Featuring interviews with authors, actors and academics, Ear Read This creates well-researched critical introductions to vintage and modern classics. Specialties include: Shakespeare, Arthurian literature and books from or about our home city of Edinburgh.
The podcast Ear Read This is created by Ash Caton. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
S3E97 Iconic Edinburgh poet Robert Fergusson is the subject of today's podcast, as Ash looks at his breakthrough poem, 'The Daft Days':
Now mirk December’s dowie face
Glowrs owr the rigs wi sour grimace,
While, thro’ his minimum of space,
The bleer-ey’d sun,
Wi blinkin light and stealing pace,
His race doth run.
From naked groves nae birdie sings,
To shepherd’s pipe nae hillock rings,
The breeze nae od’rous flavour brings
From Borean cave,
And dwyning nature droops her wings,
Wi visage grave.
Mankind but scanty pleasure glean
Frae snawy hill or barren plain,
Whan winter, ‘midst his nipping train,
Wi frozen spear,
Sends drift owr a’ his bleak domain,
And guides the weir.
Auld Reikie! thou’rt the canty hole,
A bield for many caldrife soul,
Wha snugly at thine ingle loll,
Baith warm and couth,
While round they gar the bicker roll
To weet their mouth.
When merry Yule-day comes, I trou,
You’ll scantlins find a hungry mou;
Sma are our cares, our stamacks fou
O’ gusty gear,
And kickshaws, strangers to our view,
Sin fairn-year.
Ye browster wives, now busk ye braw,
And fling your sorrows far awa;
Then come and gie’s the tither blaw
Of reaming ale,
Mair precious than the well of Spa,
Our hearts to heal.
Then, tho’ at odds wi a’ the warl’,
Amang oursels we’ll never quarrel;
Tho’ Discord gie a canker’d snarl
To spoil our glee,
As lang’s there’s pith into the barrel
We’ll drink and ‘gree.
Fidlers, your pins in temper fix,
And roset weel your fiddle-sticks;
But banish vile Italian tricks
Frae out your quorum,
Not fortes wi pianos mix –
Gie’s Tulloch Gorum.
For nought can cheer the heart sae weel
As can a canty Highland reel;
It even vivifies the heel
To skip and dance:
Lifeless is he wha canna feel
Its influence.
Let mirth abound, let social cheer
Invest the dawning of the year;
Let blithesome innocence appear
To crown our joy;
Nor envy wi sarcastic sneer
Our bliss destroy.
And thou, great god of Aqua Vitae!
Wha sways the empire of this city,
When fou we’re sometimes capernoity,
Be thou prepar’d
To hedge us frae that black banditti,
The City Guard.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E96 On today's episode, Ash looks at a poem from Frieda Hughes' debut collection, Wooroloo, discussing Hughes' longstanding connection with birds, and how 'Kookaburra' relates to the poetry of her parents, Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E95 A belated Burns Night celebration, featuring one of Burns' lesser liked poems. But one of the only poems to inspire a toilet seat. Tune in for an exploration of Burns' time in Edinburgh, the Enlightenment's paradoxical attitude to Scottishness, and lots of rhyme-whining.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E94 As a Halloween treat, Ash talks with the author of Ominous Whoosh: A Wandering Mind Returns to Twin Peaks, John Thorne. Tune in for a in-depth conversation about Twin Peaks with one of the leading scholars of the show.
Follow John on Twitter here: @thornewip
And purchase Ominous Whoosh: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ominous-Whoosh-Wandering-Returns-Peaks-ebook/dp/B0BCNXTCLJhttp://www.patriciagrisafi.com/about-1
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E93 Ash is again joined by Trish Grisafi to talk about her book Breaking Down Plath as well as Plath's relationship with feminism, the changing reputation of Plath and the "Plath phase".
Follow Trish on Twitter here: @PatriciaGrisafi
And visit her website: http://www.patriciagrisafi.com/about-1
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E92 Ash is joined by Patricia Grisafi to discuss 'Stings' by Sylvia Plath, the third poem in her Bee Sequence. Tune in for a conversation about red comets, queen bees, and scapegoats.
Follow Trish on Twitter here: @PatriciaGrisafi
And visit her website: http://www.patriciagrisafi.com/about-1
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E91 On today's extended interview, Ash talks some more to Peter K. Steinberg, about his work as co-editor of the Collected Letters of Sylvia Plath and The Collected Writings of Assia Wevill.
Follow Peter on Twitter here: @sylviaplathinfo
And visit his website https://sylviaplathinfo.blogspot.com/
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E90 Ash is joined again by Peter K. Steinberg to discuss Sylvia Plath's late poem 'The Swarm'. Tune in to hear about Plath's interest in Napoleon, her experiences bee-keeping and Peter's theory that The Swarm may contain coded references to Assia Wevill.
Follow Peter on Twitter here: @sylviaplathinfo
And visit his website https://sylviaplathinfo.blogspot.com/
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E89 Ash is joined by Peter K. Steinberg to discuss Sylvia Plath's fascinating poem, 'Electra on Azalea Path'. Tune in for a discussion about reckless psychoanalysis, bumblebees (and their ways) and... Tolkien?
Follow Peter on Twitter here: @sylviaplathinfo
And visit his website https://sylviaplathinfo.blogspot.com/
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E88 Ash is joined again by Kate Levey to talk more about her mother, Brigid Brophy: her work outside of writing, her relationship with Iris Murdoch and her reputation today.
Follow Kate on Twitter here: @brophylevey
And visit her website www.brigidbrophy.com
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E87 "Mozart, sex and death" is in store today, as Ash and his guest Kate Levey discuss her mother's brilliant 1964 novel, The Snow Ball.
Follow Kate on Twitter here: @brophylevey
And visit her website www.brigidbrophy.com
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E86 Following on from episodes on The Spanish Tragedy and The Birth of Merlin, Darren Freebury-Jones joins Ash once again, this time to talk about his own work on Thomas Kyd and early modern authorship studies.
Follow Darren on Twitter here: @Freeburian
And order a copy of his book, Shakespeare's Tutor, here:
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E85 Ash is joined again by Shakespearean scholar, Darren Freebury-Jones to discuss a rarely-performed Jacobean play, The Birth of Merlin or The Child Hath Found its Father. Their conversation takes in the play's controversial authorship question, the special effects of early modern theatre and Arthurian drama.
Follow Darren on Twitter here: @Freeburian
And order a copy of his book, Shakespeare's Tutor, here:
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E84 Ash is joined by Shakespearean scholar, Darren Freebury-Jones to discuss Thomas Kyd's hugely influential play, The Spanish Tragedy. As well as talking about Darren's specialist subject, the influence of Kyd on Shakespeare, in today's wide-ranging episode we talk about the genre of revenge, the contemporary religious crises in Kyd's England, and the playwright's own sufferings at the hands of the Elizabethan police state.
Follow Darren on Twitter here: @Freeburian
And order a copy of his book, Shakespeare's Tutor, here:
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E83 To celebrate Burns Night, Ash talks about Robert Burns' Now Westlin Winds, a song written at the very start of the Bard's career. Tune in for a discussion of the circumstances that inspired the song, and the long and fruitful afterlife it has had in the repertoire of folk-singers from Burns' day to our own.
