With everything going on in the world, many workforces still being remote, and most school systems being virtual, it is easy to just be in survival mode, getting everything done but not really being “there.” On this episode of the Early Accountability podcast, Kimi discusses this mental fog that many of us are feeling that could be affecting our productivity, physical health, mental health, and our interactions with those around us. Here are Kimi’s tips for having mental clarity:
1.Watch what you consume – It is tempting to just eat what is easiest or most comforting when everything else seems to be out of control, but it is important that you try to eat and drink more healthy foods during this time.
2.Watch the energy you expend – Do your best to integrate exercise into your day, or at the very least get outside for some fresh air and a change of scenery.
3.Take time to rest – Set aside at least 10 minutes a day where you are able to relax without any screens or expectations. Your brain needs down time to process everything that is going on, and a good way to accomplish this could be through meditation or guided relaxation using an app.
4.Know your stress triggers – These triggers consistently escalate your emotions and you likely can think of a couple off the top of your head. Do what you can to decrease or eliminate those triggers, perhaps trading them for moments of pause as mentioned above. You have the power to control how you react to these triggers; they do not have the power over you.
Topics Covered in this Episode:
•New normal
•Mental fog
•Mental clarity
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