Our guest on this episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is Kina Fields, a massage therapist, trainer, and artist. Kina has struggled with anxiety and depression since childhood, but only in the past couple of years began seeking help for the resulting addictions and mental health issues, and she is here to tell us more about the role that art played in her journey as well as provide some needed advice to listeners who might also be struggling.
After battling alcohol and drug addiction in an attempt to self-medicate the anxiety that took over her life and surviving multiple suicide attempts, Kina sought help through a group therapy program. In combination with her self-expression through her art, this therapy program has put her back on solid footing and given her the perspective that she desperately needed to realize that depression is real, but no one is alone in their struggle. She also encourages listeners to think about everyone in their lives who need them and the positive change that only they can bring to the world by making the best version of themselves the priority of their daily life. Kina has found freedom in creating her art and she hopes that any listeners in Atlanta can come out to her art show on March 16-17th.
Topics Covered in this Episode:
-How Kina uses art in her battle with depression and anxiety
-Kina’s advice to others struggling with addiction or their mental health
-How to react if you relapse into your old ways