Having the courage to let go is not an easy thing to do, but sometimes it is exactly what you need to do in order to move forward and start new things. On this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast, Kimi describes the 3 lies that you need to let go of:
1.Lies society has told you – Perhaps it seems like everyone else has it together and has figured out the magic formula for the perfect home life and perfect work life. Maybe you think that your life would be perfect if you could just get married, start a family, land your dream job, or be able to stay home with your kids. To take it a step further, you don’t feel like you are good enough because of the expectations that the world has for people to look a certain way. Try to diffuse your media exposure and look at the lives of others through a different lens, recognizing that they are also human.
2.Lies others have told you – Well-meaning friends and family members have likely said something hurtful to you and it could be holding you back. Recognize that they might not have meant it the way you heard it, and if they did, take it with a grain of salt and speak the truth to yourself. Their fears or desires don’t have to be yours, so use discernment and try to take the genuine and constructive pieces of their comments to heart.
3.Lies you have told yourself – You might find that you have created mental patterns or barriers for yourself that are keeping you from reaching your potential. Take a step back and identify this negativity and instead affirm the truth about the situation to yourself even before you believe it. You put your energy into what is important to you, so focus on making it more positive energy and less negative.
Topics Covered in this Episode:
•Mindset shifts
•Making space for new things
•Letting go
•Don’t believe the lies