On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, we are joined by Kimberly Williams, an entrepreneur and network marketer through Beauty Counter. Kim was in the midst of a career in the corporate world when she found out that her mother was battling an auto-immune disorder. This gave her a new outlook on her life, making her realize that she wanted to be doing something that mattered to her, such as providing safer beauty products to her clients, since there are almost no regulations for the ingredients used in the beauty industry, and some products have been proven to have harmful effects. Her corporate experience in sales and marketing prepared her for the digital communications and personal selling that she currently does at Beauty Counter, and it has provided her family with the flexibility to become closer together and more financially stable. At first, Kim was working her full-time corporate job and doing Beauty Counter on the side, but when she built up a client base, she and her husband decided that they were financially prepared for her to pursue Beauty Counter full-time. She followed her heart and then created a specific plan for making the transition, reaching out to others who had made similar transitions along the way. Kim’s father always told her that “anything worth having is worth working for”, and this is a mantra that she still lives by every day.
Topics Covered in this Episode:
-How to know when it is time to take the leap to make your side hustle full-time
-Pursuing your passion daily
-Staying true to your convictions and believing that it will pay off