Aisha Moore, health educator and founder of Self-Care by Aisha, is our guest on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, and she had several gems to share with listeners about stress management and erasing chaos in their lives.
Aisha’s commitment to helping women recognize the signs of burnout and combatting stress originated from her own experience with burnout several years ago. At that time, she was exhibiting many of the physical signs of overwork and overstress that lead to burnout, but she did not recognize that anything was going on until she had what she later realized was a panic attack. She was able to take some time off of work to focus on her mental and physical wellbeing, and she comprehended that other women were struggling with burnout without their knowledge and they could use her help.
Aisha shares that some of the initial signs of burnout are not things that most people would think about: chaos and lack of order in your daily life (things such as losing your car keys or running out of gas in your car) and having a messy living situation (constantly having a mountain of dirty laundry or dishes). If you do not have time to keep these basic life elements organized and taken care of, this is a sign that you have too much on your plate, and more important things are likely falling through the cracks as well.
The first steps to getting order back in your life are doing a self-care and energy audit to determine what elements of your daily life are depositing energy and withdrawing energy from you, and what your overall balance looks like. Once you have an accurate picture of how the things you are doing are affecting you, you can take active steps to regain some of your balance by letting go of things that are draining you and picking up more of the activities that fill you up.
Many people assume that “self-care” just means getting manicures and massages, but the root of self-care is making yourself a priority and investing in your foundation. Having a handle on your schedule and commitments will help you personally and professionally, solving or reducing the problems that have been piling up. Honestly evaluate how you are doing and only commit to what you have energy to do.
Aisha has a lot of resources on her website to help you in this journey towards self-care, including a free self-care plan workbook, and she also provides group and individual coaching, in person and online. Be sure to check out her website for more information.
Topics Covered in this Episode:
•Maintaining your energy bank’s deposits and withdrawals
•Avoiding burnout
•Warning signs of burnout
Free Self-care Template: