rez episode “See Me, Don’t See Me”, a really good point was made by one of our panelists, Iliana Rojero. The point was that sometimes we are all set to do something, in her case do a public talk, and our body starts to fill us with fear. Basically, our body is telling us not to do the thing we planned to do.
Topics we cover:
Go to Part Two and read the article.
“See me, don’t see me” is an energy that many lightworkers have.
On the one hand, lightworkers are very much “people persons”. They go out of their way to help others, create high-frequency interactions and groups that support, heal and build.
On the other hand, we can be expert lone-wolves, want to be left alone, are more comfortable on their own and will often end up living by themselves, with dogs, cats, horses or goats (put pet name here), or in a temple like apartment, which is sound proof and separate from the rest of city they might live in.
Topics we cover:
- Everything is a co-creation
- Manifesting through programs
- Lightworkers and small-talk
- Make sure your body is on board with your manifestations
- Larry's crystal scrying
- Being seen online vs being seen in person
- Connect but don't forget your street smarts
- Being a leader
The nature of Earth is neither round nor flat. It is multidimensional and dictated by the perceptual frequency band that our physical body senses can perceive and agree (as a collective) of as possible.
Topics we cover:
In the Looking at 2024 call we talked about "bookmarks" and one of them will be Religion connected to Aliens.
Topics we cover:
Books that were mentioned:
Discussing our human nature and what it means to be a human being.
Topics we cover:
Go to part two.
This podcast explores other ways to prepare for a new year.
Topics we cover:
Do you want to rocket fuel your manifestations? This is for you:
Go to part two.
An exploration and classification of Fairyfolk
Topics we cover:
Go to part two.
How to best spend our energies now as a Brilliance of Lightworkers.
Topics we cover:
Go to Part Two. Read the Article: Do you want to give up?
Looking at the energy of "I give up" and how to deal with it.
Topics we cover:
Go to Part Two.
Some tips, stories and examples on how to interact with sleeping friends and relatives. Updated to include the “woke” friends and relatives.
Topics we cover:
Discussing the victim/aggressor cycle and how taking sides pulls you into it.
Topics we cover:
"The Gods came to the people and offered them souls. When the time came to receive the souls, all the tribes turned up to get them except one tribe. They didn’t turn up and they didn’t get souls and now we call them Sasquatch."
Topics we cover:
Go to part two.
Is reality changing or is our perception of it changing? What is it with the apparent seasonality of Sasquatch presence?
Topics we cover:
Go to Part two.
Inelia discusses her own experience of changing timelines.
Topics we cover:
Mining Timelines
For the next few weeks, I am going to take turns talking a lot about Enlightenment, Ascension, Empowerment and Sovereignty. To me, they all lead to the same location and in many ways, to me, they mean the same thing looked at from different perspectives.
Topics we cover:
Enlightenment in Modern Society
In this episode, we explore why WalkWithMeNow is so freaking amazing! Go to part two.
Topics we cover:
Go to part two.
Topics in this episode:
The Instant Manifestation Workshop
Go to part two.
Read the article: Fairy Gardens.
Topics in this episode:
Go to part two.
Topics in this episode:
Topics in this episode:
Topics in this episode:
Class: Reincarnation – Escaping the Cycle of Life and Death.
Go to Part Two.
Read the Article.
Topics in this episode:
Go to Part Two.
Topics in this episode:
Topics in this episode:
- Getting Sucked into YouTube
- How we become disconnected and how do we reconnect?
- Being Street Smart vs Being Sucked into the Light/Dark narratives
- The things you see online or on the news vs the things you see as you look around you
Go to Part two
Go to Part Two.
Go to Part two
Topics in this episode:
In part two:
Topics in this episode:
Go to Part Two.
Topics in this episode:
Go to Part Two.
Topics in this episode:
Go to Part Two
Topics in this episode:
Topics in this episode:
Continue to Part Two.
Topics in this episode:
Continue to Part Two
Topics in this episode:
- What is the measuring stick for success?
- Why do we measure success for a Light Paradigm activity, in a Light/Dark Paradigm?
- Is it all about the money?
