Matt and Rob are joined by special guest Natasha, an amazing DM and co-host of the Metamashina Podcast, a show about genre fiction from the feminine perspective. WARNING: SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 26 OF CRITICAL ROLE BEGIN @ [03:40].
Your DMs discuss how to handle character death, the problems of custom class mechanics, and fan reaction to the episode. [Discussion ends 40:10] Matt, Rob and Natasha are briefly distracted by Hasbro's bizarre announcement about D&D becoming an e-sport. [40:15]
Natasha shares her experience running games in Numenera, Monte Cook's far-future rpg centered around exploration and discovery. [45:50] If you plan on running any type of post-technology adventure or if you just want to improve your ability to create ancient mysteries for your players to solve, give Numenera a try. It's a great system and setting for growing as a Dungeon Master! You can check out the Metamashina Podcast (and we recommend that you do) by following this link: