In this episode of the Drug Solutions podcast, Chris Spivey, editorial director, and Meg Rivers, senior editor, interview experts on up-and-coming 2022 trends in the bio/pharma industry.
The experts who shared their insight include:
Peter Walters, Director of ATMP, CRB
Yvonne Duckworth, Automation Engineer, CRB
Cary Martin, VP of Marketing, August Bioservices
Gabe Longoria, Chief Commercial Officer, Astrea Bioseparations
Merrilee Whitney, Head of Biocontinuum Platform, MilliporeSigma
Helen Anderson, Commercial Lead, USA, Aspen
San Kiang, CTO, Porton Pharmatech/J-Star Research
Anil Kane, Global Head of Technical Scientific Affairs, Pharma Services, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Matthias Buserius, Head of Activities and Formulation, MilliporeSigma
Jeff Woodhead, Senior Scientist, Simulations Plus
Gregory Lane, PhD, Senior Research Investigator, Bristol-Myers, Squibb