Songs featured:
I Had A Horse and I Had Nae Mair by Katherine Campbell:
Now Westlin Winds (Port Gordon Version) by Andrew Calhoun:
Lady Keith Laments by Jock Tamsons Bairds:
Ally Croker by Katherine Liley Lovaig:
Now Westlin Winds by Dick Gaughan:
Noe Westlin Winds at the Scottish Parliament, 2011:
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Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E82 Ash is joined once again by poet Sarah Corbett to discuss her writing, both poetry and fiction, her vision for The Sylvia Plath Literary Festival and its accompanying anthology, After Sylvia. Follow the festival for updates on digital events here:
And follow Sarah on Twitter:
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E81 Poet, novelist and Plath Fest Director Sarah Corbett joins Ash to discuss Plath's November Graveyard; a poem about death, resurrection and the Yorkshire countryside.
Follow Sarah on Twitter:
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Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E80 Donnie Secreast joins Ash again to talk more about Hardcastle Crags, environmental themes in Plath's work and her search for a 'universal element'.
Read Donnie's article here:
And follow her on Twitter:
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E79 Donnie Secreast joins Ash to discuss Plath's nonchalantly brilliant poem, Hardcastle Crags. Set in the Yorkshire Dales, of great interest for its ecological themes and musical intricacy.
Read Donnie's article here:
And follow her on Twitter:
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E78 Emily Van Duyne returns to talk about her upcoming book, Loving Sylvia Plath, and further explore some of the biographical themes mentioned in yesterday's episode on 'The Jailor'.
You can read some of Emily's work here:
And follow her on Twitter:
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E77 Emily Van Duyne is Ash's special guest for today's episode on Sylvia Plath's poem, The Jailor. A portrait of abuse, gas-lighting and 'inescapable femininity', the poem has recently been studied by Plath scholars including Emily for its use of anti-black racist language.
You can read some of Emily's work here:
And follow her on Twitter:
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E76 Today Ash discusses the first story in Ovid's Metamorphoses, in which we see the world created, and populated with its first inhabitants.
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Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E75 Today's exclusive episode takes us to home turf with this Edinburgh based story of resurrection men...
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Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E74 Today I'm finally talking about Olalla! The crazy Spanish vampire story of Stevenson's that's come up on the podcast at least once before...
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Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E73 We've reached the fifth Marlowe adventure, The Little Sister. Tune in to hear about what critics call Chandler's "Hollywood novel", and what the author himself called "a gaudy piece of sarcasm masquerading as a mystery". We discuss Chandler's comedy, his cantankerous mood at the time of writing and his brushes with film legends like Billy Wilder and Alfred Hitchcock.
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E72 Ash discusses the fourth Marlowe novel, The Lady in the Lake. Tune in to hear about Arthurian references, Raymond Chandler's women, Marlowe's men and once again, fish.
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E71 In Philip Marlowe's third outing, he is on the trail of a missing Brasher Doubloon. Tracking down the coin, he unravels a dark family secret and a Beverly Hills murder.
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Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E70 The second Philip Marlowe adventure features the unforgettable Moose Malloy, bent Bay City cops and a dame to kill for.
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Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E69 It's back to Book 1 of Ovid's Metamorphoses as Ash tells the story of a wrathful Jove, destroying mankind with a great flood. But what does Ovid's flood have in common with the flood found in the Book of Genesis? Is this genocide or editing? And what is left, once the waters have settled?
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Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E68 Today, I'm analysing Sylvia Plath's poem Full Fathom Five, written in 1958 and eventually collected in her book The Colossus. Taking its title from Shakespeare's The Tempest, Full Fathom Five is full of classic Plath imagery: the seldom-surfacing sea-god muse, the lost father and the seascape of her childhood.
If you enjoy my work and would like to support Ear Read This, you can do so here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E67 Paul Edmondson joins Ash to talk about Shakespeare biography, re-evaluating the sonnets and recording a Shakespeare diary.
Listen to Open Your Shakespeares here:
Find out more about Paul's work here:
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Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E66 Such stuff! Joining Ash on an enchanted island is special guest Paul Edmondson to discuss Shakespeare's final solo-authored play, The Tempest.
Find out more about Paul's work here:
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Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E65 Ash analyses Robert Burns' comical kirk-tirlin poem, "Address to the Deil".
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Tam o'Shanter episode on YouTube:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E64 Miles Leeson joins Ash on the podcast to discuss the work of Iris Murdoch, as well as his own work at the Iris Murdoch Research Centre.
The Iris Murdoch Society Podcast:
The Iris Murdoch Society:
The Iris Murdoch Research Centre:
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Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Outro: Iris Murdoch in conversation with Frank Kermode
S3E63 Ash discusses the 25th novel by Iris Murdoch with his special guest, Miles Leeson. Join us for a trip to Murdochland, for the story of a fumbled murder attempt, warring magicians and the quest for justice, all taking place in contemporary London.
The Iris Murdoch Society Podcast:
The Iris Murdoch Society:
The Iris Murdoch Research Centre:
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Ear Read This is creating Podcasts | Patreon
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Outro: Iris Murdoch in conversation with Frank Kermode
S3E62 Today Ash discusses one of the most famous poems of the First World War, Wilfred Owen's Dulce Et Decorum Est. Tune in for an exploration of guilt and natural disorder in this "anti-souvenir" from the trenches.
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Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Intro: Christopher Hitchens reading "Dulce Et Decorum Est"
S3E61 Today Ash is joined again by special guest Emily Ingram to discuss her play-in-progress, based on the life of Mary Shelley.
You can find out more about Emily's work and her theatre company, Some Kind of Theatre, here:
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Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Intro: The Bell Jar (1979)
S3E60 Join us for a dissection of Mary Shelley's iconic novel, Frankenstein, the tale of an ambitious young Swiss scientist, who in the course of penetrating the deepest mysteries of nature, creates artificial life. Ash's special guest this week is Emily Ingram, theatre practitioner and writer who is currently working on a play based on Shelley's life.
You can find out more about Emily's work and her theatre company, Some Kind of Theatre, here:
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Ear Read This is creating Podcasts | Patreon
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Intro: The Bell Jar (1979)
S3E59 Joining Ash to talk about Sylvia Plath is Dr. Gail Crowther, whose latest book, Three-Martini Afternoons at the Ritz looks at the rebellions of Plath and her fellow poet, Anne Sexton. If you'd like to buy a copy of the book, you can do so here:
Alternatively you can find out more of Gail's work on her website:
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Ear Read This is creating Podcasts | Patreon
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Intro: The Bell Jar (1979)
S3E58 Today, Ash is joined by Dr. Gail Crowther to discuss Sylvia Plath’s iconic novel, The Bell Jar. Tune in for a conversation about the book’s strange publication history, the perils of reading it as pure autobiography, and an exploration of some of Plath’s often unsettling and grotesque imagery.
Check back tomorrow for an extended interview with Gail, and in the mean time, find out more about her work here:
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Ear Read This is creating Podcasts | Patreon
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Intro: The Bell Jar (1979)
S3E57 Ash is once again joined by Eilish Mulholland of the Plath and Co. podcast, to talk about Sylvia Plath. In a wide-ranging conversation they discuss Plath and Hughes' use of the occult, pandemic podcasting, the best biographies and fictional depictions of Plath and the hypnotising effect of hearing her voice.
