Our guest on this episode of the Early Accountability podcast with Kimi Walker is Vanessa, a motivational speaker and author focused on lifestyle and personal development. Vanessa’s mother worked hard to ensure that Vanessa had a good childhood and received a quality education. However, Vanessa still had significant adversity to overcome in her formative years, including the feeling of abandonment by her father as well as enduring multiple years of sexual abuse. Losing her son, Kamden, after a short 9 months in this world taught her incredible courage, as she had a front-row seat to the joy and heartbreak of watching his life begin and end.
The practices of overcoming obstacles and applying positivity deeply impacted her in this time and eventually became the subject of the book that she is in the process of writing. Through her YouTube videos and social media posts, she encourages her followers to connect with their own souls, in whatever method works best for them, and use their found power to decide where to go after experiencing a loss or obstacle.
For more information on Vanessa visit earlyaccountability.com