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Early Accountability

EAP 100: Be Intentional in 2020 - 5 Non-Cliche Resolutions to Implement NOW!

14 min • 24 december 2019
As you prepare for the new year to begin and you feel the inevitable pressure to come up with some new year’s resolutions, consider taking your resolutions in a different direction. This episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is all about living intentionally and choosing the activities or experiences you pursue. In fact, Kimi encourages you to prioritize activities or experiences that fall into these categories: 1.Something that makes you feel productive – This is not busy work, but rather a choice to streamline the way you do things. This could mean outsourcing, delegating, eliminating, brainstorming, planning, time blocking, or anything else that will help you get more done in a simpler manner. 2.Something that makes you feel at peace – Oftentimes, when we have just done something that makes us feel productive, we have a sense of relief that can make us feel at peace. But being productive is not always a prerequisite for peace. You can find peace in moments of rest and reflection, doing something that makes the rest of the world fade away if even for a few minutes. This could be going to a Bible study, meditating, exercising, meeting with your accountability group, or just unplugging. 3.Something that you are passionate about – Find something that makes you feel fulfilled and aligned with your purpose. This is likely something that you tangibly enjoy and would do for free – even if you are getting paid to do it. 4.Something that makes you feel scared or uneasy – As we often talk about on the show, doing things that make you feel uncomfortable is essential to your growth, so unless you want to remain exactly as you are from now on, you should commit to doing something that will challenge you. 5.Something that makes you feel encouraged – Get plugged into a group of people who encourage you to be content with what you have, to work hard for what you want, and to be grateful in all circumstances. This kind of accountability and support will help you overcome difficulties and appreciate the joy and goodness that are available to you. As you think through these activities, know that some things can fall into multiple categories, so it is not important to check off each box like just another to-do list, but the goal is to prioritize what is important and what will help you grow in the new year. Topics Covered in this Episode: •New Year’s Resolutions •Starting 2020 with a new perspective •Prioritizing what is important •Choosing what you pursue Connect with Kimi:
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