You can find Eilish's podcast, Plath & Co, here:
Access bonus content here:
Ear Read This is creating Podcasts | Patreon
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Intro: A Birthday Present (1963)
S3E56 Ash is joined by writer, researcher and fellow podcaster Eilish Mulholland to discuss Sylvia Plath's late poem, A Birthday Present. In it, a woman is taunted by a mysterious veiled gift, the significance of which is initially unclear.
You can find Eilish's podcast, Plath & Co, here:
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Ear Read This is creating Podcasts | Patreon
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Intro: A Birthday Present (1963)
S3E55 Gods, werewolves and giants abound as Ash takes a look at the story of Lycaon in Book 1 of Ovid's Metamorphoses.
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Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Intro: An American Werewolf in London (1981)
S3E54 Today, Ash is once again joined by Amanda Golden, to discuss her book Annotating Modernism, a study of the marginalia of Sylvia Plath, John Berryman, Anne Sexton and others.
Check out Amanda's work here:
And purchase a copy of her book here:
You can also find my Patreon page here:
Ear Read This is creating Podcasts | Patreon
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Intro: The Colossus of Rhodes (1961)
S3E53 'I shall never get you put together entirely,' begins 'The Colossus', which later became the title poem of Plath's collection published in 1960. Today Ash is joined by Amanda Golden, author of Annotating Modernism, to discuss the poem, and Plath's life at the time of writing.
Check out Amanda's work here:
And purchase a copy of her book here:
You can also find my Patreon page here:
Ear Read This is creating Podcasts | Patreon
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Intro: The Colossus of Rhodes (1961)
S3E52 Ash is joined once again by Mark Walker, who has written the first English verse translation of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Life of Merlin. Tune in for a conversation about the process of translation, eccentricity and the Latin Hobbit.
Check out Mark's translation and other publications here:
And check out our Patreon page here:
Ear Read This is creating Podcasts | Patreon
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E51 On today's episode we return to Geoffrey of Monmouth, and look at his narrative poem, The Life of Merlin.
Joining Ash on the podcast is Mark Walker, who has written the first English translation of the poem.
Check out Mark's translation and other publications here:
And check out our Patreon page here:
Ear Read This is creating Podcasts | Patreon
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Intro: Excalibur (1981)
S3E50 What did actors in Shakespeare's day sound like? To answer that question, Ash is once again joined by Ben Crystal, author of Shakespeare on Toast and expert in the field of original pronunciation.
Check out Ben's work here:
And find him on Twitter @bencrystal
And check out our Patreon page here:
Ear Read This is creating Podcasts | Patreon
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E49 We have finally arrived at the end of Shakespeare's History plays, with the riotous Richard III. Joining Ash to discuss the play is Ben Crystal, author of Shakespeare on Toast and specialist in the field of original pronunciation, which we'll be discussing more on tomorrow's extended interview.
Check out Ben's work here:
And check out our Patreon page here:
Ear Read This is creating Podcasts | Patreon
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E48 Ash is once again joined by biographer Carl Rollyson to discuss his biographies of Sylvia Plath, and some of the challenges facing those who write about her. Find out more about Carl's work here:
Carl Rollyson - Works
Listen to 'A Life in Biography' on Spotify here:
And check out our Patreon page here:
Ear Read This is creating Podcasts | Patreon
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E47 Ash is joined by biographer Carl Rollyson to discuss the life of one of the greatest twentieth century poets, Sylvia Plath. Find out more about Carl's work here:
Carl Rollyson - Works
Listen to 'A Life in Biography' on Spotify here:
And check out our Patreon page here:
Ear Read This is creating Podcasts | Patreon
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E46 Ash is joined once again by Andrew Lycett to talk more about Arthur Conan Doyle - his spiritualism, his global politics and his round of golf with Rudyard Kipling. To find out more about Andrew's work click below:
Amazon.co.uk : andrew lycett
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E45 Conan Doyle's historical novel The White Company is today's subject of discussion; another of Edinburgh's most famous literary residents tackling material previously used by Shakespeare. A tale of a ragtag gang of archers in the Hundred Year's War, The White Company was once the most widely published historical novel after Ivanhoe. So why is it so rarely read today? Joining Ash to discuss The White Company is journalist and biographer Andrew Lycett, who has published two books on Conan Doyle, including a celebrated biography from 2007. Tune in next time to hear more about Andrew's work, and in the meantime check out his publications here:
Amazon.co.uk : andrew lycett
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Sound Bite: Most Haunted Live
S3E44 A fascinating conversation today that's a must-listen for all Stevenson enthusiasts. Ash talks more to Jeremy Hodges about Stevenson's time in Paris, the damaging influence of Victorian Edinburgh and the story of Katharine de Mattos. Katharine was Stevenson's cousin and fellow author, who Jeremy has written about in his latest book, Mrs Jekyll and Cousin Hyde.
You can read Jeremy's biography of Stevenson, Lamplit Vicious Fairyland, here:
Lamplit, Vicious Fairy Land | Robert Louis Stevenson (robert-louis-stevenson.org)
Purchase a copy of Mrs Jekyll and Cousin Hyde here:
Mrs Jekyll and Cousin Hyde — Luath Press
Or order one from the fantastic Typewronger Books here:
Typewronger Books - Home
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E43 We're taking a break from Shakespeare but not from the Wars of the Roses. Today we look at another portrait of the civil war in Robert Louis Stevenson's The Black Arrow.
Joining Ash to talk about this lesser known novel by RLS is journalist and author Jeremy Hodges. Tune in next time to hear more about Jeremy's work. You can read his biography of Stevenson, Lamplit Vicious Fairyland, here:
Lamplit, Vicious Fairy Land | Robert Louis Stevenson (robert-louis-stevenson.org)
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Sound Bite: The Black Arrow (1988)
S3E42 In the final Part of Henry VI, we see England descend fully into chaos. Today we discuss violence, ill-blowing winds and the rise of one of Shakespeare's most famous villains.
Joining Ash once again are Hailey Bachrach and Owen Horsley, who have worked on adaptations of the plays for the Globe and the RSC.
Selections for the play are read by actor Danielle Farrow. You can find more information about all three contributors below:
Hailey Bachrach:
Owen Horsley:
Danielle Farrow:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Sound Bite: The Wars of the Roses (1965)
S3E41 Today, Ash talks more to his special guest for the Henry VI episodes, Owen Horsley, about adapting Shakespeare, cutting Henry VI, and working for the RSC.
You can visit Owen's website here:
And get a glimpse of the RSC's The Wars of the Roses here:
And follow Owen on Twitter:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E40 It's Part 2 of Henry VI and things are going from bad to worse for King and country. Tune in to hear about witchcraft, beheadings, royal adultery and the beginning of the Wars of the Roses.
Joining Ash once again are Hailey Bachrach and Owen Horsley, who have worked on adaptations of the plays for the Globe and the RSC.
