The topic of this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is stepping out on faith. Whether you are religious or not, you have likely encountered a time in your life when you could choose to stay where you are or step out in faith that something bigger is ahead. By choosing to get out of your comfort zone and entrust the results to a higher power, you have to potential to achieve great goals. Here are a few of Kimi’s tips for stepping out on faith:
1. Learn to face fear – While you might still have questions and insecurities about the end result, facing your fears will build character and open up your potential for achieving great things.
2. Acknowledge unsettling feelings – Starting something new or committing to stop a habit is uncomfortable, and admitting that to yourself will make it seem less scary or unnatural.
3. Trust that there is good out there – Perhaps you have asked yourself “Is this really all there is?” The answer is no, there are bigger and better things in store for those who step out on faith.
4. Remember that you deserve good – Sure, you believe that other people deserve for good things to happen to them, but what about you? It is ok to be discontent with your current circumstances and want better things to happen. Believe that you deserve good and affirm those beliefs often.
5. Know that there will be challenges – Nothing good comes easily, so expect challenges and don’t be discouraged.
6. Affirm that you are equipped to handle those challenges – Recognize that all of your previous challenges have prepared you for the ones ahead, so accept them when they come and be confident that you can overcome.
Topics Covered in this Episode:
• Stepping out on faith
• Accepting challenges
• Achieving your goals
• Reaching for more
• Trusting the process