Welcome to the next episode of the Early Accountability Podcast! On this episode, Kimi talks about the best ways to capitalize on free time, whether expected or unexpected, and optimize your productivity. Whether a meeting gets cancelled or you are given an extra day (Leap Day) or you have blocked out some time for yourself, there are ways to make the most of that time and not just waste it binging a show or scrolling through social media.
The best way to guarantee that this free time will be productive is to make a list of things that are not time-sensitive but that you want to prioritize. If you want to take an online course, clean out your shed, take up a hobby, connect with an old friend, or check out that new museum or restaurant in your area, you are more likely to do so if you have written it down on your list. Perhaps these are things you have been putting off “until the right time” but the right time never comes because you aren’t in a mindset of looking for productive things to do when you are given an extra 20 minutes, hour, or day. You will likely find that inserting these tasks and activities into your schedule will add balance to your life and give you just enough of a break from the mundane to spark your creativity and get you excited about your goals.
Your challenge after listening to this episode is to make a list of 20 things to do in 2020 when you have extra time.
Topics Covered in this Episode:
•Being wise with your time
•Planning for success
•What to do with extra time
•Leap Day
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