Selections for the play are read by actor Danielle Farrow. You can find more information about all three contributors below:
Hailey Bachrach:
Owen Horsley:
Danielle Farrow:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Sound Bite: The Wars of the Roses (1965)
S3E39 Today, Ash talks more to his special guest for the Henry VI episodes, Hailey Bachrach, about adapting Shakespeare, diverse casting and the "protagonist vacuum" in Henry VI.
You can visit Hailey's website here:
Sign up to her newsletter, Dramatis Personae:
And follow her on Twitter:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E38 Today, we begin an ambitious podcast trilogy on Shakespeare's earliest history plays - the three parts of Henry VI. Picking up from where we left off, today's play opens with the funeral of Henry V. For his infant son, the first phase of his reign will be threatened by a French renaissance, and rumbles of civil war in his own country.
Joining Ash to discuss the Wars of the Roses and Joan of Arc are Hailey Bachrach and Owen Horsley, who have worked on adaptations of the plays for the Globe and the RSC.
And finally, selections from all three plays are read by actor Danielle Farrow. You can find more information about all three contributors below:
Hailey Bachrach:
Owen Horsley:
Danielle Farrow:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Sound Bite: David Warner in The Wars of the Roses
S3E37 John Steinbeck’s The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights was published posthumously in 1976. Though unfinished, it is a fascinating record of a legendary American writer attempting to translate Malory’s Le Morte D’Arthur into modern language. Tune in to learn all about Steinbeck’s process, his interpretation of Malory as a novelist and the mafia connection to King Arthur’s Knights.
Ash is joined today by special guests Caleb James and Spencer Church of the Drunken Pen Writing Podcast to provide an American perspective.
Check out their stuff here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Sound Bite: John Steinbeck's Nobel Acceptance Speech
S3E36 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court is Mark Twain's rollicking attack on the Arthurian romances. Join us today as we discuss Twain, typewriters, and dynamiting wizards out of the water.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Sound Bite: The Simpsons.
S3E35 Today Ash is joined once again by special guest Aaron Sidwell to talk more about his recent performance of Henry V at the Barn Theatre in Cirencester, his YouTube Series Bard from the Barn and the future of theatre in a post-Covid world.
Watch Aaron's production here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E34 We reach the end of Shakespeare's second cycle of English History plays with Henry V - the story of England's glorious King and his famous victories in France. Joining Ash to discuss the play is special guest Aaron Sidwell, who has recently played Henry in a production at the Barn Theatre in Cirencester.
Watch Aaron's production here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Sound Bite: Derek Jacobi in Henry V (1989).
S3E33 Following on from our recent episode on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, today Ash talks more to Debbie Cannon about her solo show based on the poem, which premiered at the 2017 Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Find out more about Debbie's play Green Knight here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E32 Following on from yesterday's episode, today's podcast is an extended interview with Sir Stanley Wells, in which he tells us more about his recent publication All the Sonnets of Shakesepare, co-authored with Paul Edmondson.
You can buy yourself a copy here:
And a copy of Stanley's book Shakespeare & Co. here:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E31 In 1609, for the first time, all 154 of Shakespeare's Sonnets were published. Initially attracting little attention, in the centuries that followed they have been censored, rearranged and scrutinised by critics and cryptomaniacs alike. To discuss the reasons why, Ash is joined by a very special guest: Sir Stanley Wells, who has recently published with Paul Edmondson a new edition of the sonnets.
You can buy yourself a copy here:
Sound Bite: Star Trek (1969)
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E30 A new volume of foul papers featuring a newly found Ted Hughes recording, the fiendish murder of Fudge Lullaby, the return of Haggis McTouristboard and a very special mystery interviewee for Adam...
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E29 It's Burns Night! And to celebrate, here's an episode all about the Caledonian Bard's witch tale, Tam o' Shanter. Tune in for a discussion of Burns in Edinburgh, the folk tale origin of his story and the poem's sumptuous use of rhyme. With apologies to Scottish accents everywhere.
Sound Bite: Burns.. The Myth & The Man (1994)
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E28 Ash is joined by actor and writer Debbie Cannon to discuss a classic of medieval literature, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Tune in for a discussion of alliterative verse, the pitfalls of chivalry and the unusual agency of female characters on show in this extraordinary poem, written in the days of Chaucer and translated by the likes of J. R. R. Tolkien and Simon Armitage.
Check back tomorrow for an extended interview with Debbie, and in the mean time you can find her work at www.debbiecannon.org
Sound Bite: Sword of the Valiant (1984)
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E27 Finally! After three attempts, Ash and Adam have at last recorded an episode on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
Join us for a festive discussion about Victorian Christmases, ghosts, quibbling and our favourite adaptations of this classic tale.
Thank you everyone for the support in 2020 and a very happy new year to all our listeners!
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E26 A rusty return to Foul Papers featuring an appalling American accent, a hardboiled poem from Irvine Welsh, a big fat quiz and an episode of Barclay and Woof.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E25 Let's have a day off the Plantagenets and King Arthur, and go fishing with Ted Hughes in a pond as deep as England.
Funnily enough, what we reel in will take us right back to Shakespeare, as we discuss everything from Williamson's Salmon to Wittgenstein's Lion.
To read along with Ash check our Instagram page @earreadthis and pack your wellies.
Sound Bite: Ted Hughes reading Pike.
Listen to the full recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KATxKk_p2_A&t=24s
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E24 Today, Ash is once again joined by Rob Myles and Sarah Peachey from The Show Must Go Online, to talk more in detail about their wonderful work: namely, casting, rehearsing and performing live on Zoom a new Shakespeare play every week! Something they've done since March, and are now close to having performed the entire Shakespeare canon.
To find out more about the great work of The Show Must Go Online, and to access all of their past productions, visit www.robmyles.co.uk/theshowmustgoonline
Watch TSMGO's production of Henry IV, Part 1 here:
Watch TSMGO’s production of Henry IV, Part 2 here:
And reach out to Rob and Sarah on Twitter at @TSMGOnlineLive
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops. All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E23 Previously on the Plantagenets: Prince Hal, the future King Henry V had proved his royal chops by killing Hotspur at the Battle of Shrewsbury. His father lies gravely ill. Falstaff continues to entertain, but for him too, time is running out.
Today, Ash is once again joined by Rob Myles and Sarah Peachey from The Show Must Go Online, to discuss Henry IV Part 2.
To find out more about the great work of The Show Must Go Online, and to access all of their past productions, visit www.robmyles.co.uk/theshowmustgoonline
Watch TSMGO’s production of Henry IV, Part 2 here:
And reach out to Rob and Sarah on Twitter at @TSMGOnlineLive
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bite: Chimes at Midnight (1965), Henry IV, Part 2 (BBC, 1979).
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E22 We’re back on Shakespeare's History plays, picking up a year or so after the events of Richard II. Today, Ash is joined by Rob Myles and Sarah Peachey - co-creators of The Show Must Go Online - to discuss Henry IV, Part 1.
