Interview with Dr. Christoph Guger, the CEO of g.tec Medical Engineering and an innovator in the field of neurotechnology and BCI. We have a wide ranging discussion spanning from his personal journey to get to where he is today, specifics about his company, the early days of neurotechnology, the future of neurotechnology, and more! Recorded January 24, 2024. Host: Robert Murcko
Key Moments:
0:00 Intro
2:21 Initial Interest in Neurotechnology
3:28 Background on g.tec
8:11 RecoveriX
14:03 EEG Biomarker of Neuroplasticity
15:55 g.tec Brain Computer Interface System (g.bcisys)
19:25 Recording physiological and pathological cortical activity and exogenous electric fields using graphene microtransistor arrays in vitro
23:50 g.tec’s Educational and Community Initiatives in the Neurotechnology Space (BCI Award, Spring School, etc.)
29:19 What is next for g.tec?
31:59 Advice for students or young professionals looking to work in neurotech
34:09 Predictions for the Future of Neurotech (next 20 years)
36:27 Closing Remarks and Dr. Guger’s Contact Info
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