Our guest on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is Melissa Calixte. Melissa has gone through quite a journey to arrive in Atlanta working with the homeless population, but she would be the first to tell you that God has guided her every step of the way and provided for her in every area of her life. After going through a season of inconsistent employment in the Tallahassee area, Melissa felt led to move to Atlanta. Melissa faced significant hardship there, including a 2.5 year stint of homelessness and sleeping in her car and the loss of support from some of her family and friends who didn’t understand why she was staying in Atlanta during such hard times. But she persevered because she knew that God had led her to Atlanta.
Through all of her struggles, Melissa kept a journal of the specific things she was praying for, and now she can go back and read all of the ways that God came through for her. She is grateful and thankful for every day and for the opportunities that come her way, including this opportunity to work with the homeless population with the respect and dignity of someone who has been in their shoes. The lessons that Melissa has learned and is still learning are to be generous with what you have, to reflect on the past and move on, and to embrace the journey.