To find out more about the great work of The Show Must Go Online, and to access all of their past productions, visit www.robmyles.co.uk/theshowmustgoonline
Watch TSMGO’s production of Henry IV, Part 1 here:
And reach out to Rob and Sarah on Twitter at @TSMGOnlineLive
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bite: Chimes at Midnight (1965), Henry IV, Part 1 (RSC, 2017), Henry IV, Part 1 (The Brussels Shakespeare Societry, 1974)
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E21 It's closing time in the bingo hall, as Adam and Ash have run out of both balls and patience. One last trundle from Mr. Patterson gives us more fascinating background on all the husbands in his Slop to Sling at Women #94 and some amazing lasagne. Apologies for giving up, and just apologies.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E20 Today, we have an extended interview with Tom Williams, biographer of Raymond Chandler. Check out yesterday's episode on the life of Chandler, and get Tom's fantastic book A Mysterious Something in the Light here:
You can reach Tom on Twitter at @twilliams81
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bite: Raymond Chandler talking to Ian Fleming.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E19 Today, Ash is joined by Tom Williams to talk about the life of Raymond Chandler. Tom has written a fantastic biography of Chandler called A Mysterious Something in the Light - which you can find on Amazon using the link below:
You can reach Tom on Twitter at @twilliams81
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bite: Raymond Chandler talking to Ian Fleming.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E18 Following on from the blood, thunder and turbulent priests of yesterday's episode, today Ash is joined once again by Dr. Jayme Stayer, President of the International T. S. Eliot Society to discuss his work as one of the editors of Eliot's Complete Prose, the release of the Emily Hale archive and the work of the Society.
International T. S. Eliot Society:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bite: TS Eliot reading "The Hollow Men". All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E17 Ash is joined today by special guest, Dr. Jayme Stayer, President of the International T.S. Eliot Society, to discuss the poet's 1935 play, Murder in the Cathedral. To find out more about the society, check the links below to visit their website and see some of the work written by their members.
International T. S. Eliot Society:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bite: James Comey and Sen. Angus King in a Senate Intelligence Committee (2017), Blackadder (1983), Murder in the Cathedral (1968), Murder in the Cathedral (1953) All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E16 Today we discuss the delightful first entry in T.H. White's Arthurian epic The Once and Future King. A novel "unique in it's creation of a childhood for King Arthur" (here nicknamed the Wart), The Sword in the Stone shows the future King of England receiving tuition from Merlyn. Join us for talk about favourite childhood reads, missing cannibals and tyrant pike.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bite: The Sword in the Stone (1963). All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E15 Following on from our episode on Richard II, Ash is joined once again by Gregory Gudgeon, to talk about his fabulous production of the play, as well as the art of verse speaking, puppetry and much more.
You can check out the show's Facebook page at:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bite: Richard II (1960). All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E14 Today, Ash is joined by special guest Gregory Gudgeon to talk about Richard II, Shakespeare’s most lyrical history play. Gregory has recently performed the role in the fantastic production Puppet King Richard II, which you can hear more about in tomorrow’s extended interview.
In the meantime check out the show's Facebook page at:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bite: Richard II (1960). All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E13 Enjoy today's installment of Lady Crime - which is heavy on airports, men and nothing happening, but was excitingly recorded in an all new bingo-hall.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
S3E12 A contentious episode today as Ash and Adam discuss Edward III, a play about the medieval King, which might have been written by William Shakespeare.
We're going to say it was for today, in order to better place it among our other episodes on Shakespeare's History plays. Because as we'll see, Edward looms large over the Plantagenets to come.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bite: 'Who Do You Think You Are', (BBC)
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E11 *ERIC. I mean ERIC Weinstein throughout. Pls don't suicide me.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
S3E10 Following on from yesterday's chat with Michael Smith about the alliterative Morte Arthur, today we have an extended interview in which Ash asks Michael about the process of translating from Middle English, his lino-cut prints, and where he got started with medieval literature. His book recommendation is Richard II by Nigel Saul from the Yale English Monarchs Series. To pledge towards Michael's upcoming translation of the Morte Arthure, or to purchase any of his prints, or a signed edition of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, visit:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
S3E9 Today, Ash is joined by special guest Michael Smith to talk about the alliterative Morte Arthur, a long poem composed in the 14th century. Michael is completing a new tranlsation of the poem, and so we’re very lucky to have him share some insights into the Alliterative’s Arthur’s provenance, it’s original readership, the joy of alliterative verse and its connections to other medieval Arthurian works such as Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Join us tomorrow for an extended chat about Michael’s work and in the meantime visit his website to pre-order a copy of his new translation:
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bite: Merlin (1998), 'The Death of King Arthur (Hurdy Gurdy)' by Peter Pringle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs8Td5AKwxE
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E8 And so we march on through the bingo hall of death and dullness. This week features talk about James Patterson's relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, an overly elaborate DUI and a whole lot of zero, zip, nada.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E7 Today, Christopher Marlowe takes us back to Elizabethan theatre! We’re going to be spending quite a lot of time with the Plantagenet Kings of England, and today we meet our first family member, Edward II. Tune in to find out about the real Edward, Marlowe’s inspiration and sources, and how the play has been received critically over the centuries.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bite: Edward II (1991).
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E6 The James Patterson Bingo experiment continues and the horror is setting in.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E5 Or as James Patterson might call it: "The Seventh Episode".
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E4 Our historical tour gets underway in earnest as Adam and Ash park the time machine in the 12th Century in order to hear a young wizard called Merlin deliver his famous prophecies.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Sound Bite from: Merlin (1998)
S3E3 New kind of episode today as Adam and Ash watch a tonne of clips from Jekyll and Hyde movies, each depicting a transformation scene of some kind, beginning with the silent movies of the 1910's and ending in the modern day. Apologies - we lost Adam's mic sometime in the 1990's, and funnily enough from then on he sounds as if he was calling from around then.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bites from: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1912), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1913), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1932), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941), Mighty Mouse Meets Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1944), The Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll (1960), The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1968), Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde (1971), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1973), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1980), Dr. Hekyll and Mr. Hype (1980), Jekyll and Hyde… Together Again (1982), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1986), Edge of Sanity (1989), Jekyll and Hyde (1990), Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde (1995), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (2003), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’s Rock and Roll Musical (2003), The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (2003), The Mummy (2017).
S3E2 A bumper package of Patterson for you today: we've got a info dump courtesy of a helpful newspaper clipping, then basically a load of cocks, balls and tiny wads.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S3E1 Adam and Ash kick off their historical series by climbing into a time machine. Here be Morlocks.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bites from: The Time Machine (1960)
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Or should that be Foulest? You decide.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
S2E46 Today, to round out series 2 of Ear Read This, we're finally talking (relevantly) about The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler. Join us as we discuss the birth of Los Angeles, koshing, wisecracking and the publishing world of 1930's America.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bites from: The Big Sleep (1946)
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S2E45 Another three chapters down. But at what cost? This week features a lot of walking, some rhyming and one of us has a breakdown.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S2E44 Today I'm thrilled to be talking about Hunter S. Thompson again, and doubly thrilled to be joined by Caleb James of the Drunken Pen Writing Podcast to do so.
