A Pearl tom mount on an ultra-rare Ludwig Top Hat and Cain kit? It happened... Steele teaches us his process of preserving and restoring classic drums in an effort to keep them as original as possible with tons of great stories along the way. We discuss the hierarchy of his process, beginning with diagnosing the wrap, followed by what to do if extra extra holes were drilled in the drums, and then fixing the bearing edges. He has an amazing way of looking at the history of drums and loads of experience with instruments that have been around longer than most of us have been alive.
Steele Turkington is the owner of Kentville Drums in Sydney Australia and is a true master at the art of restoration. He is also the creator of the famous Kangaroo Hide Drumheads, learn all about him by visiting http://www.kentvilledrums.com.au
And find him on social media at @kentville_drums
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