Joining us on this episode of the Early Accountability podcast is Leonardo Cavalli: an actor, singer, author, motivational speaker, and love and life coach based in New York City. Much of Leonardo’s wisdom comes from the lessons he learned from his marriage at the age of 23 that ended in divorce the next year. This is the subject of his book, entitled 24 and Divorced, as well as the album that he wrote to accompany the book, entitled Wounded, and through his motivational speaking and love coaching, he hopes to equip people with the tools they need to make their love last.
His advice to people at the beginning of a relationship is to make sure to carve out some time to yourself, to really think about and become established in your goals, your love language, and your core values and then as the relationship progresses, to make sure that you are staying true to yourself. If you find yourself being pushed to depart from your core values or leave everything else in life that you love or enjoy to meet the other person’s expectations, you are headed down the path to destruction, and you should take a step back to refocus. As the relationship progresses, it is a good idea to seek mentorship and counsel together and separately so that when issues arise, you have a plan for conflict management.
Leonardo’s divorce at a young age led him into a time of depression, from which he was able to emerge by focusing on establishing value in himself, being consistent in his daily life, and practicing gratitude for the little and big things that were happening. He encourages anyone struggling through a tough time to just keep going with hope that tomorrow will be a better day.
Topics Covered in this Episode:
-Finding love and making it last
-Red flags in a relationship
-You are valuable even if you don’t have “valuables”
-How loving yourself and being grateful can change your outlook on life