You can check out Caleb's podcast at www.drunkenpenwriting.com
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
Sound Bites from: 'Hunter S. Thompson Meets A Hell's Angel' (CBC, 1967) 'Omnibus' (1978), 'Charlie Rose' (1998)
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S2E43 Not, as referenced, "a new series" - we thought we'd drop this one a bit sooner as it was recorded in earlier, happier times and sounds more dated by the day. Doesn't stop it being a non-stop thrill-less ride of baffling blandness from the master.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S2E42 A poem for isolation? Today's episode looks at a single poem from Robert Louis Stevenson's A Child's Garden of Verses and examines the incongruous conditions in which he composed his arcadian songs.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Sound Bite from Jane Eyre (2006)
S2E41 Believe it or not, Adam is STILL trying to fight his way off Fire Island. Waiting in store for him today are Trolls, Shamans and lizard therapy advice from agony aunt and special guest star Lucille D'Flapignon.
Title Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S2E40 Today we're back in La Mancha. Part II of Cervantes' masterpiece sees Quixote adapting to his own fame, and reconciling himself with plagiarism, doubt and death.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Sound Bites from Man of La Mancha (1972)
S2E39 Shocking shootings, candid chins and like that.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S2E38 Another three chapters of Xmas Ladies Kill Squad get analysed by Ash and Adam.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
S2E37 Our fiftieth episode starts with a bit of explaining a recent pod-tragedy, after which we get stuck into Part I of Don Quixote. Today's episode explores the origin of the man from La Mancha's madness, the role of Sancho Panza and the fate of Shakespeare's lost play, Cardenio.
Title Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops.
All other music by Epidemic Sound.
Sound Bites from The Trip (2010), The Adventures of Don Quixote (1933) and Sharpe's Sword (1995)
S2E36 Simon Armitage responds to criticism the only way he knows how. A thrilling script from Richard Woof sees the boys dealing with fruity dames and hot weather, and a quiz in the form of a murder mystery...
Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops, 'Mystery Sax' by Kevin MacLeod
S2E35 Today Ash talks about the second story in Ovid's Metamophoses - the story of the four ages of mankind. At first the world was Golden (and veggie). Then came the Silver Age, the Brazen age and finally the age of Iron. Ovid's the original, but since this is a Latin-free podcast, Ash relies heavily on the translations of Ted Hughes, Arthur Golding and in particular for today's episode, John Dryden.
Intro: The Invisible Man Returns (1940)
Music: 'Not Drunk' by The Joy Drops, 'Land on the Golden Gate' by Chris Zabriskie (www.chriszabriskie.com)
S2E34 Today we observe an Ear Read This Christmas tradition: talking about James Patterson. We're taking his latest (by the time you finish reading this sentence it won't be his latest anymore), 19th Christmas and using it to play bingo.
S2E33 Warm up in festive style with a third visit to Fire Island. Christmas songs, slave dwarfs, and BDSLM: Bondage and Domination of Snakes, Lizards and Marine Iguana.
S2E32 Today we've got a classic of the hardboiled detective genre, stuffed with husky dames, fat masterminds, and at the centre of it all a scowling anti-hero, the pleasant blond satan, Sam Spade. Dashiell Hammett's novel gets us talking about the differences between English and American crime fiction, nomenclature and inevitably, Raymond Chandler.
Intro: Humphrey Bogart and Sydney Greenstreet in The Maltese Falcon (1941)
Outro: 'The Maltese Falcon' by Adolph Deutsch
S2E31 Wilfred Owen made a cameo appearance in our last episode, and today we look at him in detail. We discuss his war service, his attitude to life in the trenches, and analyse his strange, unsettling poem, 'Spring Offensive'.
Intro: 'Send Me Away With A Smile' by John McCormack
Outro: 'Build Me Up Buttercup' by The Foundations
S2E30 Pat Barker's Regeneration is set in Craiglockhart Hospital bewteen the months of July and November, 1917. Among the patients are the war poets Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen. On today's episode, we talk about Edinburgh's role in WWI, the problem of real-life characters in historical fiction and the poetry of the First World War.
Intro: Pat Barker on BBC World Book Club (06/11/14)
Outro: 'God Moves in a Mysterious Way' by William Cowper
S2E29 It's the return to Fire Island.
S2E28 It's that man again! Today, instead of giving us a tour around his hometown of Edinburgh, Robert Louis Stevenson provides us with one of the most famous horror stories of all time: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Everyone knows the twist, but did you know you're pronouncing the title wrong?
Intro: Spencer Tracey in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941)
Outro: '(I was) Jekyll Jekyll Hyde' from 'Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival', Arthur (1998)
S2E27 T.C. Boyle's Water Music is a riotous debut novel, featuring real life Scottish explorer Mungo Park. Today we talk about the merits of excess, going up the jungle in a boat, 18th Century novels, and Anaconda(s).
Intro: 'Water Music, Suite No.1' by George Frideric Handel
Outro: 'Cool Water' by Vaughn Monroe
S2E26 Today Adam takes on the Lizard King (twice), assisted by his old friend Mungo, limited back flips and some reptile trivia. Guiding intrepid Adam through the hell of Fire Island is his very own Virgil, Ash. If you'd like to play along at home, the book is Island of the Lizard King by Ian Livingstone.
"I am the Lizard King" Lyrics:
I am the Lizard King, I am the Lizard King.
What will the Lizard bring, what will the Lizard bring?
Bring him:
Young men, to work in my goldmines
Hot young men
Writhing in the disco,
Who knew?
This Lizard King was practising
He'll stick a pin right
Through you.
S2E25 A Foul Papers full of adventure and action! Yippee yippee! Haggis McTouristboard, Adam squares up to the lizard king, Simon Armitage tells us about his tin-based youth, a quiz about slagging off Edinburgh and some books on film chat. Yippee yippee!
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops.
S2E24 Today we have a guided tour around Edinburgh, courtesy of Robert Louis Stevenson. His Picturesque Notes were published in 1878, and contain the author's sometimes bracing observations of his home city, snippets of stories and legends originating from it and some of his own backstory and inspirations.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops.
S2E23 A month late, but hey ho. Here's an episode on a poem written by W. H. Auden. 'September 1, 1939' was begun on the opening day of WWII and is a hinge-poem in Auden's long, swinging career.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops.
S2E22 A quick update on Ear Read This business. Thank you to everyone who has listened to us chew your ear off with our one-year old talk. We are now potty-trained, upright, and showing flashes of cunning.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops.
S2E21 What better way to celebrate the Edinburgh Fringe kicking off than with some awful poetry? William McGonagall (1825-1902) has gone down in history as the worst poet of all time. Deserved? You be the judge. This week, Ash is joined by special guest Bella to appraise the life and work of this local cult poet.
Howking, incidentally, means digging.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops.
S2E20 We were somewhere around Stockbridge on the edge of the fringe when the books began to take hold. Today on Ear Read This, Ash and Adam discuss Hunter S. Thompson's riotously enjoyable Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Expect pure gonzo podcasting, alter-egos and crucified gorillas.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops.
"Twisted" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
S2E19 Continuing our exploration of metamorphoses, today Ash talks about Will Self's Cock and Bull. A hermaphroditic interest makes it only right that we get two stories for the price of one. First comes Cock, the story of a bored housewife who grows a penis, then Bull, the story of a rugby player who grows a vagina on the back of his knee.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops.