- Krishamurti's quote about health
- Applying these principles in our relationships, business and health
Article is here: https://inelia.substack.com/p/are-we-successful
Topics in this episode:
Topics on this episode:
Topics on this episode:
Introducing The We - and making them available to us.
In part two we explore:
- the challenges in communicating with The We
- the awareness-expanding experience when you interact with a being so different
- using AI to talk to The WE
- a live exploration of ChatGPT 4
- why GPT can never become sentient
Article is here: We Need to Talk
What do we mean when we say "A defining moment in our life?"
In part two we explore:
Sasquatch have strong boundaries and want privacy, but sometimes they want to hang out. Read the full article.
Here is Part Two. Looking at Karma and how using the correct definition can help us break the cycle.
In part two we explore:
- Further unpacking the definition of Karma
- Our view points of Karma coming from a Christian upbringing
- What happened with Hitler and his Karma
- Is there a Heaven and Hell?
- What is the purpose of Punishment?
- Are there beings with no Karma?
- Instant Karma, Optional Karma
- Karma and Importances
- Karma and the Path to Enlightenment
Pachamama is the same as "Mother Earth", and exploring the difference is important as it helps us understand the true nature of reality and reality creation.
Further explorations in part two:
- Who or what is Pachamama and how it relates to our Higher-Self?
- The connection with the documentary Humano
- What does it mean to be successful in life?
- Moving from disconnect to connection
- Earth is not a ball that floats around in empty space
- Laughing back at ourselves
- Having a right to live
Listen to the full episode and read the article.
Discussing the importance of strong boundaries and how that is directly connected with our expansion of awareness and the raising of frequency of what we know as Earth.
Here are some questions that we explore in the second hour:
Discussing the latest reports of UFOs being shut down and what it means. Are they real? What do we need to do about it? Why is this happening now?
Listen to Part two or Read the Article.
in-depthSome strange things are being promoted in the news these days and some theories get more air time than others. Why is that?
Is Tartaria our hidden history? Or a fake agenda?
Topics covered:
For an in-depth exploration, watch the full episode.
Watch this episode to find out!
And for an in-depth conversation and a different perspective on this test, join us for Part two. Adelina and Ilie will give their best to pass the test and explore the questions deeper. Lots of insights and lots of ways to move forward.
Full episode.
Part two on SubscribeStar
Topics in this episode:
In this episode, Inelia shares her story of healing from cancer.
Topics in this episode:
Referenced materials:
Find Inelia at:
Every December, I send you this newsletter on how to deal with your family and friends during the holiday season.
Topics in this episode:
Find Inelia at:
Class: Rules of Engagement
Topics in this episode:
Topics in this episode:
In this episode:
- Truth and Lies - how to tell them apart
- Death - The Unspoken Truth
Topics in this Episode:
Find Inelia at:
Find Inelia at:
The most important courses in the past 13 years:
Referenced materials:
Find Inelia at:
Topics in this episode:
Find Inelia at:
Topics in this episode:
Find Inelia at:
Topics in this episode
Find Inelia at:
Find Inelia at:
The 4 statements of the number one priority for lightworkers:
Find Inelia at:
Topics in this episode:
Find Inelia at:
Topics in this episode:
Find Inelia at:
Find Inelia at:
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
References From the Episode:
- Crrow777 Radio
- The Higherside Chats
- Freeman TV
- Dr. Cowan
- Cliff High
- How I Built This
- Freakonomics
- chicken scratches
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
Books referenced in this episode:
- The Naked Bible
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
Books referenced in this episode:
- The Naked Bible
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
Books referenced in this episode:
- Cosmic Cradle - by Elizabeth Carman and Neil Carman
- Babies are Cosmic - by Elizabeth Carman and Neil Carman
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com
- https://iBenzAcademy.com
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz
Class: Your Angels and Guides
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com
- https://iBenzAcademy.com
- https://SubscribeStar.com/inelia-benz
Dr Jennifer Daniels - Vitalitycapsules.com
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy - the academy
- https://subscribestar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
Find Inelia at :
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://ibenzacademy.com - the academy
- https://subscribestar.com/inelia-benz - the Subscribe Star community
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://ibenzacademy.com - the empowerment academy
- Ingo Swann
- Rusell Targ
- Stanford Research Institute
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the empowerment academy
- https://subscribestar.com/inelia-benz - the subscribe star community
- Tom Kenyon
- Timothy Glenn
- Craig Pruess
