Kaustubh Deshpande is the Co-Founder of Eywa Neuro. He previously spent time as an engineer at Neuralink and NeuroNexus. In our conversation we discuss clinical translation, the neurotech startup space, running your own company, India’s neurotech ecosystem, the founding of Eywa Neuro, the future of Eywa Neuro, how to break into neurotech, and more! Recorded: January 15, 2024. Hosts: Robert Murcko and Yuqing Wang.
Key Moments:
0:00 Intro
8:13 Initial Interest in Neurotechnology
13:07 Clinical Translation Wisdom
16:39 Polyimide Trade Space
22:17 Building Your Own Company vs Working at a Startup
27:14 India’s Neurotech Ecosystem
32:07 Future of Eywa Neuro
34:47 Does neurotech need more experts from a certain domain?
38:58 How to break into neurotech
44:34 Future of Neurotech
50:27 Conclusion
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Eywa Neuro: https://eywaneuro.com/
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