S2E18 A new kind of episode today as Ash discusses a single 12-line poem, 'De puero balbutiente' ('The stuttering child') by the Reverend Thomas Bastard. If you enjoy this new format and would like a particular poem or short story treated in a similar fashion, get in touch with your suggestions using the contact links below.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops.
S2E17 The contents of these Foul Papers include a sign off from the Ruff Squad, some whistling, a Goodreads update, a reaction to Simon Armitage as our new Poet Laureate, a rap battle between Mr. Toad and Captain Nemo, and hot topics such as horror films, hooks for hands and Brazil.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops.
S2E16 Today Adam and Ash are messing about in boats, eating excessive luncheon hampers, losing an otter and finding God, scrooging out of burrows and poop-pooping through the woods.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops.
S2E15 A Foul Papers we recorded a while ago which unfortunately is blighted by a series of interruptions from the Ruff Squad - a gang of elite British writers including Carol Ann Duffy, Ian Rankin and Joe Wicks the Fitness Tit. Don't worry, we still find time to check in with the Goodreads League, watch a rap battle between Mr. Pickwick and Ebenezer Scrooge, discuss books on film and have a game of Dalai Lama or Da True Lama?
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops.
S2E14 Continuing our exploration of literary metamorphoses, this week we look at David Alan Kepesh, a literature professor inexplicably transformed into a woman's breast in this 1972 novella by Philip Roth. Unlike Gregor Samsa, Kepesh is aware of the literary heritage of metamorphoses, making this transformation painfully self-conscious. Is the novel a sly dig at Roth's critics? Is the work, as Martin Amis believes, "comic in shape but only glancingly comic in execution"? Listen in to find out.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops.
S2E13 Ash and Adam discuss the colourful life of Arthur Conan Doyle, on the 160th anniversary of his birth. A life too full of adventure to be briefly described, but we had a go anyway. Tune in for stories of WWI, cocaine, Houdini, ghosts, crocodile hunting and a little bit of writing too.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops
S2E12 The Golden Ass is the only surviving complete Latin novel from the Classical period. Also known as The Metamorphoses, it straddles more than one running theme on Ear Read This, as well as being filthy, funny and full of history. Grab your toga and get your ass over here. Time for a Roman literary feast.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops,
"Temple of the Manes" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
S2E11 In the second part of this week's Pickwick bonanza, Stephen Jarvis joins us again to tell us about his first novel, Death and Mr. Pickwick.
Discover the true story behind the origin of Mr. Pickwick and the real life story of Pickwick's first illustrator, Robert Seymour.
You can find more about Stephen here:
or by searching “Death and Mr Pickwick” on Facebook.
Our Stuff:
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops
S2E10 This week, Ash and Adam are joined by Stephen Jarvis (author of Death and Mr. Pickwick) to discuss The Pickwick Papers, the first novel by Charles Dickens.
As well as exploring its unique publication history, they also cover the astonishing popularity of the novel, how Dickens transformed as a writer during its serial run and ask why most books are just books, but not Pickwick...
And if, like the worlds reading population for a century, you can’t get enough Pickwick - we’ll be joined on Monday again by Stephen Jarvis to discuss his own novel, which tells the life story of The Pickwick Papers’ illustrator, Robert Seymour - and makes the case that it was he, not Dickens, who had the first idea for the novel.
You can find more about Stephen here:
or by searching “Death and Mr Pickwick” on Facebook.
Our Stuff:
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops
S2E9 When Gregor Samsa awoke on morning from troubled dreams, he found himself changed into a... What? In today's episode, Ash investigates the cause of this Metamorphosis. The punishment of a young man living dully sluggardized at home? Or something else?
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops,
"Giant Wyrm" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
S2E8 A trip to Cornwall with Richard Woof, a Booker bid, a Shakespeare character rap battle, a personal poem and some Amazon review quiz type stuff.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops
S2E7 Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is one of Jules Verne's Voyages Extraordinaires, originally published serially in the mid 19th Century. Join Ash and Adam as they swap touring the Hebrides for touring the open sea, and encountering electric narwhals, anemone marmalade, the prince of harpooners and underwater fundamentalists.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops
S2E6 Join Adam and Ash as they scholarly examine the history of the Bad Sex in Writing award, which has been run by the Literary Review for several decades. Even by our standards, the language is pretty foul.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops
S2E5 Romeo and Juliet is arguably Shakespeare's most recognisable play. Today on Ear Read This, Ash discusses how the play deals with its fame, whether or not the lovers are damned, and what commentary Shakespeare is providing on his own developing language.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops
S2E4 Round II of the Goodreads League, a report from Birmingham courtesy of Richard Woof, a Burns Night quiz, a trilogy of haikus that are NOT personal, Ash shares his view of modern Scotland from an immigrant's perspective and a NSFW trailer for James Patterson's Haunted.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops, "Hot Pursuit" by Kevin MacLeod.
S2E3 Join Adam and Ash for their first trip to the 18th century, as they discuss the delightful accounts Johnson and Boswell made of their 1773 tour of Scotland. Come for the Highland history, and stay for the heavy breakfasts and winning friendship these two men of letters enjoyed.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops
S2E2 Announcing the launch of the Foul Papers Goodreads league! There's a literary character rap battle, a new addition to the Ear Read This team, a promised poem, a condemnation of some crafty bastards, and King Lear gets upstaged by a drone.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops
S2E1 A Midsummer Night's Dream is one of Shakespeare's most beloved and often performed plays. Join Ash for an exploration of The Dream's history, variety of verse styles, and it's preoccupation with the relationship between the imaginer and the thing imagined.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops
S1E13 It's Christmas Eve night in Scrooge and Marley's Podcast Emporium, and poor Bob Cratchett, the overworked co-host of a literary podcast, is angling for tomorrow off...
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops, "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" by Kevin MacLeod
S1E12 Haunted (? Or Hunted? or Hornswoggled? I dunno, something like that) by James Patterson and James O. Born is about the unforgettably named NY cop Michael Bennett. He’s all about killing students and driving city-issued Impalas. And he’s all out of bubble-gum. Join Adam and Ash as they provide you with all the reasons why Haunted (Hampered?) is a book to cheerfully avoid.
Music: "Not Drunk" by the Joy Drops
S1E11 This week's Foul Papers comes with a double helping of guff, as Ash and Adam try to crack the podcasting nut with the most trivial train stories, quizzes and conversation starters they can think of. Also more Earial, a discussion about literary biographies and an episode of Authorchef.
Music: "Epic Unease", "Five Armies", and "Majestic Hills" by Kevin MacLeod, "Ludovico's Technique" by Soularflair, and "Not Drunk" by The Joy Drops.
S1E10 What's this? Some literature NOT by Shakespeare? Impossible! Today on Ear Read This, join us (Adam and Ash) for a lengthy discussion of The Driver's Seat by Muriel Spark. We try to Poirot out the 'Why?' in this Whydunnit, speculate over the Lynchian elements of Spark's style, and of course ask ourselves just who is sitting in the titular driver's seat.
Music: "Not Drunk" by The Joy Drops
S1E9 An all-new poetry challenge, a look at two Waterstones books of the month, a pub joke, a literary analysis of a Stormzy excerpt, a new episode of Earial and a discussion about spice.