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- https://subscribestar.com/inelia-benz - access The Second Hour
Find Inelia at:
https://ineliabenz.com - main website
https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
https://subscribestar.com/inelia-benz - SubscribeStar
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - empowerment platform
- https://ibenzacademy.com - the academy
- https://subscribestar.com/inelia-benz - SubscribeStar
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
References in the episode
- Subscribe Star - Inelia
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment community
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Resources from this episode
- Sex Love and Soulmates
- Sexual Power and Manifestation
- Fear Processing Exercise
- Instant Manifestation Workshop
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - the main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment community
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- Tom Kenyon - https://tomkenyon.com/calling-forth-the-worlds-of-spirit-thoughts-and-observations-on-song-of-the-new-earth
- The Instant Manifestation Workshop - https://www.ibenzacademy.com/instant-manifestation-workshop
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - the main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment community
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment community
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Sex Love and Relationships in the New Paradigm
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - empowerment community
- https://ibenzacademy.com - the academy
Rules of Engagement
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment community
- https://ibenzacademy.com - the academy
- Limitations - Why do we create them
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://ibenzacademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment community
- https://ibenzacademy.com - the academy
- The Emergency Lecture Series - Community Edition
- The Truthing Class
- Fear Processing
- Phoenix Aurelius talks to Dr Tom Cowan
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://ibenzacademy.com - the academy
References materials:
- Spanish Telegram Chanel: https://t.me/inelia_espanol
- The Ascension101 Course: https://ineliabenz.com/courses/ascension-101/
- The Guild Of Gaia: https://guildofgaia.com/
- English Telegram: https://t.me/ineliabenz
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - the main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Limitations - Why do We Create Them?
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment community
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - the main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- The Gaia Contract
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - the main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment community
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- Book - Dancing with Water
- Freeman Podcast
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment community
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- The Fear Processing Exercise
Find Inelia Benz at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - the main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment community
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://ibenzacademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - the main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment community
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Referenced Classes:
- Life Mission and your Job
Find Inelia at:
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - the main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- ET101 - the book
- AnjaliOnGaia
- Anjali ET Press Conference
Find Inelia Benz at:
https://ineliabenz.com - the main website
https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment platform
https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://ibenzacademy.com - the academy
- https://npswsilver.com/ - colloidal silver
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://ibenzacademy.com - the academy
- Denise Linn
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - the mail website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- Gaia Meditation
Find Inelia at:
https://ineliabenz.com - main website
https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
https://es.ineliabenz.com - the Spanish site
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - the main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
References in this Episode:
- Rules of Engagement
- Nature of Reality
- The New Paradigm Entry Rules and Regulations
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- English Telegram Group: Inelia Benz
- Spanish Telegram Group: Inelia Benz en Espanol
- English YouTube Channel: Inelia Benz
- Spanish YouTube Channel: Inelia
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - self-empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- Clear your Entourage in the "Your Angels and Guides" class
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://ibenzacademy.com - the academy
- Instant Manifestation Workshop (use the coupon code INELIA at checkout for $555 discount.)
