"Easy! Eas-ee!" Scott Murphy from All 90s Action, All the Time and New Horror Express is back to discuss another Steven Seagal DTV flick, this time 2003's "The Foreigner." A product of its time, we see early 2000s action in all its glory, from techno music to fancy edits, and to that mix we add a Seagal who wasn't as lazy as he became, but lazy enough.
You can find Scott's podcasts on iTunes or other major podcatchers; or go here for All 90s Action, All the Time, https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/scott-murphy9, and here for New Horror Express, https://newhorrorexpress.com/
For my newest novel release, Don's House in the Mountains, go here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CN9B811D
Check out Bainbridge, a short action novel about a cop on the edge in early 90s LA: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CH7V3SK5
For my author website, go here: https://www.matthewpoirierauthor.com
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