Music: "Not Drunk" by The Joy Drops, "Spooky Theme" by Mystified, and "Ludovico's Technique" by Soularflair.
S1E8 Love's Labour's Lost is a comedy full of buffoons, braggarts and would-be boffins. But why the non-traditional ending? What is a flap-dragon? And is it, as J.A. Herand called it, "exclusively a play on words"? (It does indeed contain the longest word in Shakespeare - say it three times fast: honorificabilitudinitatibus.)
Music: "Not Drunk" by The Joy Drops
S1E7 We're back with a ghost train of Halloween features, including a new True Crime segment, a visit to the website of David Walliams, and a WH Auden themed drinking game.
Music: "Not Drunk" by The Joy Drops, "Spooky Theme" by Mystified, and "Ludovico's Technique" by Soularflair.
S1E6 Does Lemony Snicket have a twin brother called Rickety Bucket? Is The Young Ones driving off a cliff a comic ending? Has a radio DJ Me Too'd an Ear Read This presenter? All this and more.
Music: "Not Drunk" by The Joy Drops
S1E5 The Comedy of Errors, Shakespeare's shortest play, is discussed by Ash and guest co-host Ash. Discover the original sources for this twin-centric farce, how Shakespeare acoustically expresses theme through his verse, and find time for a little existential crisis too.
Music: "Not Drunk" by The Joy Drops
S1E4 A game of Shrew or False, a discussion about ambergris, spontaneous Tesco observations, tampered with Shakespeare readings, and a famous face-off. All this and more in Ash and Adam's Content Week Special.
Music: "Not Drunk" by The Joy Drops
S1E3 The Taming of the Shrew remains a controversial comedy over four hundred years after it first appeared, thanks to its apparent celebration of patriarchal oppression. Today on Ear Read This, Ash discusses the origin of Shrew-Taming narratives, the traditions of farce and cross-gender acting and what life was like for the real women in Shakespeare's time.
Citations for Works Quoted:
The Taming of the Shrew, The Two Gentleman of Verona, and A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare (Quotes taken from Penguin Shakespeare, 2005-06).
Kidnie, Margaret Jane, 'Introduction', 'The Play in Performance' from The Taming of the Shrew ed. G. R. Hibbard (Penguin 2006).
Tillyard, E. M. W., Shakespeare’s Early Comedies (1965).
Harbage, A., Conceptions of Shakespeare (1966).
Burgess, Anthony, Shakespeare (1970).
Kiernan, Victor, Shakespeare: Poet and Citizen (1993).
The majority of critical quotations for this episode are taken from The Taming of the Shrew: Critical Essays edited by Dana E. Aspinall (Routledge, 2002). The individual essays/extracts and their authors collected in the volume which I quote from are:
Aspinall, Dana E., 'The Play and the Critics' (2002)
Quiller-Couch, Arthur, from his Introduction to The Taming of the Shrew (1928)
Heilman, Robert B. 'The Taming Untamed, or, The Return of the Shrew' (Modern Language Quarterly, 1966)
Coghill, Neville, 'The Basis of Shakespearean Comedy' (1950)
Wilson, Edwin, Shaw on Shakespeare (1961) Roberts, Jean Addison, 'Horses and Hermaphrodites: Metamorphoses in Taming of the Shrew' (Shakespeare Quarterly, 1983)
Daniell, David, ‘The Good Marriage of Katherine and Petruchio’ (Shakespeare Survey, 1984)
Bradbrook, M.C., 'Dramatic Role as Social Image: A Study of The Taming of the Shrew' (1958)
Burns, Margie, 'The Ending of The Shrew' (1986)
Mikesell, Margaret Lael, '"Love Wrought These Miracles": Marriage and Genre in The Taming of the Shrew' (1989)
Boose, Lynda E. 'Scolding Brides and Bridling Scolds: Taming the Woman's Unruly Member' (1991)
Underdown, David, 'The Taming of the Scold: The Enforcement of Patriarchal Authority in Early Modern England' (1985)
Stallybrass, Peter, 'Reading the Body: The Revenger's Tragedy and the Jacobean Theater of Consumption' (1987)
Greer, Germaine, The Female Eunuch (1970)
Van Doren, Mark, Shakespeare (1939)
Mack, Maynard, 'Engagement and Detachment in Shakespeare's Plays' (1962)
Billington, Michael (The Guardian, 1987)
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Music: "Not Drunk" by The Joy Drops
S1E2 With thanks to Mark Wahlberg. In the first Friday "books down" episode, Ash and Adam discuss James Hilton's Lost Horizon, the burden of fame, watching 950 heads explode and an invigorating new celebrity workout schedule. Inspire to be better. Get after it.
Music: "Not Drunk" by The Joy Drops
S1E1 The Two Gentlemen of Verona is possibly the first play by William Shakespeare. Possibly. Today on Ear Read This, join Ash as he discusses the date of its composition, and argues with E. M. W. Tillyard and a rambunctious Dr. Johnson.
Music: "Not Drunk" by The Joy Drops
Works cited. The Two Gentleman of Verona, As You Like It and Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare (Penguin, 2005).
Tillyard, E. M. W., Shakespeare’s Early Comedies (1965).
Arthos, John, Shakespeare: The Early Writings (1972).
Quiller-Couch, Arthur, ed, The Two Gentlemen of Verona (2010).
The majority of critical quotations are taken from Two Gentleman of Verona: Critical Essays edited by June Schlueter (Routledge, 1996). The individual essays and authors collected within the volume, and those referenced by Schlueter are listed below.
Pope, Alexander, ed. The Works of Mr. William Shakespeare (1723-25)
Small, S. Asa, ‘The Ending of The Two Gentlemen of Verona’ (1933)
Theobald, Lewis, ed. The Works of William Shakespeare in Seven Volumes (1733)
Asimov, Isaac, Asimov’s Guide to Shakespeare (1970)
Upton, John, Critical Observations on Shakespeare (1746)
Johnson, Samuel, ed. The Plays of William Shakespeare (1765)
Sargent, Ralph M., ‘Sir Thomas Elyot and the Integrity of The Two Gentlemen of Verona’ (1950)
Bullough, Geoffrey, Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare (1957)
Hazlitt, William, Character of Shakespear’s Plays (1817)
Brooks, Harold F., ‘Two Clowns in a Comedy (To Say Nothing of the Dog): Speed, Launce (and Crab) in The Two Gentlemen of Verona’ (1963)
Campbell, Kathleen, ‘Shakespeare’s Actors as Collaborators: Will Kempe and The Two Gentlemen of Verona’ (1996)
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, A Study of Shakespeare (1880)
Kiefer, Frederick, ‘Love Letters in The Two Gentlemen of Verona’ (1986)
Perry, Thomas A., ‘Proteus, Wry-Transformed Traveller’ (1954)
Ewbank, Inga-Stina, ‘”Were Man But Constant, He Were Perfect”: Constancy and Consistency in The Two Gentlemen of Verona’ (1972)
Lusardi, James P., Review of Young Company Production of TGOV, first published in Shakespeare Bulletin, November 1984 Charlton, H. B., Essays and Studies (1963)
Haight, Gordon S., George Eliot: A Biography (1968)
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