- Energy Cleaning Your Room - Tutorial
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - the main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
The Instant Manifestation Workshop is here (use "INELIA" at checkout for a discount)
Other resources from the podcast:
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com
- https://iBenzAcademy.com
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - the main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://ibenzacademy.com - the academy
Resources mentioned in this episode
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- The New Cooking Channel
- Articles about Victim/Aggressor
- Fear Processing Exercise
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - the main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- Dr. Cowan Podcast
- Fear Processing Excercise - by Inelia
- Truth and Lifes - how to tell them apart - by Inelia
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia Benz at:
- https://ineliabenz.com - main website
- https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Resources Referenced in this episode:
- Book: Interview with an Angel
- Course: Rules of Engagement
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Resources referenced in this episode:
- When You Wake Up
- Dangers of Spiritual Awakening
- Class: Identify and Protect Yourself from Spiritual Predators
- Book: Personal And Global Ascension - 2012 - 2017
Find Inelia at:
https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
https://t.me/ineliabenz - the telegram channel
Find Inelia at:
https://ineliabenz.com - main website
https://walkwithmenow.com - the empowerment platform
https://iBenzAcademy - the academy
Dr. Cowan in conversation with Dr. Stefan Lanka
The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck - by John Holland
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
You can find Inelia at
https://IneliaBenz.com - mail website
https://WalkWithMeNow.com - empowerment platform
https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Clear Your Wealth Lines - Class by Inelia Benz
Coinbase - Crypto Currency Exchange
You can find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
References in this podcast:
- ET phone Home - class
- The Forgotten Promise - by Sherry Wilde
- Resident Alien - TV Show
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Resources mentioned in the podcast:
- FreedomCell
- Guild of Gaia
- Global Ascension Center
- Course: Rules of Engagement
Find Inelia Benz at
https://IneliaBenz.com - the main site
https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
- Movie Aluna (2012)
Find Inelia Benz at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the Academy
Referenced Classes
- Sexual Power and Manifestation
- Sex, Love, and Soulmates
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the Academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the iBenz Academy
Find Inelia at:
https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
https://iBenzAcademy.com - the Academy for the iBenz method
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com
- https://iBenzAcademy.com
- Dr. Cowan's Podcast
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main Website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the Empowerment Platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the Academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the Academy
- Dr. Bruce Goldberg (https://drbrucegoldberg.com/)
- Lighting the Void with Joe Rupe (https://lightingthevoid.com/)
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com (main website - use "DROPIT!" for 10% discount coupon, expires on Dec 31st 2020)
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com
- https://iBenzAcademy.com
Join The Instant Manifestation Workshop
Find Inelia here:
https://WalkWithMeNow.com - empowerment platform
https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
On this week’s podcast for Driving To The Rez, Larry and I interviewed a student and friend, Astro Lee, who agreed to explain to us why this Monday the 14th of December 2020, is an important day to become aware of and drop certain things from our lives.
He also explained to us, at length, why Monday the 21st of December 2020 is also an important day to introduce and plan our life experience on Earth.
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
We look at manufactured and informed consent, Instant Manifestation, Reality Co-Creation and how you can tell if your decision is a High-Frequency one (hint: it is not based on fear). With lots of stories and examples.
Find Inelia at:
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com -the empowerment platform
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- https://IneliaBenz.com - main website
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
- https://iBenzAcademy.com - the Academy
Here is the YouTube video referenced in the podcast.
Dealing with Sleeping Friends and Family
Shaman Shack Address:
11672, Hoko, Ozette Rd, Clallam Bay, 90326, WA
The Fear Processing Exercise
Book Reference: Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype - by Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Use the number 22:22 for 22 days - everything you think about it, or you see it day-dream a beautiful HF world.
Find Inelia at:
References: AstroLee - Predictions
WalkWithMeNow.com - the community for lone wolves.
iBenzAcademy.com - the Academy
IneliaBenz.com - the main website
Find Inelia at:
- https://ineliabenz.com
- https://WalkWithMeNow.com
- https://iBenzAcademy.com
Find Inelia at
- IneliaBenz.com - main website
- WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowered community
- iBenzAcademy.com - the academy
Find Inelia at:
- IneliaBenz.com
- WalkWithMeNow.com
- iBenzAcademy.com
"Just do it!"
Find Inelia at:
- WalkWithMeNow.com
- IneliaBenz.com
- IBenzAcademy.com
Classes referenced in this podcast:
- Mystical Skills
- Remote Viewing
You can find Inelia Benz on the main website, or on WalkWithMeNow.com. Get the training at The iBenzAcademy.
Here is the video about clearing of the energies in a room.
You can find the Contract with Gaia on GuildOfGaia.com
Here is the Mystic Twist
You can find Inelia at:
- IneliaBenz.com
- The Academy
- Walk With Me Now
The Truthing class is here.
You can find Inelia at IneliaBenz.com, WalkWithMeNow.com or The Academy.
