Welcome to the 2-year anniversary episode of the Early Accountability Podcast! Whether you have been listening since the beginning or you just discovered the show, thank you so much for your support and for being here with us! We have had so many great guests over the past 2 years and we look forward to what this next year will bring for the podcast.
At this natural time of reflection, Kimi wants to share with listeners the big 4 things that she has learned during the past year of the podcast. She did the same last year at this time, so be sure to check out Episode 53 if you want to hear her insights from Year 1.
1.Sometimes, you will get hurt – It could be acquaintances or even the people who you trust the most, but there will be times when people hurt you. This doesn’t mean you should walk around skeptical of everyone around you or expecting them to do hurtful things, but it is healthy to recognize that it could happen. In this case, do your best to accept the pain and push past it with grace and dignity. You can’t choose how people will treat you, but you can choose how you respond.
2.It’s ok to stand alone – While the first year of the Early Accountability Podcast was mainly filled with guest interviews, this year Kimi really stepped out of her comfort zone and found her voice through solo episodes. In doing this, she feels better equipped to interview guests on the show as well as bring her own message to the podcast on episodes with no guest. This was a great opportunity for Kimi to believe in herself and manifest the greatness within.
3.Consistency is king – While content might get your foot in the door, consistency is what will build an audience. Many people jump into new endeavors like podcasting just to lose steam and eventually give up. This does not have to be the way it goes. Focus on your messaging and getting it out there consistently, removing any excuses by not giving yourself the choice of not putting yourself out there. Consistent actions lead to consistent results, and that is what we all want, right?
4.Pay it forward – Kimi has learned that a great way to further ignite her passion for the show is to sow into others who are also interested in podcasting. She has been coaching 3 of her former podcast guests through the process of launching their own podcasts, which will be introduced on the show next week. She feels a sense of responsibility to pass along what she has learned, which is a great model for many of life’s opportunities.
Topics Covered in this Episode:
•Reflecting on the past 2 years
•Lessons learned
•Sow into others
•Keep moving despite obstacles
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