DMs Matt and Rob attempt to take stock of the failures of the corporations that control Dungeons and Dragons (Wizards of the Coast, Hasbro, and OneBookShelf) over the past decade and discuss recent goings on in both D&D and Magic: The Gathering. Then, we answer your letters on dealing with overpowered homebrew classes and speeding up combat with large parties!
Links of stuff discussed:
Zaiem Beg, "The Wizards I Know"
"Wizards of the Coast, Nic Kelman, & Hypocrisy" by A.E. Marling
Send Us a One-Page RPG by Sunday July 12th
Performance of She Kills Monsters on July 12th 7pm
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Pac Div - Roll the Dice
The Coup - The Guillotine
Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime
Rodriguez - This In Not A Song, It's An Outburst: Or, The Establishment Blues lyrics