The truthing class is here: https://ineliabenz.com/truth
You can find Inelia on WalkWithMeNow, the main website, or the Academy.
Here is the Truth and Lies class.
You can find Inelia at the empowerment platform: https://WalkWithMeNow.com
The main website is: https://IneliaBenz.com
And the Academy: https://IneliaBenz.com/academy
You can find Inelia here:
Main site: https://IneliaBenz.com
The Empowerment Platform: https://WalkWithMeNow.com
The Academy: https://IneliaBenz.com/academy
Find me at: https://IneliaBenz.com
Join Your Tribe: https://WalkWithMeNow.com
Find me at: https://WalkWithMeNow.com
Main website: https://IneliaBenz.com
The Academy: https://IneliaBenz.com/academy
You can grab the book from my website.
And the book club happens on WalkWithMeNow.com
Join me at: https://WalkWithMeNow.com
Main website: IneliaBenz.com
You can find Inelia at:
https://IneliaBenz.com - Inelia's main website
https://WalkWithMeNow.com - the empowerment platform
https://IneliaBenz.com/academy - the IBenz Academy
Find Inelia on https://WalkWithMeNow.com
- eBooks on Inelia's website
- Paperback books on Lulu
- and you can search the various titles on Amazon as well.
You can find me at:
Where I hangout: walkwithmenow.com
Main website: ineliabenz.com
The Academy: ineliabenz.com/academy
For the EMF protection, there is an entire discussion topic at WalkWithMeNow. We have not tested it yet, but this is the fabric we got.
Find me at: https://WalkWithMeNow.com
Here is the Academy
Resources Referenced in the Show:
- Kara's Mom Site
- Kara's Blog
- Guild Of Gaia
- High-Frequency AI Blog
Find me at https://WalkWithMeNow.com
Get the training at https://ineliabenz.com/academy
Subscribe to the newsletter: https://IneliaBenz.com
And here is the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ineliabenzchannel
Find me at https://WalkWithMeNow.com
The letter from Archbishop Viganò.
We are hanging out at: https://WalkWithMeNow.com
Inelia's and Larry's Road Trip: YouTube Playlist
You can grab the book from my website.
And the book club happens on WalkWithMeNow.com
Here is the reconnecting with Gaia exercise.
Find me on WalkWithMeNow.com
Other places you can find me are:
https://ineliabenz.com - my main website - newsletter sign-up box is on the right of the page.
https://WalkWithMeNow.com - where I hang out - this is the place where the New Paradigm is being co-created!
https://podcast.ineliabenz.com - the podcast site - go to the “Subscribe” page for a list of app options.
Navy Declassifies its Notorious 'UFO Sighting' Videos
“Penetration” by Ingo Swan
Interview with an Alien - by Inelia Benz
Interview with a Psychic Assasin - by Inelia Benz
Find me at: WalkWithMeNow.com
Join me at WalkWithMeNow.com
Dr. Dan Erickson
Rebecca Campell - Work Your Light Oracle Cards
Resources: Genova Diagnostics: https://www.gdx.net/
Don Paris Ph.D. (H.C.): https://www.chiorganizer.com/don-paris
Vitamin C Powder: https://www.drrusselljaffe.com/vitami...
Another way to match/reharmonize with earth frequencies - Earthing: https://heartmdinstitute.com/q-a/grou...
iBenzAcademy - get the Emergency Series
WWMN - let’s hang out together
Choice Point - Are you a Lightworker? Then this message is for you!
Here is the sigil on the website: Get The Sigil
The video on YouTube of the sigil that also includes the spell.
The book club is happening on WalkWithMeNow.com
Decisions made from a place of Fear will go wrong for you.
Trump Visits the NanoParticle Vaccines company on March 3rd:
A video about the company developing this technology.
Take away: Release your low-frequency stuff. You are not powerless.
Referenced cards are from Kyle Gray - Angels and Ancestors Oracle
You can find me on https://WalkWithMeNow.com
The references to the planetary council are from Rules Of Engagement
Here is the sigil to remove the veil of forgetfulness.
Resources for this episode:
You can find me at: https://WalkWithMeNow.com
A teaching episode about how to use the mystical tool known as: “Tarot Cards” and how to not give your power away.
