If you haven’t heard the very first episode of Ear Snacks, our friend Maeve from Madison, WI super-duper loves it. So she's sharing about it here – AND we're talking about one of Polly’s favorite fruit books: Grapefruit by Yoko Ono.
In this episode, you'll hear Polly read:
- PAINTING FOR THE WIND (1961, summer)
- PAINTING TO SEE THE ROOM (1961, autumn)
So - what's your kiddo's favorite episode of Ear Snacks? We'd love them to introduce it - Here are the details of how to participate:
Interview: Your Favorite Ear Snacks Moment!
Please record kids’ answers via voice memo, give them time to answer, skip/expand on these questions as needed, and don’t forget -- have fun! E-mail recordings to [email protected]
- Say: Hi, Andrew & Polly and Ear Snacks Listeners!
- Who are you?
- (What's your first name? How old are you? Where do you live? For this one, it's especially helpful if they answer in full sentences - "My name is ______ or I am _______.")
- When and where do you listen to Ear Snacks? Who do you listen with?
- What's your favorite episode of Ear Snacks?
- What's your favorite thing that has happened on Ear Snacks?
- Why do you like to listen to that part so much?
- Have you ever been inspired to explore something, make something or have a family joke or something you say to each other because of something on Ear Snacks? What is it?
- Anything else you want to share with Andrew & Polly?
- What do you call kids who listen to Ear Snacks? (Ear Snackers? Ear Snacks friends? Ear Snacks people?)
- Tell us to play your favorite part in your own words, or say one of these:
- - Cue the tape!
- - Will you play it now?
- - Let's listen to it! I love this part!
- - Let's just play it already!
- - Remember that time on Ear Snacks when...
- Say: Bye, Andrew & Polly!
E-mail your voice memo to [email protected]