Dumpster Dive: A Reality TV Deep Dive
BACH CAP SUNDAY IS HERE! Tom and Cix are joined by besties Kyle Kleiboeker & Allison Harris (@kylekleiboeker & @_allisonharris_) to chat Women Tell All!
They chat Allison’s agenda, Tom’s WWHL appearance, Kyle’s reality tv strategies, Cix’s affection for Matt’s beard, pot ledom top model backwards, what blonde hair does to a person, Anna talking teeth first, Summer Camp, forgetting Allison’s birthday, and breakdown old spin studio stories.
As Chris Harrison says, BLOOPERS COMING UP!
Expect Bravo coverage on Fridays and Bachelor coverage on Sundays! And subscribe to our new Patreon page dedicated to the reality tv that shaped us! Starting with The Real World Season 1!
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Tom Hamlett Instagram: @thetomhamlett
Cix Hamlett Instagram: @cixhamlett
Kyle Kleiboeker Instagram: @kylekleiboeker
Allison Harris Instagram: @_allisonharris_
Dumpster Dive Instagram: @dumpsterdivepod