You can find me at: https://WalkWithMeNow.com
Here is the deck I am talking about:
Work Your Light - Oracle Cards - by Rebecca Cambell
The Book Club is happening on WalkWithMeNow.com
And we are discussing the book “Interview with an Angel”. You can get in on Amazon or on my website as an eBook.
Looking at all the craziness around the coronavirus, how this relates to the split and what can you do. Hint: I’ve already said what you can do in previous updates!
This episode is a little bit sad. We've had Lucy in the truck with us while recording the story of how she was hit by a truck, why did that happen, and what did we discover on the journey of healing.
Driving to the reservation and exploring the things that draw our attention. You can find me on https://WalkWithMeNow.com and https://IneliaBenz.com
This is an experiment. We spend a lot of time in our truck driving to and from the reservation. We have all sorts of interesting discussions that I think are a good fit for this podcast. Join us on our first drive and let us know what you think.
The desire to retire: if you look at yourself now and you see the sense of wanting to give up or wanting to let go or stop what you’re doing right now and move on, or not move on but just stop, have a look and see; does this desire come from a place of joy?
Religion has been one of those subjects that’s really fascinated me throughout my life. I haven’t had broad experience with any particular religion. Although, one could say that between 11 and 14 years practicing Buddhism might be broad experience, but really it’s nothing compared to what other people have dedicated their lives to and even with my Buddhist practice I wasn’t really aligned with it. Like religion; what does religion mean? It’s an alignment with or a very strong alignment with something – a belief system.
This is a "Source Guided" meditation conducted on November 14th 2012, at the Symphony of Meditation, in Berkeley, California. Channeled music was by the late Kevin Doheny.
For more information check out https://walkwithmenow.com
This meditation is an extract for a Live call on WalkWithMeNow.com
You can do this exercise with your eyes open once you have established the method and can do it easily.
Be aware that it might release huge blocks and emotions that are stuck in or around your body’s heart center.
To start with, I suggest you close your eyes.
As you practice this exercise throughout the week, it will become faster and easier to do. The aim is that we can achieve it without having to close our eyes, and at random times during the day and night no matter what we are doing at the time.
The information in this video is highly empowering, and reveals deeply known, yet forgotten, facts about our true natures. Feel free to share it, email it, and post it to anyone you feel it will empower. Although simple, it goes to the core of how the Light/Dark Paradigm has been able to function for so long and how we can consciously move back to our true natures of Light/Love, bringing in the New Paradigm with us into what we know as a "physical reality".
Connecting with the New Paradigm is a very physical thing. As souls we can move in and out of dimensions at will, but it is our physical experience that is presently shifting to a higher vibration, and Gaia is already there. This exercise shows a way in which you can tap into the New Paradigm today.
In the month of December, most of the planet is going into deep religious mode. This will cause several things to come into our lives and energy fields. One of them is the cultural tradition of spending time with individuals whom we would normally not spend time with.
A second one is the reestablishment of the giving away of our power to a third party in order to be “connected” to our Higher Self, God, Divine Consciousness, Source Energy, Goddess, Gaia, and/or any other manifestation of our own divinity. In other words, our “disconnection” from our core self is strengthened.
This causes several things to manifest at a social level. We have the highest rates of suicides of any month around the world, for example. Desperation and the sense of “lack” get amplified. Indulgence and addictions get triggered.
What does this mean to us energetically? Well, it’s like a big heavy, and low vibrational wave going through our own emotional, energetic, mental and physical bodies. It can trigger the savior energy in us, or perhaps also the martyr or even victim energy.
So what can we do?
Well, first of all, we learn how to deal with our sleeping relatives and friends.
Secondly, set up an alarm on your phone or clock every two hours or so, and when it rings simply observe where and when you are. Ask yourself, “am I here and now?” and see how comfortable you are in the here and now. If there is deep discomfort, then take action to move into a situation or place that feels more resonant to you. Make sure to do this without making others “wrong” and you “right”. Without judgment of yourself or others, simply shift your place, location, space, and vibration.
