The ancient classic tale of “The Gods’ Feud” reveals the hidden plots and rivalries which led to a three-kingdom war between mortals and immortals, as told by Seneschaal and Tuntemus, with editorial snark from rogue Varastaa.
Voice Talent by Dani Baldwin as Skeyo; John Campbell as Aziz; Grace Madland as Varastaa; Karyn O’Bryant as Dvurgura; Jack Harvison as Tuntemus; Daniel Rhovan as Seneschaal and Erin Suminsby as Laallafee
Sound Engineering by Dino De Aelfweald; Sound Design by David Ian; Theme by Ron Perovich; Music by Marc Rose; “Soldier, Arrow, Horse” (Part 3) is a Fireside short story of the Dungeons & Damsels series by Unchained Productions