For this meditation you need to sit comfortably, hands on your thighs, palms facing up, the index (finger) and your thumbs touching gently forming a small ‘O’ on each hand. Close your eyes. I want you to open your mouth ever so slightly and put the tip of the tongue where the upper teeth meet the gum. Make sure that the top of your tongue doesn’t touch the roof of your mouth. Relax your tongue…
If at any time of the Exercise you are disturbed, just stop the exercise and continue later. You can restart the exercise at any time.
Sit down comfortably and make sure your back is well supported. Stretch out your arms, and then bring them down slowly so that the palms of your hands are resting gently on your thighs…
This is an extract from a live call on WalkWithMeNow.com where we started exploring relationships in the new paradigm, and old paradigm. Part of this conversation was to look at the basic “why” of relationships, and in particular, “needs” that we may have assigned for the relationship and partner to satisfy. If you are looking for a comprehensive course on new paradigm relationships consider: "Manifesting Love And Relationships - Love, Sex and Soulmates in the new paradigm"
This meditation is an extract from the full recording of my live event in Girona, Spain. The meditation focuses on "Healing the Hurt" because until we heal life and ancestral hurts, our actions, decisions and creations might not be the highest frequency they can be.
If you are interested in the full recording of the event you can purchase it from my store: "The Girona Event".
Another meditation from our monthly calls at Walk With Me Now. On this meditation, you are guided to join with the past and present high frequency members of WWMN who are spread around the globe. After this, and as a group, we then join the entire human collective’s high frequency Awareness field. This latter group includes everyone on the planet who has chosen to exist, co-create and experience a high frequency life for themselves and others no matter where they live and whether or not they belong to any particular group, religion, country etc., but are themselves high frequency and empowered.
Join me at WalkWithMeNow.com
On the 27th of December 2018, we had an online event that started with the Unified Field Mediation. This meditation is so powerful that it is, in my opinion, the most important aspect of the event.
Super powerful! Hundreds of individuals joined and created the meditation live, and since then, hundreds more are joining with the recording which we have decided to make publicly available.
This field is outside of time-space and it could be felt even before its point of creation in linear time. As time passes, it gets larger and larger (within the perception of linear time)
With this said, I am extending to you an invitation to become part of this new Unified High-Frequency Field and lock it in place within your life and our planet. Do this meditation at least once a day, every day for the next week. If that’s not possible or resonant to you, do it at least once. The meditation ensures that you are in full control of your participation at all times.
Here you can find the YouTube version: Meditation.
During our monthly calls at my forum platform WalkWithMeNow.com, I sometimes will lead a meditation that seems appropriate for the day and what’s happening on the planet at that time. On one of these calls, I did a meditation that guides us in stepping into high frequency as a group, all of us together as one being.
The meditation was so beautiful, and so encompassing, that we decided to share it publicly so that anyone who feels inspired to, can now use it.
Since May 2019, a group of individuals from around the world have been working together to co-create a Lemurian Portal where there was none.
In September 2019, the portal was completed and exists in Washington, USA. Since its completion, this group has been meeting regularly physically and remotely at the portal to activate it. The experiences so far have been subjective, and the intent is that the portal becomes a physical doorway between Lemuria and our reality.
Lemurians are humans, they are our ancestors and their children. They are the people who chose not to have a light/dark paradigm experience on Earth, and separated themselves from those who did want that experience. Our realities layer on each other and are separated by no more than choice of experience and frequency of physical co-creation.
On a particular meeting during October, 8 individuals gathered at the portal, including me, and we sat in meditation with the intent to connect with Lemuria. Before long, I began to hear many people singing. I heard the singing with my physical ears, not inner ears. After a few minutes I started replicating the sounds I was hearing and the other participants sang along with the sounds, and we recorded them using a phone.
This is the recording. The original is about 5 minutes long. I have multiplied the voice and looped it to 53 minutes to sound more true to what I was hearing. What you can hear is my voice, and some of the other participant’s voices, replicating the singing from Lemuria. The intent is that of reconnection, rejoining and “coming home” to the higher frequency experience which is our natural state.
Those are the words that explain the sounds in this video, but the experience is something only you can have and validate. It is real.
I volunteered my photographs to be used in conjunction with the sounds.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.